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About pattern

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What mean pattern? Is it 16 - parts midi file?
Can I to build valid midi file with DAW to change arpeggio slots 1, 2, 3 etc. into one scene.
I don't know how to record pattern with changing arp but via daw? With SysEx into midi file.

Posted : 29/05/2023 2:49 am
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You don't believe in asking easy questions do you?

What mean pattern? Is it 16 - parts midi file?

It can be. It is up to you to record as many parts as you need.

Can I to build valid midi file with DAW to change arpeggio slots 1, 2, 3 etc. into one scene.

I'm not sure what you are asking here. The more typical use would be for each scene to be associated with one pattern and one arp set (1-8).

I don't know how to record pattern with changing arp but via daw? With SysEx into midi file.

I suggest you grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and go through the basic info on the Pattern Sequencer:

1. Download the supplementary doc -

2. Read the 'New Pattern Sequencer function' section in the version 2 update doc portion
The OS version 2 update is where the pattern sequencer was introduced. You won't find the material in the Reference doc.

3. Read the 'Additional Pattern functions' section in the version 2.50 doc portion
Additional Pattern Sequencer functionality was added in the 2.50 OS update. This info
isn't in the Reference do either.

4. Read Blake's 'Mastering MODX: Pattern Workflow and Control Improvements in OS v2.5' article -

This article shows you how to record mutlple tracks to create a pattern. It also discusses
how to 'PATTERN CHAIN SWITCH' to chain scenes/patterns together so they play in the order you specify.

5. Read the thread from February titled 'Using 16 parts in the pattern sequencer'

Bad Mister walks you through how to work with single and multiple parts.

But before anyone can really help you will need to explain just what it is you are trying to do. Then we can help you figure out how to do it.

Posted : 29/05/2023 3:06 am
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Posted : 29/05/2023 3:23 pm
Posts: 263
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A little later, an idea came up. Why switch arpeggios in a scene?
It would be better to record complex material in an arpeggio. With long arpeggio about 16-32... bars
arp1 + arp2 to summary simple pattern. OK!
And not [arpeggio] > PATTERN <

Posted : 29/05/2023 3:40 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

What mean pattern? Is it 16 - parts midi file?
Can I to build valid midi file with DAW to change arpeggio slots 1, 2, 3 etc. into one scene.
I don't know how to record pattern with changing arp but via daw? With SysEx into midi file.

These are very important concepts to understand before moving forward.

“What mean pattern?”
A Pattern is a function of the Performance Recorder. A Performance has 16 Parts — each Part has a correspondingly numbered Track. When you are communicating from the Keyboard and Controllers to a Part (or Parts) you are able to record your interaction as MIDI data to its Track.

Don’t let this confuse you… as you know, you can link as many as eight Parts (1-8) together using the KBD CTRL function. It remains true: when you are communicating from the Keyboard and Controllers to multiple Parts, using KBD CTRL, you are able to record your interaction as MIDI data, each to its own dedicated, correspondingly numbered Track.

Next, important fact: Each Pattern has 16 Tracks, 16 Parts, and each Pattern has 8 Scenes. If you record to the internal Pattern sequencer, each Scene is treated as a separate .MID file. It is automatically placed in the “Pattern” Folder.
[UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Data Utility” > “Pattern” folder. Each Scene 1-8 is a separate .mid file.

What means Scene?
A Scene is a configuration of Performance related settings. The current collection of instruments in each of the Parts, the settings for each of those Parts (Volume, Pan, Filter settings, Effect Send levels, Envelope settings, Arpeggio assignments, Motion Sequence assignments, Mute status, Play FX offsets, etc., etc).

A Scene is the current condition and selection of sounds in your band… they include the assigned Arp Phrase #. Conveniently, Arpeggiators allow you to easily control multiple Parts simultaneously (drums/percussion, bass lines, etc). You know you can link 8 Parts, 1-8, to interact with them simultaneously. Each has its own Track and each has its own Arpeggiator. You can assign Arps to any track 1-16… the limit is 8 max at a time.

Each of the 8 Scenes could have a different Arp Phrase if you want… making each Scene very much like a different section of a musical composition (verse, chorus, bridge, etc)

So *you* can play several of the Parts directly… and the *arpeggio” can play several of the Part via an assigned Arp Phrase.

All of this can be recorded to the Pattern Sequencer.
When you put a Scene in Pattern record… the Arp Phrases are automatically transferred to the correspondingly numbered Track — this means it is no longer an Arpeggio, it is now MIDI events written to the Track as fixed MIDI data.

Each Scene can be recorded with a maximum Length of 256 Measures.
Pattern Record can be set to LOOP record. When 256 Measures are reached the Pattern cycles back to the top.

Most musical sections are 4, 8, 12, 16, or 32 measures… but, there is no “one-way” you must work. …the Scenes can be Appended (added onto the end of another) or can represent a large portion of the composition, as you may require.

MIDI Song = Linear record ___ Pattern = Loop record
You have the option of Recording Arpeggio data to the MIDI Tracks when using the linear MIDI Song portion of the Performance Recorder
When you use the Pattern Sequence the Arpeggio data is automatically transferred to MIDI event data (it is normalized as MIDI events) when you playback the data you turn the [ARP ON/OFF] = Off

An Arpeggio ceases to be referred to as an Arpeggio once you have recorded it as event data… this is true whether you record it in the MONTAGE/MODX/MODX+ “Play/Rec” area or you connect to a DAW. Once transferred to MIDI data, it is MIDI data like any other MIDI data.

