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Global setting for changing the color of the super knob...?

8 Posts
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With the newest updates - is there now a global setting for changing the color of the super knob so it stays the same color all the time...?

I know previously, you had to do it in the PERFORMANCE setting.

Posted : 23/01/2021 6:39 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

The globals are under

[UTILITY], "Settings" -> "System"

Parameters "LED: Knob Flash (ON/OFF), Knob Brightness (0-127)"

If you want the knob to stay the same color, turn it off with Knob Brightness=0. Now the knob is always the color of the plastic.

Knob color and pattern as you twist the knob is dictated by the Performance. But brightness and flashing to tempo (or not) is dictated globally.

Posted : 23/01/2021 8:44 pm
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I don't want the knob flashing - I know you can turn that off globally.

But, I don't want the brightness of the knob lowered.

I just want the knob to stay the same color (blue) no matter what.

Is it possible to do that globally...?

Posted : 24/01/2021 12:10 am
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

I told you what is available global. And told you what is not. In order to satisfy a constant color globally, you have to turn the LED off.

I recognize the answer doesn't match what you want to do - but it matches what the hardware does.

If you want the color to be the same no matter which Performance you recall - you have to recall only user or library Performances (library Performances you have edited/created) and set the LED pattern inside every Performance to match.

So you can see the only way to globally set the LED to the same "color" globally is to turn it off. It'll always be the color of "off". That's the limit you work under.

For me - all of what I use in my band are custom user-bank Performances. I have blink turned off so superknob doesn't flash and stays a constant color. My performances all set the same pattern so the color is the same for all of the Performances I use.

There's no global setting to achieve this unless you're ok with the LED being off. Then this will be off for all.

Posted : 24/01/2021 2:56 am
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So the quick answer to my question is - no. lol

The newest updates still do not allow you to globally change the color of the super knob so it stays the same color all the time.

You still need to do that for each performance.

Posted : 25/01/2021 5:45 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The newest updates still do not allow you to globally change the color of the super knob so it stays the same color all the time.

The MODX is a very programmable synth, don’t complain that you have to program it! (lol).
The fact is that if you want your Super Knob to always be blue and not flashing, you can program it into your MODX and your Performances (you also have to name all your Performances so do it just before you hit STORE). The mistake is thinking that more people than just you want this as a global feature. If you had to list, in order, the priorities for future updates, where this would fit on your list (even)?

Posted : 25/01/2021 6:19 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

You didn't say what color - so I gave a "creative" answer to fit your original question. The superknob is naturally a black/grey color when not illuminated and you can have that color globally if you want.

Had you asked how can I keep the superknob blue all the time with one global setting - the answer would have been "you can't".

This is not necessarily an endorsement of the way it works more than it is letting you know what you have available.

Posted : 25/01/2021 6:47 pm
Posts: 0
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The MODX is a very programmable synth, don’t complain that you have to program it! (lol).

Excellent point!

Touche' πŸ™‚

Posted : 25/01/2021 9:01 pm

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