Continuing a discussion from yesterday where Bad Mister was kind enough to reach out and encourage me to post a few screenshots about the challenges I am facing when trying to import a song previously recorded into the integrated sequencer of my MOTIF XS over to my newly purchased Cubase 7.5. My keyboard, Cubase, Motif XS VST and all FW drivers are all updated to the latest version available. During the process, I've been trying my best to follow the workflows under https://yamahasynth.com/resources/item/410-getting-started-with-editor-vst-and-firewire-connectivity and under https://yamahasynth.com/resources/item/415-motif-xs-song-import. My current song has a few midi tracks, including a few w/user voices from the XSpanded voices series, as well as three audio tracks recorded directly into the integrated sequencer of the Motif XS.
The three problems I am encountering are as follows:
1) After I've imported the song into cubase w/the Import Motif XS Song function and I've imported the mix/voices into the VST from the same X0A file, the VST Editor's AUTO SYNC window appears and I select to send the CURRENT MIX and the VOICE data from the COMPUTER => the Motif XS, I get a time-out error every single time (interestingly when I try to do this the other way around, from the Motif to the computer it works just fine for the same voices, etc!). See attached screenshot 1 (8:51:07) & 2 (8:51:21) ... the synchronization goes through global and current successfully and then gets stuck when it comes to Voices. Screenshot 1 shows it running and getting to voices and the other one shows the error message a few seconds later. Note that while AUTO START is on off in these screenshots, I did have it 'ON' before as per the workflows but it made no difference and so I switched it off so it doesn't keep coming up every few seconds.
The second way i tried to solve this is to do a bulk transfer from the computer to the MOTIF XS. This too, always leads to an error message. Please see screenshots 3 (8:51:58) and 4 (8:52:13). Again, it runs through 'Current', and then gives an error "Connection is not established" when it gets to sending user Normal User 1. Interestingly, I've tried to just send user drums through this process by only selecting that box prior to initiating the transfer, and that went through fine... the Yamaha Oak kit that's in my sound suddenly made a sound out of the Motif! But if I just select Normal User 1, it gets stuck. I haven't tried Normal 2 or 3 yet individually.
I hope this is sufficient information for a start to resolve this but happy to provide anything else if needed.
2) The second challenge is that out of my three audio tracks (Tracks 14, 15, 16), two (15 and 16) show up in Cubase as Midi tracks and one shows up as an Audio track (14... pls ignore the vocal tracks that show up in b/w 14 and 15 in Cubase... those have been added by variaudio in Cubase and are not in the Motif... all these problems existed before adding these tracks in Cubase just for reference). This can be seen in the background of each of the prior screenshots in Cubase. I am also attaching 5 images (Photo 1-5) from the screen of the Motif XS which hopefully may help answering this. Once I did hit edit on all three tracks individually, I do see that 14 looks to have a different first event, although all three seem like audio on the "Trackview' screen. I did record these about 2 yrs ago, so I cannot swear on this, but I think I recorded all three the exact same way (one is guitar, the other one is bass, and track 14 is vocals). I have a feeling this may be an easier one to answer...
3) This is not a big problem, but initially, when I was trying to open the Mix/Voices from my XOA file, it would crash the MOTIF VST and Cubase with it every single time, it would happen after I double-clicked on the XOA file, prior to bringing up the individual song names from the XOA file. My XOA file was 1GB in size. I did same a much smaller XOA file after a few days to try it with that and with the smaller file, this is now working fine. I thought I'd report this too though... as I am sure this isn't supposed to happen for any size XOA files.
That's it for now - interested in finding a solution for these and glad to provide any more details!
Welcome to Yamaha Synth! We are still shaking out the site - but we are ready and willing to tackle any issue.
Let's take one issue at a time and see if we can resolve each or perhaps the others will resolve themselves when you step through the first issue. We see an issue with getting the Motif XS Editor VST involved in the routing in Cubase - the article linked below will provide more information on how this routing needs to be accomplished (even though it is written for the XF, and not the XS). There still remains a problem if you are getting a "TIME OUT ERROR" - this usually indicates a break in communication somewhere or an illogical situation where some things do not add up.
1) After I've imported the song into cubase w/the Import Motif XS Song function and I've imported the mix/voices into the VST from the same X0A file, the VST Editor's AUTO SYNC window appears and I select to send the CURRENT MIX and the VOICE data from the COMPUTER => the Motif XS, I get a time-out error every single time (interestingly when I try to do this the other way around, from the Motif to the computer it works just fine for the same voices, etc!).
There is a communication problem between the MIDI OUT of the computer going back to the Motif XS. It could be simple or more devious. If this were connected with regular 5-pin MIDI cables you would immediately know which cable to replace. We need to double check the connection path from the computer going toward the Motif XS.
But just so you know: When using the "Import Motif XS Song" function you could make an argument about setting the GLOBAL and the CURRENT options "PC > Motif XS" - because we are reading data in the FILE and making it part of the data that will be associated with this Cubase Project. You want to document these settings with the Cubase .CPR File.
But you do not necessarily need to send the all USER VOICES from the File to your Motif XS hardware for this particular operation. If you think about it... The Voices are the same as what is currently in the internal banks. You'd be waiting for the Voices to reload (unnecessarily). Perhaps you want to store any and all relevant User Edited data with the Project - this is where MIXING VOICES are very valuable. You hardly need to duplicate all 512 USER Voices and 32 Kits with every Project... although you could. From a practical standpoint moving that many Voices back and forth every time you need to synchronize is time consuming and can be handled more efficiently.