Once an ARP Phrase has been recorded as MIDI data, you can deactivate that Part’s Arpeggiator, and activate it on a different Part. It is this way you can use Arpeggiators on any and all Parts you record.

Try it, record the ARP OUT to your DAW.
Before you playback, turn the master [ARP ON/OFF] = OFF
It sounds exactly the same, of course, but it is no longer being generated by the Arpeggio block of the keyboard.

Posted : 29/05/2023 10:35 pm
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New Member Guest

Each Pattern has 16 Tracks, 16 Parts, and each Pattern has 8 Scenes.

Are there any preset examples of patterns with multiple scenes?

Posted : 29/05/2023 11:40 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Are there any preset examples of patterns with multiple scenes?

Yes. Many!

Almost any MODX/MODX+ Performance that has multiple red [SCENE] lamps lit
Almost any MONTAGE Performance that has multiple blue [SCENE] lamps lit
(On the MODX, for example, the first 5 Performances in the LIVE SET “Best of MODX 1)

A Performance can have “Performance Scenes” but does not have “Pattern Scenes” until you activate the “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” Record option.
One Scene ‘snapshot’ is documented at a time… 8 Scenes per Pattern.
The currently active Scene # will appear as the one ready to be recorded.

How to see the results of Pattern Scenes
Find a Performance that has multiple [SCENE] lamps lit… press the [AUDITION] button. The Audition data has been played by an individual and is registered in memory as MIDI data to be played back… you can see when AsSwitches are hit, Assign Knobs are turned, the Super Knob is moved, and you can see where the performer changed Scenes. Just follow the lights.

When you record your own Scenes to the Pattern Sequencer, the data will be shown by the lighted lamps same as the Audition Phrases. Scene changes can be subtle or dramatic— it is up to you.

SCENEs: There are eight MEMORY Switches controlling the ten types of information that can be captured and recalled: from the [HOME] screen touch “Scene”….
Arp - the currently active “Arp Select”, 1-8. The main ArpSw must be active
Motion Seq - the currently active “Motion Seq Select”, 1-8. The main MS Sw must be active
Super Knob - the current position of the Super Knob.
Super Knob Link – which of the 8 Common Knobs are linked to Super Knob movement
Mixing 1 – “RevSend”, “VarSend”, “Dry Level”, “Pan”, “Volume” for each of the 16 Parts
Mixing 2 – “Cutoff”, “Resonance”, “FEG Depth”, “Mute” for each of the 16 Parts
Kbd Ctrl – the currently active Keyboard Transmit configuration
AEG - Attack, Decay, Sustain Release of the Amplitude Envelope Generator
Arp/MS FX1 – Swing Quantize, Unit Multiply, Gate Time, Velocity
Arp/MS FX2 – Amplitude, Shape, Smooth, Random

Extra Credit:
You can load 5 Factory “Patterns” to study.
Warning: Make a BACKUP FILE — in order to hear/see these factory demonstration Patterns, you will need to “Initialize All Data” (which clears everything including User data, settings, Libraries, Song and Pattern Folders… everything. You have been WARNED: Make a BACKUP FILE (which stores your entire instrument including your permanent folders (Library, Song, Pattern) before executing the “Initialize All Data” routine!

Once you create your BACKUP
Go to [UTILITY] > “Settings” > “System” > execute “Initialize All Data”
This will restore your instrument to defaults which includes the 5 Demo Patterns

From any HOME screen:
Touch “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” > recall “Pattern Name” — 001: “Copy”
002: “Space is Fine”
003: “NY Jam Sesh”
004: “My Ballad”
005: “Out West”
The screen will tell you the “Length” of the currently selected Scene
Use the [SCENE] buttons to switch between active Scenes…
Alternatively: while the Transport is stopped activate the “Chain” = On
Each of the demonstrations have a Chain (playback order of the Scenes) already constructed… to automate the programmed Scene change set to On.

Notice how recalling a Pattern automatically calls the Performance that was used to create it because the Pattern & Performance are “linked” (blue chain link icon).

After playing the Scenes from the Pattern screen. Press STOP
Go the the HOME screen and see how the author put this together by manipulating the Scene changes manually yourself.
Play the [AUDITION] to see how it was captured and made into the Audition Phrase for that Performance.

Posted : 30/05/2023 11:09 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

(On the MODX, for example, the first 5 Performances in the LIVE SET “Best of MODX 1)

Those have scenes but aren't linked to patterns.

This will restore your instrument to defaults which includes the 5 Demo Patterns

Thanks - that was what caused the problem and confusion.

I did know that it is the pattern that links in, and loads, the performance but I couldn't find any preset patterns. I checked Utility -> Contents -> Data Utility folders: arp, library, live set, motion seq, pattern, performance, song, waveform.

All of those folders, I thought, only stored USER created objects. Never occcured to me that there would be presets in the pattern folder.

I checked that pattern folder anyway but it was empty. Turns out that a while back I had been doing several different runs experimenting with creating patterns and would delete ALL of the patterns in between runs.

So since the supplementary doc says that Live Sets entries that use patterns will have a PTN or PTN CHAIN icon I checked the preset Live Sets.

And of course NONE of the preset LIVE SET entries have the PTN or PTN CHAIN icons because they are stored as slot type 'Perform' and not 'Pattern'.

Thanks to your help things are back to (what passes for) normal.

Posted : 30/05/2023 10:42 pm

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