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Big Trouble here help!!

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Help guys I'm in big trouble here. I was trying to "modify" the Glock performance in my mode x this morning. Honestly, i'm not sure what happened, but I ended up on a screen that had several 1/2" outlined boxes with maybe 10 or 12 smaller white boxes inside them. I touched one of them and the sound changed dramatically. Tons and Tons of echo and reverb. I immediately pressed exit, then pulled up a different performance. This is where the trouble started. Whatever I did appears to have changed every performance in the keyboard, including my 15 pages of live sets and about 130 user performances. Almost all of them now have wicked reverb/echo, volumes are about at 1/2. I can't seem to get back to that beginning screen with the squares (probably good too) to try and fix it.
I thought of downloading the entire keyboard to my thumb drive, and then doing a factory reset and then loading the saved performances from my thumb drive back to the keyboard, however, i'm thinking that will just put me back where I was prior to factory resetting the keyboard. This is a mega problem because I have about a years worth of hours programing performances to about 130 tunes.
Am I out of luck, or is there someone that might be able to help me get things back to where they were before I started screwing with the "Glock" performance?
Johnny Ack (aka dumb ass)

Posted : 23/06/2023 1:05 pm
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Sorry to hear you are having trouble.

I'm reposting, as there are obvious word/spell check errors.

There is no need to repost. Just edit the original post and make any needed changes. Then you can delete your second post.

I thought of downloading the entire keyboard to my thumb drive, and then doing a factory reset and then loading the saved performances from my thumb drive back to the keyboard, however, i'm thinking that will just put me back where I was prior to factory resetting the keyboard.

That is EXACTLY what you should do. Take a complete backup so that you don't lose anything.

This is a mega problem because I have about a years worth of hours programing performances to about 130 tunes.

Recommended practice is to backup your user data regularly. That minimizes the potential for losing your hard work.

What ever I did appears to have changed every performance in the keyboard, including my 15 pages of live sets and about 130 user performances.

Since each performance has its own effects the screen you were on was likely a system-level screen.

Those screens don't make changes to the actual performances directly but they can offset some performance values and affect the overall sound.

1. were you connected to any other devices via MIDI or USB cable?
2. were your 130 performances in the user area? or in a library? If in a library you will be able to reload them after you reinitialize the system. If in the user area you can back up the user area, reinit the system and then reload the user area.

The reinit will restore the factory default system settings and your user area reload will put your unchanged user perfs back.

3. what were you wanting to do when you ended up on that screen with the white boxes? That clue will be helping in figuring out what you might have done.

First things first:

1. take a COMPLETE backup - go to 'Utility -> Contents -> Store / Save' and select 'Backup File' for Content Type. Then wait for the backup to complete.

2. from the same screen select 'User File' for Content Type. Wait for it to complete.

Now you have both a complete backup and a backup of just your user stuff.

3. Disconnect all cables (MIDI, USB)

4. Reinitialize the entire system - go to 'Utility -> Settings -> System' and press 'Initialize All Data'.

5. Reload your user area backup and see where you stand.

6. Post the results

See p196 of the Reference doc for an explanation of what the various 'Init' buttons do.

Posted : 23/06/2023 2:57 pm
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Andrew Thank You! No USB or computer connected. I was trying to alter the Performance of the Glockenspiel sound. I touched the "edit" button then the effects button ( I believe) then somehow ended up on that odd page i've never seen.
I will do this hopefully at lunch today, the latest after work this afternoon. And yes I will 100% post the results.
Thank you so much.

Posted : 23/06/2023 3:09 pm
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I was trying to alter the Performance of the Glockenspiel sound. I touched the "edit" button then the effects button ( I believe) then somehow ended up on that odd page i've never seen.

Ok - that would be a GOOD thing if that is what you did.

Because edits/changes you make to one performance will not, and cannot, change any other performance.

Those changes can, and will, affect all live sets based on that performance.

BUT ONLY if you actually saved the performance after you made them.

Changes you make only affect the performance in the edit buffer. So if you don't save the performance after making changes then you can reload the unchanged version of the performance.

A simple way to do that is to:

1. Use category search
2. hightlight a difference performance
3. highlight and select the original performance you made the changes to.

