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Hello guys, I'm new here and this is my first post.
I have some questions about the MODX, I still do not own it, but I'm seriously thinking to buy it in the late of this year
On the web and Youtube I've seen a lot of great videos explaining all the best features of the MODX, but in my case I have a different need and goal too.
I play and compose Ambient and Space music and I need to know how the MODX could help me to create Drones, long evolving textures and soundscapes starting from a single wave like a Sine wave or a single simple pure sound without the effects and working on it. With various Synth plugins it seems simpler to achieve
Also as another method that I have in mind to create interesting long evolving sounds is that to using the Vector synthesis technique of the Wavestation or the Yamaha SY22
I see the onboard Tools like the SuperKnob, the Motion Sequencer or the Envelope Follower but I can't figure how they could help me to achieve what I'm looking for

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks a lot

Posted : 11/01/2019 7:23 pm
Posts: 7917
Illustrious Member

Motion sequence can setup parameters to modulate slowly over time changing the sound in various ways over a long time period. Envelope follower is a tool that can be used to create a feedback mechanism which can insert some randomness. And motion sequence itself has settings to introduce randomness. At some level, it's not "simple" to achieve to the extent that it would be considered trivial. It's not "that hard" - but there's a learning curve.

Motion sequence creates a value that moves around over time (a value from 0 to 127). The movement of this value can be linear or jump around. Assuming you want this to "last forever" - it will also cycle and repeat. But the modulation of this value can follow a path so slowly and "erratic" that one would not notice the repeating nature.

Richard Devine uses MODX closest to what you describe you want to do. He uses lots of external equipment - but he has some demos with MODX alone. When you hear him mention "Lane" this is Motion Sequence.

Posted : 12/01/2019 5:25 am
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Eminent Member
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Ok, I see...

"...Motion sequence creates a value that moves around over time (a value from 0 to 127). The movement of this value can be linear or jump around. Assuming you want this to "last forever" - it will also cycle and repeat. But the modulation of this value can follow a path so slowly and "erratic" that one would not notice the repeating nature..."
Who knows if it will cause an interrruption while evolving the sound and timbre because it wouldn't be nice to listen, also I would avoid any kind of sound stepping or a non smooth result

I already saw the Richard's video

Thank you a lot for the support

Posted : 12/01/2019 5:52 pm
Posts: 7917
Illustrious Member

The motion is fully programmable. There are built-in curves that you can use or "draw" your own using user curves. There's a "smoothing" feature to avoid step-wise jumps. There are lots of options here. It's a big topic with several tutorials in print and video form.

Posted : 13/01/2019 1:45 am

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