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Downtempo Hiphop Kit

14 Posts
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Hi There,

Many times I have set up rhythm patterns with performances to play in the "Arp Hold ON" mode. i.e drums play once one key is hit and then continue throughout the performance.

I have one performance using the Downtempo Hiphop Kit but every time I hit a key (after initial triggering), it causes the kick drum to play and interrupt the drum arp.

I have compared my settings "Arp Play Only", "Key Mode" etc. with many other performances which I have, which play normally, and I cannot see anywhere where I have programmed/selected something differently.

Aside from going in and building the performance again from scratch I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why this might be happening or has experienced a similar issue?



Posted : 15/06/2023 11:18 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

It sounds like you have activated the parameter called “Accent” - “Velocity Threshold” set. When you set this to a value - then anytime you exceed that velocity you will get an *accent* — typically a kick and crash.

Select the Drum Part
[EDIT] > “Arpeggio” > “Advanced” > under “Accent” > set the “Vel Threshold” = 0
If set to say “64” then anytime you strike a key with a velocity 64 or greater you’ll trigger the Accent.

Extra Credit: Searches!
There are “Performance Category” (green/blue), “Arp Category” (purple), “Waveform” (amber) and “Rhythm Pattern” (green) Searches

Try using the [RHYTHM PATTERN] Search ‘shortcut’ to add drums to your KBD CTRL Performance.
Say you already have an instrument Part (or two) that you start with, assigned in your Performance; to add a Drum Kit and Arpeggio Phrases you can follow this “Rhythm Pattern” shortcut:

Launch the [Rhythm Pattern] Routine
Press the [RHYTHM PATTERN] button (on the MONTAGE it is [SHIFT] + [CONTROL ASSIGN])
This macro will launch the special Part Category Search for your MODX/MODX+ Drum Kits with a special Drum Kit search screen.
When you select a Kit, it will automatically be assigned to the next available Performance Part, it will automatically place “Arp Hold On”, it will automatically turn the “Accent - Vel Threshold” = Off, it will automatically assign the Arpeggio Phrases that are associated with the selected Kit (you can change them, of course, right on this screen). You are also given access to other useful Drum Part functions (Main/Sub Category, Name, Tempo, Volume); you can listen to just the drums or the entire “original” Performance without the Kit.

Hope that helps. Rhythm Pattern is to make adding a Drum Kit and Arpeggios to an existing Performance both quick and easy.

Posted : 15/06/2023 12:03 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

it will automatically turn the “Accent - Vel Threshold” = Off

My test on a Modx doesn't reflect that. It shows a 'Vel Threshold' value of 64

1. Init a new AWM2 perf
2. Press Rhythm Pattern button
3. Select Downtempo Hiphop Kit
4. Press Exit
5. Edit part 2 - the kit just added
6. Arpeggio Common - Arp Hold is ON
7. Arpeggio Advanced - Vel Threshold is 64

Then repeatedly hitting C3 (or any other I tried) caused the arp to stop until I quit hitting the key.

The arp would stop even using a Vel Threshold value of 1 and very softly repeatedly hitting a key. In other words the threshold setting didn't seem to be related to velocity at all.

Posted : 15/06/2023 5:51 pm
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

Your interpretation of the threshold is inverted. If you set the value to "1" then this says any velocity 1 and higher will cause the accent (this is literally any velocity when a key is struck no matter how soft or hard you strike). If you set the value to 127 then only a velocity level of 127 (and higher, which is no other velocity - 127 is the max) will trigger the accent phrase. There is a setting for "Off" which will disable accents completely.

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:17 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Your interpretation of the threshold is inverted

No - it isn't.

I think you missed reading the last sentence of my reply.

The key point is that my tests show that the threshold is NOT set to OFF when you use Rhythm Pattern to select the drum kit as opposed to a normal category search.

What results did you get when you did the test I outlined?

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:39 pm
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

The arp would stop even using a Vel Threshold value of 1 and very softly repeatedly hitting a key. In other words the threshold setting didn't seem to be related to velocity at all.

This is what I am referring to. If the threshold is set to 1 then that means any velocity (1-127) will cause the accent. Set to 127 and now it responds wildly differently because there's only a single velocity that will trigger the phrase. You'll see that soft strikes (low velocities) will no longer trigger the accent phrase and only the hardest of strikes (which is probably harder on MODX vs. Montage if I remember MODX user threads correctly) can now trigger the accent.

