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Audio not routing from MODX to Cubase 9.56

2 Posts
2 Users
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Hi guys, MODX v 2.51.0 connected via USB to cubase 9.5. Have tried the template in C9 and enabled Audio Rec on DAW (direct monitor OFF), and different variations of input on C9 (USB MAIN, USB1&2) but nothing seems to work... Ideally will want all parts running / recording on separate tracks. Attached a screengrab if this helps. Also, the MODX connect- how to use MODX as a VST? Can't seems to get that working...running cubase 9.5 on OSX 10.14.6

Can someone advise, walk thru the steps? If any re-installations or upgrades are required can this also be advised? thanks v much. I did go thru steps on some website but the signal is just not showing on the audio track in cubase

Attached files

Posted : 14/02/2021 8:12 pm
Posts: 8049
Illustrious Member

Your "Audio 01" audio track is, in the screenshot, set to "USB Main". I assume this is the input configured to "USB Main L&R" (Cubase's input, MODX's output).

If that's the case then "Audio 01" is set to record Part 1. When you press "Audio Rec on DAW" this sets up each Part on a different set of USB outputs. Part 1 is set to Main L&R, Part 2 to USB 1&2, and so on. To clarify - you do not "enable" Audio Rec on DAW. Pressing the button does not set a mode that is enable/disable. The button is a shortcut that applies settings. Settings that can be undone if you recall a different Performance or manually edit those parameters yourself. Therefore, if you want to be sure "Audio Rec on DAW" has set everything as you expect it to - you would press the button every time you want these settings configured after recalling a Performance. If you recall a different Performance, you'll need to press the shortcut again if you want to be sure that now the new Performance is setup accordingly.

Make sure Part 1 is something you would expect to make sounds for your Performance. It's probably easiest to start with GM/Multi since this Performance is setup to have Parts that make sounds on each Part. And it is also setup to make sounds on Part 1 out-of-the-box. You can use this setup to get your feet wet and see how you can group together multiple parts using keyboard control (Parts 1-8) or record one-by-one by selecting an individual Part and not changing keyboard control vs. the Multi/GM defaults.

Posted : 14/02/2021 8:41 pm

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