What you might want to do, if anything, would be to move specific USER Banks from the HARDWARE (XS) into the EDITOR (PC)... Since you are Importing the Motif XS into the world of the computer (the data will be backed up when you SAVE your Cubase Project File (.CPR)... and for this purpose the BULK > DATA SYNC option found on the Editor VST's Menu Bar is far more convenient, specific and therefore, economical. As the article mentions, you might want to store a specific USER Bank of 128 plus, of course, the USER DRUM Bank if you have edited a Kit. (But rarely do you ever need to back up all 512 USER VOICES with each and every Project).
When you are ready, you can have the MediaBay/Sound Browser organize your Voices as individual VST PRESETS or in sets of 16 Voices associated with a Song title. So there is not really any reason to back up your entire internal Library unless you absolutely want to.
Either way, though... there is some communication error because even if it is NOT something you want/need to do (in this use-case); it is something you will want to do at some point: Communicate bi-directionally between the hardware and software. And a TIME OUT ERROR means there is a break in communication or a bit of illogical information that is causing a hang-up.
I'm thinking it is either a setting or that the Motif XS Extension is not performing correctly due to a possible bit of orphaned information. We can help you troubleshoot this issue.
The Routing issue we can see from your Screenshots
Each IMPORTED Motif XS MIDI track needs to be routed OUT through the Motif XS VST - we can see from your very first screen shot that your MIDI tracks are not assigned to traverse the Motif XS VST (the Editor graphic user interface). This is critical for proper bi-directional communication between your Hardware (XS) and the computer-based Editor VST.
Instead of the Cubase MIDI Tracks going directly to the XS hardware (Motif XS Main), you will reroute them through the EDITOR VST's MIDI In, first - then when audio is generated by the XS in response to these MIDI Tracks, the XS hardware will return audio back through the EDITOR VST; which, in turn, routes the RETURNING Audio to the VST INSTRUMENT's "Motif XS VST" audio lane.
I no longer have a Motif XS setup in my studio - but the theory of operation, routing and all the settings should be exactly the same as for the Motif XF. We just checked and verified every step for doing this very thing with the Motif XF. If you don't mind, please go through this updated article, step-by-step and see if it sorts out the Import Motif SONG function and rerouting the MIDI Tracks to the Motif Editor VST.
You simply have to substitute "XS" for "XF" - I hope to get my hands on an XS by Monday to verify (I simply have never had an XS hooked up to Cubase 7.5 with the newer version of the Editor VST). Meantime, see if you can use the XF article to setup your XS. If you still get errors - let us know - at which stage things deviate.
Article on Motif XF SONG Import using the Editor VST
Question 2:
I may require a bit more information or perhaps I'm not really clear on how you went about recording (sampling) the audio to the Motif XS. As you can see in the article on the XF Song Import - there are two audio tracks that get imported directly to two AUDIO Tracks in Cubase.
In your scenario, are we dealing with multiple audio recordings on a single Track? e.g., Are there multiple samples in each Waveform? Are we dealing with Sliced Waveforms?
Cubase has a feature were you can "stack" audio samples; which would have the effect that only the one on the top of the stack will sound. Useful for when there are multiple takes from a single source - not sure if you have somehow "stacked" the audio. If they are stacked then... Try dragging the track data down and drop it in the track area - to create a new audio track.
Also do you see the same "IMPORT OPTIONS" as in the article when attempting to use the XS Import routine. For example, do you see "AUDIO" listed under the TYPE and do you see an option to "IMPORT ALL MEDIA FILES"?
Let us know, I may not be able to try this on an actual XS probably until Monday. I am well aware that the Motif XS Extension may be different (and it is possible that it does not behave like the XF) and that the available options may be completely or slightly different. It is just that the current Cubase 7.5 and the legacy Motif XS, I've never had them active at the same moment. And I've been around this stuff long enough to know that often what "should work" - doesn't always work exactly as expected, particularly when there is bit of time between the involved items (four years in this case). There was a major change in the Editor with version 1.6.0 and later - and although it should work in theory, we'll see if in fact we can make it happen.
I think you should be able to follow the steps in the article and see where things go awry. Let us know. It will give me a clue as to what might be different in the implementation of the XS Song Import routine.
Question 3: This might be causing the illogical error that Time's Out the communication. If you have improperly deleted Samples from a MIXING VOICE - this has in the past caused issues. In other words, we may have to have you check your MIX VOICES for unassigned or orphaned Waveforms. But as I stated earlier - let's start with question 1 and see if that has any impact.
Let us know.
Thanks for the detailed response, Bad Mister. I've followed the guidance from the article you attached and unfortunately I am still getting the same time-out error on the first problem. I think the two things I am doing differently based on this vs what I've tried before is 1) the routing of the midi channels to the VSTi Midi In, and 2) I did do a bulk voice transfer from the Motif to the computer ... so far neither of these actions has made a difference to either of the problems, I still cannot achieve total recall when I turn everything off and then back on again.