Posted : 15/06/2023 8:45 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The [RHYTHM PATTERN] Search routine will recall the Drum Kit and the associated Arpeggio Phrases exactly as they are stored in the Drum Kit Single Performance program listed in the result field.

_ If you select a Drum Kit that utilizes the Accent - “Velocity Threshold” (or the Random -“Sound Effect”) — that too will be brought along to your Performance by the Rhythm Pattern routine. In other words, if you find that the Accent “Velocity Threshold” is set to 64, it is because that is how that Drum Kit is programmed in the source data. You are inheriting both the Kit (instrument Key assignments) and the currently associated Arp Types and their settings.

See the Data List (pdf) booklet for a listing for which of the Arpeggio Types have these specialty functions programmed. The List also shows what Kit was used to originally program each Arp. You are, of course, free to change the Kit. Drum Key listing is also provided elsewhere for each Kit.

The Preset Drum Kits each have a set of Arp Phrases associated with it. These are temporarily attached and you are free to change them if you desire. If you select a Kit without a programmed “Velocity Threshold” the parameter will be set to “Off”.

The Accent Velocity Threshold works so that the value shown here is the minimum value necessary to trigger the Accent Phrase. If you set it to 126, for example, only a very strong Key-On event will cause the Accent Phrase to play. Useful if the Accent is a Kick/Crash combo and you want to accent the downbeat of the section change. If you set the Threshold to 1, then any/every Key-On event will cause the Accent Phrase to play.
If you set the Threshold to 64, then any Key-On event 64, or greater, will cause the accent phrase to trigger. Notice you can set a “Start Quantize” — useful when using the Accent Phrase to create a “stutter” effect with the playback.

Posted : 15/06/2023 9:38 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

_ If you select a Drum Kit that utilizes the Accent - “Velocity Threshold” (or the Random -“Sound Effect”) — that too will be brought along to your Performance by the Rhythm Pattern routine. In other words, if you find that the Accent “Velocity Threshold” is set to 64, it is because that is how that Drum Kit is programmed in the source data.

That is what my tests showed.

But doesn't that conflict with what you said earlier?

it will automatically turn the “Accent - Vel Threshold” = Off

I wasn't able to reproduce that automatic setting to Off.

Posted : 15/06/2023 10:12 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Pick a Drum Kit that doesn’t use an Accent Phrase stored in the source.
The Accent Phrase here is an ARP Phrase re-start… which you can Quantize (Start Quantize = On) to create a rhythmic stutter effect.

Posted : 15/06/2023 10:22 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Pick a Drum Kit that doesn’t use an Accent Phrase stored in the source.

The first thing I am trying to understand is the problem OP has with his drum kit.

My question is: how can BOTH of these statements of yours be true?

it will automatically turn the “Accent - Vel Threshold” = Off


In other words, if you find that the Accent “Velocity Threshold” is set to 64, it is because that is how that Drum Kit is programmed in the source data.

OP reported an issue when he uses the DownTempo HipHop Kit. The first thing you said was:

It sounds like you have activated the parameter called “Accent” - “Velocity Threshold” set.

Except my tests show that parameter is 'activated' with a value of 64 no matter how you load the drum kit.

That is, OP didn't have to 'activate' the parameter at all and, in fact, may not have even been aware the parameter existed.

So for starters I am trying to reconcile your two statements.

The Accent Phrase here is an ARP Phrase re-start… which you can Quantize (Start Quantize = On) to create a rhythmic stutter effect.

I'm assuming by 'ARP Phrase re-start' you are referring to the HOLD parameter being set to ON for the arp in the drum kit OP is using?

But I'm struggling to understand that 'rhythmic stutter effect'.

1. sounds interesting
2. would like to know more about it
3. but don't see how it is relevant to OP's issue
4. would be happy to create a new thead if that is more appropriate

Posted : 15/06/2023 10:37 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I think it is pretty much all on point with the original topic.

There are several stories concerning what constitutes a “Drum Kit” (they are not all the same).
There are the standard Drum Kit with 73 Keys, C0-C6.
Many of these are programmed with a specific genre in mind… the two octaves C1-B2 give the Kit its identity. For example, “Rock Kit” would get its name from the principal drums located C1-B2; “HouseCompressed Kit” would get its name from the principal drums located in those locations, C1-B2 which are routed through an assigned Compressor Insertion Effect. Both Kits feature a similar Latin Percussion setup in the two octaves from C3 up.

Then you have specialty Kits that contain all Kick drum, or all Snares, classic Drum machine sounds, or just Latin Percussion, or just percussive noises, etc., etc. etc.