So a couple of questions for you:

1. Did you take a backup? If not, then take one before you do anything else
2. Did you save that performance after making changes?

Posted : 23/06/2023 3:47 pm
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Hi Andrew, Firstly, I performed the "reset" as instructed (yes I did back up entire keyboard as well as user preferences
before) After reset, I'm experiencing the same issue.

Re: your three step process above, 1. Use category search (got it) 2. highlight a different performance the 3 Highlight and select the origial. this did nothing as well.

The performance I was trying to edit when this all began was FM Glocken that still is at about 1/4 volume when the volume is at 100% and it has Massive reverb and no attack what so ever

An example of another affected performance after the issue started is the, Keyboard/elec piano/ RD 1 gallery. I'm not exactly what that performance should sound like, but in no way does it resemble any electric piano. I now sound similar to the FM Glocken with huge reverb and barley no volume.

When I was on the original FM Glocken performance page, I highlighted the square above Part 1 (only 1 part on this sound) then pressed, edit then pretty sure I pressed Effect and then I cant remember but a few clicks later I found myself on that page with the 1/4 in squares that contained about 10 or 12 smaller white squares.

Do you think I should send it to the local music store to have it sent back to yamaha to try and get the Factory settings somehow re-installed? I'm at such a dead end and I have a gig next saturday.

Thanks so much Andrew for your reply and help here.

Posted : 24/06/2023 8:49 pm
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Illustrious Member

Maybe you prefer to run without effects. By default a reset is going to turn your effects on. Press the "FX" icon at the top of the screen and turn off each level of the effect. Master, System, Insertion. See if that brings you back to where you were acoustically.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 24/06/2023 9:55 pm
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The performance I was trying to edit when this all began was FM Glocken that still is at about 1/4 volume when the volume is at 100% and it has Massive reverb and no attack what so ever

The presets can NOT be altered at all - they are in ROM - read only memory.

Any changes you make to a preset or new user performance will NOT be saved automatically. Unless you actually save it then nothing you did will reappear when you reload the saved version.

So if you load a preset the only things that will affect what it does are front panel switches and controller settings.

That performance DOES use assign swithes 1 and 2 on the front panel to control VAR and REV sends. So if you accidentally pressed either, or both, of those switches it will definitiely affect the sound.

If you did an 'Initialize All Data' reset then loading a preset and pressing AUDITION should sound normal. if the front panel controls are all in their default positions.

Can you get ANY of the presets working normally? If not you may need to take it to the shop.

If the only issue is with your user perfs then we can still work on that.

I can't find the display you described with lots of white boxes so don't know how you got there.

Posted : 24/06/2023 9:55 pm
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Well Andrew, try not to hate me. You won't believe what "fixed" this issue. Seems as though the 3.5mm my my headphones have, was not fully inserted into the 1/4 adaptor needed for the phones jack. Last night I was at my whit's end and for whatever reason, I'm calling it Devine Intervention!, I decided to check every connection. Sure enough the 3.5mm plug that goes to the 1/4 adaptor was not fully inserted. I pushed it all the way in, and presto, the issue resolved.
I cannot explain it, other than what it is.
Fortunately I followed your instructions too the "T" and backed up the entire synth including user programs prior to re-setting the keyboard. I have everything I had, sounds and all, exactly the way they were prior to this issue.

I feel like I owe you money for all your continued follow ups and help however.
Thank you again for everything!
Johnny Ack

Posted : 26/06/2023 3:53 pm
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You won't believe what "fixed" this issue

It's amazing how many times a problem is due to a connection or cable issue. That is one of the reasons this was the first question I ask:

1. were you connected to any other devices via MIDI or USB cable?

Other cable-related issues can be poorly designed balanced cables rather than unbalanced. The Modx has unbalanced outputs versus the balanced outputs the Montage has.

Just grabbing a cable off the floor that people have stepped on can cause problems.

Using a USB3 cable instead of a USB2 cable can cause problems.

Sometimes you need to revert to returning the instrument to the original 'boxed' condition with no cables (including headphones) attached.

Glad you found the problem.

Posted : 26/06/2023 5:50 pm
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A good lesson learned. Thank you again Andrew!

Posted : 26/06/2023 6:24 pm

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