I haven't yet had a chance to try your other recommendation which is to convert the voices in my song to mix voices prior to importing but will certainly do so: I do not think I've done this before and if I could ask you to please direct me towards the best description as to how to do this that would be great... I vaguely remember seeing documents about this from years ago but just wanted to make sure I am referencing the latest most updated guidance.
Your points and questions however made me think of a few more things which may provide a clue as to what may not be working here. First, you referenced cables and also the fact that there is a 4 year gap here b/w hardware and software. So one question that comes up is that given that I am working on a new (2013) iMac, which no longer has a FW input (this is the same for all recent iMacs and most MacBook Pros), I am having a FW 6 pin to 9 pin cable out of the Motif XS, that is then connected to the iMac's Thunderbolt port via the official FW to Thunderbolt converter cable from Apple. I am wondering if this might be part of the problem (although I am not sure if there is an alternative as to how to connect them... I would thing FW to USB is not a working solution). And all other operations b/w Cubase and the Motif do work in this set up for me.
On the second question, you asked about how it was recorded and I realized late last night, that the difference b/w the vocal track (Track 14 that shows up as Audio in Cubase) and the guitar and bass tracks (15 and 16 that show up as Midi), is that 15-16 were recorded in pattern mode. As I do most of the time, once I'm done w/the various parts of the song (verse, chorus, bridge, etc) in pattern mode, then I used the convert pattern to song option in the Motif XS. Then vocals (Track 14) were added once it was already in song mode. Perhaps that is why my 'Edit Track' screen shots which I've previously posted look different... Track 14 start w/a waveform, while track 15-16 do not. I have a hunch that this information may just be the clue we were looking for to resolve this particular problem? You also asked how things show up in the 'IMPORT OPTIONS' screen in cubase... track 14 shows up as Audio, while tracks 15-16 show up as midi already there. I do have an option to IMPORT ALL MEDIA FILES and I always select that as well so that piece should be fine.
One other question you asked was whether we were dealing with multiple audio recordings on a single Track? e.g., Are there multiple samples in each Waveform? This is only the case for my vocals track, Track 14. It's vocals where I've got some takes that I muted out via turning the volume to 0 in the 'edit track' function of the Motif. Then in the chorus, I also had multiple vocals sounding at the same time (to achieve harmonies)... and to your point, Cubase only made one of the takes sound in Track 14 after the import, which is also a bit of a headache given that I have a hard time identifying the waves based on their names b/w the Motif and what shows up in Cubase (it seems that Cubase comes up w/a different naming convention for them)... as well as a headache do to losing the harmonies in the choruses. I did notice in Cubase that all the various waves are there in Track 14 though, by right-clicking on the piece of audio, it goes give me the option to change b/w the various alternatives, just not sure how to select that one that I liked in the motif as I can't ID them based on the names. I wanted to wait asking a question about this until after we resolve the other problems, not to overcomplicate things further, but you certainly "foresaw" this problem!
I think this is the feedback I can provide so far - thanks for asking all the questions, and hopefully some of these responses are helpful. Appreciate the ongoing help and will be interested to see what you get once you get your hands on a Motif XS.
p.s. of course one difference when following the guidance for the XF vs using the XS is that my user-voices and audio waveforms don't stay in my machine when shutting done and re-booting my Motif XS. For user voices/drums/waves to sound, I would normally have to load them from my USB drive as an X0A file into the Motif XS prior to being able to using them. I believe this is where the XF is better and I am wondering if this is also part of why the software and the Motif XS do not work together?
The use of MIXING VOICES is not a requirement; just a suggestion for a workflow that allows any customized Voices to always remain associated with the current SONG's MIX. If you create a VOICE and store it in the Normal USER Bank, then you must always worry about restoring the USER Bank VOICES whenever you want to recall this Project. The MIXING VOICES are stored with the SONG data in the XS's own file management system - such that even if you load an individual SONG from a Motif XS (ALL data or ALL SONG) file you are assured your custom edited Voices are loaded. So overall MIXING VOICES are convenient/efficient from this standpoint.
What I suggest you try next is to make an ALL data file that backs up your entire current situation (and put it aside so you can return to it later)
Then perform a Factory Set
This will restore all the factory settings and demo songs.
Next, remake the settings for the AUTO LOAD of the IEEE1394 Driver = FW and the MIDI I/O = mLAN:
Set the MIDI IN/OUT = mLAN
Press [STORE] > Reboot the XS
Now make another ALL Data file named "MyFactorySet" (this one will contain your UTILITY mode preferences... For IEEE1394 and MIDI I/O
Now try Importing one of the DEMO SONGS from this file as a test. If it imports and auto synchronizes - this will confirm our suspicion that it is something illogical in the SONG or MIXING data of your original file.
Let us know.
Thunderbolt-to-FW: As to the Thunderbolt connection - there are no (zero) reported issues with the Thunderbolt to FW connection/conversion, period - so we are going to put that in the "slim/none" category of unlikely possible causes (unless we, finally, after all else, cannot find a cause).
...then I used the convert pattern to song option in the Motif XS.
We are not completely sure what this is referring to as there are at least three methods to do this same thing -
Do you mean you:
1) used the PATTERN CHAIN function to CONVERT the Chain to a linear SONG? - or did you...
2) use the SONG Track [JOB] 08: COPY PHRASE? or did you...
