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Help with Audiogram6 Install?

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I have an Audiogram6 (AG6)and would like to install it to my laptop, but my laptop does not have a CD player. I would like to know how can I install the disk (Cubase AI4) that came with the AG6 into my laptop?

Posted : 15/11/2021 7:27 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I have an Audiogram6 (AG6)and would like to install it to my laptop, but my laptop does not have a CD player. I would like to know how can I install the disk (Cubase AI4) that came with the AG6 into my laptop?

Hi M,

First let’s clarify which product you actually own.

The AUDIOGRAM 6 (2008) and then in (2015) the AG06… These are two different products.

The Audiogram6 came with a DVD-ROM (as was done back in 2008) with the current version of Cubase AI at that time.

The AG06, still a current and extremely HOT product, comes with an Access Code (a card included with the product) that allows you a special download of the current version of Cubase AI (11). Once you get the Access Code, you can register for a MySteinberg Account, and you are then emailed an Authorization Code which authorizes your computer to run Cubase AI… If your computer gets old and you buy a new one or if it crashes and dies, your authorization can be reinstated quickly and easily via your MySteinberg Account.

The AG06 is the updated version of the AUDIOGRAM 6. The AG06 features a special “loopback” capability designed specifically for those doing web and podcasting. (A feature that in 2008 was not even available on any interface/mixer of this size/type).

Likely you have the AudioGram 6 (not the AG06), since yours came with DVD-ROM (by the way, Cubase AI4 is by now “non-compliant” — a computer term when the current day computer hardware may no longer run the application. There have been so many changes in computer OS since the Cubase Series 4 software, it will likely no longer run properly on new computer hardware and Operating Systems. Forget about trying to install Cubase AI4 (not the way you want to go, trust me).

What you can try
Contact your regional Yamaha distributor… Explain your situation; they may be able to get you an Access Code so you can try out the latest version of Cubase AI. Cubase is up to series 11 now. Cubase AI is the entry level version of Steinberg’s Music Production DAW software. You’ll want to see if your regional office can hook you up with an Access Code (there is no harm in asking - even though, technically speaking you were provided the proper item for your purchase — Why Yamaha may still be interested in helping you: the purpose of the entry level freebie is still applicable. Yamaha and Steinberg would like to introduce you to world of computer-based recording… if you think Cubase AI (the light version) is cool, you may ultimately upgrade to Cubase Pro. …if they can I’m fairly sure they will accommodate you. Again, no harm in asking.

By the way…
CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs have not been included with products for almost a decade now… they tended to be obsoleted too quickly… the software can be downloaded from the Internet (ensuring the latest version is available) and they can email you the Authorization (you can understand how this is more efficient and reduces costs tremendously)

Posted : 15/11/2021 11:30 am

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