There are also the “8Z” (8 Zone) Kits that are built using the standard 8 Element structure of an AWM2 Part. These throw many of the rules out of the window. Not to mention how you may configure FM-X drums.

You can understand how many of these “Drum Kits” have been gathered from the previous Motif series or have evolved here in the new engine. Each of these Kit types above have a listing in the Data List booklet. You will also find Drum Kits made specifically for a particular Performance. If a programmer made custom changes to one of the standard Drum Kits, they listed that Kit in the Data List booklet. For example, the Performance “Marine Life” is a Multi Part Performance that assembles several non-traditional sounds into its “Drum Kit” Part - they include percussive vocoded vocal sound FX.

Because each Part can be searched for individually, it is not necessary to store each Kit as a Single Part Performance. What this means is, if you make a special Drum Kit for a series of sequences you are making for Beatles songs. You could create the Kit in the first Performance “She Loves You”… you can name it “Ringo”. You can go and get that Drum Kit and ADD it to your next Performance by using “Performance Merge”… remember: you can “merge” one Part from within any Performance by setting the “Source” = the Part # you wish to recall. You could merge the “Ringo” Kit into each Beatles song Performance.

Other Types of Drum Kits
There are others … find the “EDM Kit”, “DUB Kit 1”, “DUB Kit 2”, “Downtempo HipHop Kit”, and a perhaps a few others, (coincidentally these are not found in the current Data List booklet listings, at all — not sure why). They appear to have followed a different set of (undocumented) programming orders… They seem to act as “demonstration” or “presentation” Kits that show off a set of features and/or genre specific sounds via these Arpeggio Phrases.

They each feature a stored Accent Velocity Threshold as a part of showing off those Arp Phrases. You have to recall the Performance and trigger it in order to know what the specific “Accent Phrase” is going to be.
Often it is a “punch” (combination Kick + Crash Cymbal), some times it is a different type of accent. On these Kits typically Scene 1 (has no Arp assigned) but Scene 2 and higher feature a genre specific Arp with Accent Phrase/Start Quantize.

As you play more with your MODX you’ll realize not all Performances follow the same format or approach… you’re looking at a library of programs amassed from over two decades of data.

I’m sure there are other permutations of Drum Kit or percussion setups… for the vast majority of “Kits”, however, the Accent feature is set to “Off”, by default.

Posted : 16/06/2023 8:08 am
Posts: 190
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Hi BM, Andrew and Jason,

Great that we can have a community forum like this where we can ask questions and get answers and even learn beyond those answers!

I have resolved the issue now by setting Vel Threshold to OFF, but the other parameters on the Arpeggio/Advanced page are also interesting to explore.

Eg. I see that Velocity mode seems to bring additional drums/cymbals/percussion into the Arp?

Also I am wondering about these "Accent Phrases" - are these able to be edited or user created or are they just a slice of the actual ARP?

Trigger Mode "Toggle" appears to enable start and stop of the ARP with successive key hits.

Fixed SD/BD box in the bottom right corner seems to change the BD to a bass note?

I am wondering if there are any online tutorials or articles explaining these features?


Posted : 16/06/2023 8:51 am
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member


Ok, it's more clear now what your comments meant. When using the Rhythm Pattern feature, the velocity threshold is set to the value programmed in the original drum performance. For this particular kit, the preset sets the threshold to 64 so this is what you get when using the rhythm pattern feature. And, in this case, the accent phrase would not respond to very soft strikes - but halfway through the available velocity range - the accent would trigger (velocity is 64 or above).

In order to change this you have to dive into the drum Part that was added by the Rhythm Pattern feature and manually edit the velocity threshold under the advanced arpeggio settings.

The OP would set this to "Off" to get rid of the accent completely.

It would be "better" (maybe an ideascale if one doesn't already exist) for the Rhythm Pattern feature to allow for tweaking some of these features. Similar to, how at the bottom, you can set the tempo to different values - it would be good to have a few more customization options here. At the moment you have to live with the defaults (for the advanced features and various others not editable from the rhythm pattern selection screen) and go back and edit these manually after selecting a kit.

Posted : 16/06/2023 2:14 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Fixed SD/BD box in the bottom right corner seems to change the BD to a bass note?

I am wondering if there are any online tutorials or articles explaining these features?

For a deeper dive into Drum Kits and Arpeggio Phrases:
LEARN: MONTAGifying Motif XF Performance_”Smooth It Over”

Posted : 16/06/2023 3:21 pm

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