It really does not matter which - they all should affectively place the audio Waveform into the SONG and it should properly be imported to Cubase, no matter which you used.
Look in the Cubase PROJECT > POOL > AUDIO Folder .. All imported audio will be seen here.
It sounds like it was as I suspected - the audio was placed on a track and simply placed in a "stacked" configuration... You can simply have Cubase dissolve the stack - placing each bit of audio on its own audio track.
There are several things to check when it comes to converting a Sample Voice from Pattern mode to Song. However, unless something unusual was done the audio should have been imported to Cubase, regardless. It is confusing to us why your Motif XF tracks which have Sample Voices seem also to have MIDI performance notes (tracks 14-15-16). Each seems to have MIDI note events other than the note triggering the audio... This may have no bearing on anything but is curious.
Did you previously have something else on these tracks that you perhaps did not clear before assigning the Sample Voice?
At any rate before we hazard too many guesses, see if importing the Mixing setup from the Factory Set data works (without that dreaded MIDI communication error). That will be our most efficient thing to begin the troubleshooting.
Let us know.
Thanks Bad Mister. I went through the exercise - and the factory set demo song does go through without any problems, with no time-out error! Interestingly enough, this time there was no place on the 'Import Options' screen in Cubase to select the option of importing all media files... not sure why.
I did try and go one step further after that, and loaded the song in question into the Motif on top of the factory set - first loaded the song from the XOA file, and then manually loaded the three individual user voices from the XSpanded set (one user drum and two user voices). The song sounded as it should in the motif with all the audio and user voices correct, so I saved that as a new .XOA file, sort of like a 'MyFactorySet+MySong'. This has resulted in a smaller .X0A file than the ones i've worked with before. Then I moved the USB stick to the computer and followed the process to import the song and then load the mix into the computer... once again, there was no "Import all media files" option on the import screen (?). Then I started the online synchronization of voices to the Motif from the computer... and there was no time-out error either for the first time ever!
This could be a happy ending to my original question one - unfortunately, to my big surprise, when I hit the space key on my computer, my song still sounded the exact same way in cubase as before... i.e. none of the user voices made a single sound. Also, track 15 and 16 didn't trigger any audio either. I also tried a bulk transfer of voices from the computer (after the mix/voices were loaded into the VST from the .XOA file) ... and for the first time, the bulk transfer went through as well. But it made no difference, there is still no sound coming from Cubase for the user tracks and for the two audio tracks (15-16). I am not sure if this is related to suddenly not having an option to put a checkmark to "import all media files" or perhaps something else.
Anyways, wanted to report this progress and see what the next logical steps were to do. To answer your other question, it was option 1 out of the three options you listed as to how I moved the original pattern into a song (i.e. moved from a chain to a linear song).
thanks a lot again!
Well, at least there was some progress.
What we cannot figure out from this end is the following, according to your screenshots
Photo 1.JPG
Photo 2.JPG
Photo 3.JPG
Photo 4.JPG
Photo 5.JPG
We are trying to imagine what is set to playback from the Motif XS sequencer. If you would describe what happens if you were to SOLO Track 14 for example, then if you were to solo Track 15, and finally Track 16, while you play it from the Motif XS sequencer - that would help. According to the screenshot: The User Sample VOICE (063/050/003) track 14 starts at measure 017. It appears some audio clips (Keys) are set to play aloud, others are set to a velocity of 001, (Are these the Waveforms or the Samples you removed?) What exactly is going on with these tracks. Also track 14 has the MSB-LSB-PC that recalls the User Sample Voice... Tracks 15 and 16 do not, why? This may explain why they are not imported properly... When you converted from the CHAIN did you not opt to insert Program Changes? At least it is a clue (at this point)
Obviously we cannot hear your composition, so we somehow feel we are at a disadvantage when this might provide us with a valuable clue to the issue as to why the audio associated is not playing when you attempt to import them into Cubase. We cannot figure out if they are playing when you playback the sequence from the Motif XS ... They might be - but since there is no MSB-LSB-PC perhaps this is how they did not get recognized by the IMPORT function.
Let us know.
Also please look in the Cubase Pool - see if the audio is imported or not.
Let us know.
Let me quickly answer the first part of your question - apologies for not answering this earlier today. For the second question on the Cubase pool, I'll have to do that later once I am in front of my home computer.
All three audio tracks have been recorded w/the SAMPLE + NOTE method (if I correctly recall the name). Starting with the easier ones: Track 15 and 16 have been first recorded in pattern mode and what you see on Photo 4 and 5 are the trigger notes for the various guitar and bass parts. For instance, on Track 15 (which is the bass track), at 001:01:000 the key D1 triggers the bass part being played for the verse part of the song. This repeats 3 more times, until we get to the bridge part of the song, which was recorded under the key D#1 (starting at 033:01:00). Finally, at 041:01:00, the chorus starts and this triggers the third bass guitar part recorded (the one for the chorus), this one under the key E1. And then these three parts repeat as the song goes on for about 3 mins. In pattern mode, the three parts (verse, bridge, chorus) were reported under the same track of the pattern, the pattern was turned into a pattern chain and then, with the convert chain to linear song command was used and as a result of that, this is how these parts show up in the edit screen of the track in song mode. If I were to solo track 15, I would hear the audio of the bass guitar once it's being triggered. So if I start playback from the beginning of the song, I'd hear the bass guitar recorded for the verse of the song playback first. If I started at 002:01:00 though, then I wouldn't hear anything until we reach 009:01:00 and then I would start hearing the audio of the bass guitar recorded for the verse again. Track 16 works the exact same way, this one is the guitar track.
Now, for Track 14, this is the vocals track and as I remember, it was after I was already in Song mode. Vocals for the first verse kick in at 017:01:00... I've recorded three takes and and ended up liking the one recorded under the key C -2, so I am using that for verse 1, while the other two are 'muted'... I've lowered their volume to 001. This is the same as we get to 033:01:00, which is where the bridge starts. At 041:01:00, the chorus starts and as Photo 3 shows, here I muted a few takes but am using two recordings because during the chorus there is a harmony (B6) on top of the lead vocal (D#7). If I were to solo this track, the same exact thing would happen during playback as for Tracks 15-16. When playback gets to the trigger point, the audio of the vocals recorded start to play back... and if you start it somewhere prior to their triggerpoints, then you don't hear anything until you reach the next triggerpoint... e.g. if I start playback at 029:01:00, then there is only silence until I get to 033:01:00, where the vocals for the bridge start.
So in the Motif, these three tracks behave the same exact way when soloed out for playback. For some reason, track 14 start with that PC for the waveform seen in the first row in the edit track screen, while the other two tracks don't have anything like that. And once in Cubase, Track 14 shows as an audio correctly, while Tracks 15-16 show up as midi and don't make a sound until I've loaded my Motif manually from the USB drive from the X0A file.
Hope this answers the question. I will definitely get back to you on the second question later today.
...Tracks 15-16 show up as midi and don't make a sound until I've loaded my Motif manually from the USB drive from the X0A file.
I'm pretty sure this is why the data is not placed on the Tracks in Cubase. As you have noted - when the audio is in the Integrated Sampling Sequencer it is a "sample" - and audio will only be triggered by a MIDI Note-On Event. It will only play as long as the "Duration" as set for that Note-On Event. It is a musical entity (the 'sample'). You cannot start a 'sample' in the middle of the duration, you must set the sequencer to a point where a Note-On Event can "turn on" the audio playback.
However, when this audio is transferred (imported) to Cubase it will no longer be a 'sample', per se, it will be regular audio, written to your computer's hard drive and will be accessible for play from any point within the audio file. No longer will it be triggered by a MIDI Note-On Event. It can be played from the middle or from any point.
The way that the IMPORT function works is it takes the precise Start Point of the audio sample (indicated by the XS's Note-On event) to position the beginning of the audio in Cubase. It knows which audio clip (Waveform) to place where because of the MSB-LSB-PC and Note-On Key that identify which audio to place and when to play it.
Again the lack of this MSB/LSB/PC information may be because you did not have the XS put in the PC information when you CONVERTED these two audio samples from the PATTERN CHAIN. (I will have to verify this but that is my best guess at this point).
I really need you to go into the PROJECT > POOL > AUDIO Folder and identify if the audio was imported or not. This will help determine if the issue is that it just did not place it in the audio track... or if the issue is that the data was not imported at all.
Normally, when transferring data from one sequencer to another (like Cubase), the Bank Select and Program Change (MSB-LSB-PC) information helps that second sequencer know what Program to play. In this case, the IMPORT XS SONG feature uses this Bank Select/Program Change information to identify which bit of sampled audio to put where.
Either way, I believe we have hit upon the mystery of why the audio is not playing back as imported. When you CONVERT a CHAIN to SONG. Next we will need to find the best way to proceed.
Press [CHAIN] to view the PATTERN Chain mode screen
Press [EDIT] to Edit the Chain
Press [SF3] SONG>
Here you can set the data to convert the Chain to a linear SONG, you will see an option for whether the PC information will be inserted (I believe the default is to NOT insert it) - that would be if you were only going to use the Motif XS SONG mode to play it back. You would only place the PC information in the track if you were going to export this sequence data to an external device... (Which is what you will be doing - so you needed to have this information in the TRACK)... This is probably how the MSB-LSB-PC did not get into your track data.
I will need to double check this, but I believe this is the reason your audio data was not placed (positioned) onto the Tracks of Cubase. As I said I will need to test this, but I think this is the cause. In the typical use-case the MSB-LSB-PC information is inserted guaranteeing that the correct User Sample Voice is set to play (the one containing the Waveform and its sampled audio). The IMPORT MOTIF XS SONG feature has to also use this information when converting the XS sample to Cubase Audio file format. It needs to know where to find the audio and which audio goes with which trigger KEY.
Let us know about the Pool and we'll check on what happens when the MSB-LSB-PC are left out. Type at you, later today!
Bad Mister
Thanks a lot again Bad Mister. I've checked the pool and all the audio seems to be there... bass, guitar, and vocals. The vocals have an indicator that shows that they are used, while the others do not. I've made a screenshot to show what things look like right now. I guess this should be good news that they are in there, and perhaps it's indeed the lack of PC being left out that causes the problem.
Still no sound from the user voices either (e.g. Track 1's Yamaha Oak kit), despite of a successful voice synchronization as I mentioned in my post earlier this morning.
I would recommend the following:
Take your ALL Data file (*.X0A) and reload your original session to the Motif XS.
This time we will endeavor to "fix" the data prior to attempting to IMPORT it to Cubase. Get everything so it plays properly from the XS by itself (no Cubase).
Make sure the MSB-LSB-PC info is generated by the Chain-Convert to Song-function.
Because you use a UDR (User Drum Kit) and Voices from the normal USER 1 Bank, you will want to utilize the Editor's BULK > DATA SYNC feature to "Receive" "User 1" and "User Drums" into Cubase.
Now that your XS can synchronize, this will capture your:
Part 1: UDR 001: YAMAHA Oak Kit
Part 3: USR1 008: Natural Aah Choir
Part 6: USR1 044: Bari Sweet
By selecting to import these two Banks Cubase will now have every Voice you used. All the Preset Voices and GM Bank Voices are always going to be in place. Those Normal Voices that you converted to MV (Mixing Voices), like the bass in Part 2 and the brass in Part 4, will automatically be captured and associated with your Project as they are captured and recalled by the AUTO SYNC SETTING's "CURRENT" option. Mix Voices are always associated with Song they are created for...
But as mentioned before, if you use USER bank Voices, while they are captured by your ALL data file, you must restore User Voice Banks with the Voice data you used. Imagine always that you want to be able to restore your Project to any Motif XS. Say the target is a brand new Motif XS, not your own, say it has a different set of User Voices resident in its internal Banks. This is why the "Import Motif XS Song" feature is built around an ALL data file. User Voices might have been used and are always subject to be a different set in somebody else's XS.
The Voice in the target XS at User 1: 008 might not be "Natural Aah Choir"
The Voice in the target XS at User 1: 044 might not be "Bari Sweet"
You can insure your selections are restored to these locations - as long as you have a backup of your ALL data file.
Create a new ALL data file
If you still have your Pattern Chain try converting the Chain to Song but this time include the PC in the conversion. If you don't still have that data, you might try manually placing the MSB-LSB-PC into tracks 15 and 16 in the Song data. Then [STORE] the Song.
Finally: Create a new (renamed) ALL data file and redo the IMPORT function.
Parts not Sounding
You are saying certain Voices are not sounding... But mention only one specifically, again we cannot hear your Project so are depending on you for this information. This could be caused by another, yet unfound, setting. Is it just the drum kit in Part 1 that is not sounding? Was this recorded manually by you or was the original source an Arpeggio? Which other Parts are not sounding? Be specific - there is always (usually) some cause.
Can the drum Kit be played when you select Track [1] and touch the Keys? How about the other Parts that are not sounding?
Let us know.
Partial success!! I've manually added PC commands to track 15 and 16 in the Motif and the next time I imported them, they finally showed up as audio waveforms! I had a hard time deciding what # to use for the 'Data' field when entering the command manually (bank was 63-50), as I couldn't see the full waveform names on the 'Edit Track' screen that relates to each of the waveforms I needed (waveforms are listed at the very right of the screen and you don't see their full name due to lack of space on the Motif's screen) ... so I entered something randomly, yet it still worked.
On the voices, I did the bulk receive, it run fine but it still didn't make a difference once I've closed and reopened everything. I know this doesn't sound intuitive and i've doublechecked it twice and the 3 midi tracks that do not make a sound are Tracks 1, 4 and 6 (including when I hit the keys after selecting these on the screen, while the other tracks do). This is weird as Track 3 is the one w/one of the user voices and that works fine... yet track 4, which is not a user voice, doesn't make a sound.
I may need some guidance as to how to fit the bulk receive step into the original workflow that was described as perhaps I didn't do it at the right moment. What I did was this:
1) I saved my new .X0A file per your guidance (with the PC commands included)
2) Moved the file to the Mac
3) Imported the file into Cubase from the XOA file
4) Launced the VST in rack mode
5) Did the bulk receive from the Motif to the Mac while the Motif was still loaded with the user voices
6) Brought the VST 'online' synching first from the Motif to the computer (global, current and voices)
7) Saved everything as a .cpr and saved the mix also as a .X0E
8) Closed everything down.
9) Rebooted the Motif and then rebooted Cubase
10) Loaded .cpr and hit the space button... but no sound from Tracks 1, 4 and 6.
I am sure that perhaps this wasn't the right order of doing things?
We can help you track down this last part of the mystery, but before we do: Just as a workflow suggestion, never create a BACKUP File of anything until everything is working as you desire it to work (if at all possible). Saving your Project even though it doesn't work should be noted in the file name - so you don't open it later and expect it to work. The fact that you could not hear Tracks 1, 4 and 6 means this Project File is not right!
Knowing what gets transferred when, will help you with last statement about the right order. And hopefully that is what we can help you with: connecting the dots. But again before we do. Let's make sure that your AUDIO (the sampled audio you created in the Motif XS) has been properly imported to Cubase and is playing back as expected? If this is so, that is what we were initially concerned with.
The only way to get the audio into Cubase (the computer) is through the "FILE > IMPORT > Motif XS Song" routine. (audio is never, ever transmitted in a MIDI bulk communication - it would take forever). The only way the audio gets into the computer - is directly from the FILE, itself. It must also place the audio in the proper locations of your Cubase Project (Measure:Beat) and if that is successful we have completed STEP 1 of the process.
Is the audio playing properly in Cubase?
Step 2 of the process has to do with your Motif XS MIXING setup - the "Current" status of your Mixing screen. The Voices selected for the 16 Parts, the Volumes, the Pan Positions, the Effects assigned, the Effect send amounts, which Parts have their dual Insertion Effects active, etc., etc., etc.
The fact that the Voices in PART 1, 4 and 6 are not sounding probably is the reason they are not playing back from Cubase. We are not sure under which conditions you are testing the playability of these Tracks and their assigned PARTS. But there are several (several) reason why a PART makes no sound.
Are you playing through Cubase when they don't sound?
Are you playing the Motif XS 'standalone' when they don't sound?
You should learn the difference and how to troubleshoot it both ways.
Let's trouble shoot it first with the Motif XS standalone.
Close Cubase
Load your .X0A File
Recall your SONG
Play it back - make sure everything plays exactly as you expect. (Important)
If not - let us know what is amiss, if you cannot correct it.
The Audio Tracks should play as expected
The Parts 1-16 should sound when you touch the keys and trigger the different Tracks.
If not - let us know what is amiss.
Local Control = ON (Utility mode)
Part Volume turned up (Part Edit parameter)
Note Limit/Velocity Limit obligations met (Part Edit parameter)
Arpeggio still assigned (Part Edit parameter)
Arpeggio assigned Clock set external or auto
Part MIDI Channel not set properly
Part is Muted
Track is Muted
Sorry I wasn't specific enough in my momentary happiness that the audio problem got fix... to clarify, indeed everything around the audio tracks now sounds great in Cubase. They all show up as audio tracks, play back at the right moment and sounds as they should! This is great progress and I really appreciate the help!
The only slight challenge I have is something we referred to a few days ago... that is that for the vocals track, there are multiple audio samples that either sounded at the same exact time (harmonies for vocals during the chorus section), or takes I wasn't sure I liked but I kept and just turned their volume down to 001 (this is what you highlighted earlier from my screenshoots)... and as you pointed it out earlier, Cubase picks one of the audio samples and only plays that one back even if there are multiple samples that sounded at the same time in the Motif XS. I think your recommendation was to try and drag Track 14 down into multiple other audio tracks in Cubase and then multiple samples can sound at the same time, so I'll attempt to do that tonight. The only challenge where I could use help is on how to determine which audio sample is which b/w Cubase and the Motif XS. It seems that when Cubase Imports the Motif XS song, it gives its own naming convention to the .wav files that contain the audio samples. I haven't so far been able to find a way to triangulate that with the sample names from the Motif ISS or the Motif's song edit screen. If there is way to link the names b/w the two, I would love to learn how to do that. Else I'll just have to listen to all the vocal takes and figure out again which was the one I liked and manually select those in Cubase. Not a huge deal given that I only had max of 2-3 takes that I kept in the Motif for vocals (and if you heard my voice, you wouldn't have kept any of them 🙂 !)
STEP 2 - I do confirm that when I load the song from my .X0A file into the MOTIF, everything sounds as it should... all the midi tracks with the right voices and all the audio as well. When I play may keyboard all the tracks (parts) play back the right sound as expected.
The problem with tracks 1, 4, 6 not making a sound happens after I attempt the import workflow into Cubase. Once I've imported the song and then the mix via the VST, I do the bulk receive for USER 1 and UDR from the Motif to the computer still loaded w/my .XOA and then save it as a .cpr file. Once I shut the Cubase and the Motif down and then I reopen the Motif first (this time it will not have my user voices/audio loaded) and then open the .cpr file in Cubase, which in turn brings the VST in Cubase online as well, I would expect total recall and for every midi track to make a sound when I hit space on my Mac or when I attempt to play my keyboard. It is then in that situation that for some reason Tracks 1, 4 and 6 do not make a sound - neither during playback, nor when I try to play the keyboard. All the other tracks work as they should and when I play my keyboard they make the expected sound in this situation. This is peculiar as Track 3 is the one w/one of the user voices and that works fine... yet track 4, which is not a user voice, doesn't make a sound. I am wondering if something is wrong w/the VSTi setup screen... I had everything automatically assigned there just for reference.
Thanks again for your ongoing help - much appreciated!!
...for some reason Tracks 1, 4 and 6 do not make a sound - neither during playback, nor when I try to play the keyboard. All the other tracks work as they should and when I play my keyboard they make the expected sound in this situation. This is peculiar as Track 3 is the one w/one of the user voices and that works fine... yet track 4, which is not a user voice, doesn't make a sound. I am wondering if something is wrong w/the VSTi setup screen... I had everything automatically assigned there just for reference.
This IS peculiar but not for the reason you state. 🙂 The Voices are being imported and assigned to the Part. Making sound or making no sound is a separate thing. And something, probably, simple. The fact that the "YAMAHA Oak Kit", the "Tp Bright" and "Bari Sweet" are recalled is what the IMPORT routine ensures. And I'm sure all the Voice parameters including the Name are in place.
If you don't recall what was different about these three selections from the others you've made, it is a simple matter of troubleshooting the cause in a orderly manner. Once the cause for no sound is found, then we can rectify it.
Where to begin:
Every sound starts with an Oscillator. The oscillator is the sound source.
To verify the sound source take the following steps (in turn) for each Part, in question.
Press [MIXING]
Select the Part by number
Press [F6] VCE ED (Voice Edit) - this will drop you into full VOICE EDIT on the Voice assigned to this Part
Press [1] to view the Element parameters
Here you want to review the parameters on the Oscillator screen that are responsible for allowing the Voice to sound:
Wave Bank assignment
Wave Number assignment
Note Limit
Velocity Limit
Let's start with the Wave Bank because I'm 99.9% sure this is where the issue lies... - if it is set to "USR", then this means your samples were in volatile User Sample RAM (DIMMs) and they disappeared when you powered down.
(If you had an XF you would move the audio data for these to a Flash Board where they would remain between power cycles). But as I'm sure you know, the DIMMs in your XS are volatile.
If you want to use Voices that use non-Preset Wave ROM, then those Waveforms and Samples need to be re-instated on your DIMMs each time you power up your Motif XS. You will need to restore them from your ALL data file.
While exploring the Voice parameters: With a Drum kit touch each Key C0~C6 to view the 73 possible Oscillators. For the normal Voices check the Wave Bank assignments per Element.
Make Sense? Again, no Sampled audio is moved by the Editor's BULK function (which is MIDI), samples are simply too big to move in this fashion. The three Voices you mention must therefore be Voices that require you load samples to the XS via your ALL data file. The "YAMAHA Oak Kit", the "Tp Bright" and the "Bari Sweet", are pointing toward your now empty DIMMs. Perhaps you remember that you loaded these from the "XSpand Your World" Sample Library or other Sample Library.
Once I shut the Cubase and the Motif down
And there it is ... Actual proof... Once you powered down an XS, your USR Samples disappear. Therefore no sound. The Voice's oscillator page is pointing to a now emptied DIMMs. If you had not powered down, you would have been successful. The Editor can restore the Voice parameters but it cannot LOAD samples to your DIMMs.
The Voice in Part 3 (apparently) is a Voice that references internal (Preset) Wave ROM and will always sound without loading audio data.
One difference you will find in the XF (with its Flash Board options) is your Voices that use non-Preset Wave ROM are always accessible because the Waveforms and Samples are placed in memory (Flash Board) that survives power down and power up. The whole purpose of the Flash Board is to allow you to extend the accessible internal Wave ROM with the Waveform and Samples of all of your custom libraries. Each Board can hold, at maximum, 2,048 custom selected Waveforms. Because you are using an XS, you will need to restore the user custom audio samples to your volatile DIMMs before you have total recall.
_ Any audio recorded to the INTEGRATED SAMPLING SEQUENCER is imported to Cubase. (Like your vocals) via the .X0A file import.
_ But the audio used to create the Voices "YAMAHA Oak Kit", the "Tp Bright", and the "Bari Sweet" is data you loaded to your DIMMs for these sample Library Voices. Once you power down - same as was always true, your data disappears.
Mystery solved.
Load your ALL data file to restore the synth sound's oscillator Wave data to your synth.
Hope that clears it up... From the beach... Bad Mister
Oh well... mystery solved indeed I guess! I've known from the get-go that if I loaded the .X0A file containing the song into the Motif Xs, and then did the two-step import process in Cubase (song and then editor into the VST) then everything sounded great... and assumed that if I'd loaded the Motif with the voices first from a USB stick and then opened the .cpr file in cubase then everything would indeed sound great. However, up until now, I was under the impression that I wasn't going to need that additional first step (loading the .X0A file into the Motif XS first) when opening everything up again from a cubase .cpr file on the next day.
I thought that on the next day I could just power up my Motif and the open up the .cpr file in cubase... this in turn would open up the vst which would synch all the mix/voices and the actual sounds/samples behind the voice elements to the Motif itself in case of a sample library-based voice... and there would be total recall, without the more lengthy process of having to manually load an .X0A file into the Motif first... even if there were user voices from sample libraries in the song.
What you have explained above is that this is not the case. If there are voices used in a song from a sample library, I will alway have to perform the incremental step of loading the sample library based voices into the Motif itself from the USB drive first. I am assuming that this means that there is absolutely no way for the VST to send the actual sound behind the voices/voice elements into the Motif XS? Somehow, the USB stick can load these samples into the DIMM but Cubase through the firewire cannot transfer into the DIMM, although both start with an .X0A file?
If this is the case, is there a recommended ideal workflow to follow for these type of songs? I guess I don't need to load the whole .X0A file from the USB, just the particular voices I need and perhaps I can do this with the Autoload feature in Utilities... but again this may not be worth it given that my .X0A file is now simple thanks to you (only contains the factory reset and this one song)... so it loads within about a minute which is not as bad as my old .X0A files which were bigger and took 4-5 mins to load every time.
Also, thanks to your guidance I was able to understand why my Track/Part 3 made a sound despite of being a USR voice from the XSpand libraries too (just like Part 1, 4 and 6). Part 3 (Natural Aah Choir) has one element out of the three "active" elements it has that points to a PRE bank. So really it wasn't the whole voice sounding, just the one element that didn't need the DIMM! The other three Parts from the XSpand catalogue only had USR elements active, therefore they do not make any sound without the samples being loaded first. I appreciate the learning on how to analyze voices in the VCE EDIT mode!
Thanks again - and I hope the time at the beach isn't over yet given the long weekend!