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How to import Arpeggios?

9 Posts
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I'd like to create Arpeggios within a DAW.

But I can't find instructions how/if I can import the result into my MODX.
I would appreciate instructions or links to instructions... if this is possible.

Thank you

Posted : 25/07/2023 7:44 pm
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New Member Guest

But I can't find instructions how/if I can import the result into my MODX.
I would appreciate instructions or links to instructions... if this is possible.

One way is to:

1. create your arp as a MIDI file
2. load the MIDI file into the Modx
3. convert it to an arp - saving the arp for future use

This article has all the details

1. load a performance
2. go to the 'Play / Rec -> MIDI display
3. click on the 'Song Name' - this will let you load a MIDI file
4. select 'User Arp' from the left menu at the bottom
5. the 'put track to arpeggio' screen will let you save it

Best if you follow the example in the article above since you need to make sure you use the proper
Convert Type and there are other considerations if you are creating a multi-track (up to 4 tracks) arp.

You could also use the John Melas tools with your DAW to create the arp. I can't help you with that method.

Posted : 25/07/2023 8:04 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

[quotePost id=122618]I'd like to create Arpeggios within a DAW.

But I can't find instructions how/if I can import the result into my MODX.
I would appreciate instructions or links to instructions... if this is possible.[/quotePost]

Posted : 26/07/2023 8:07 am
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Thank you. Sounds pretty easy. And an additional thanks for the short description. Those Articles are nothing for me. To much back and forth and from side to side. I like it the clear and straight way.

I have experiences with making Arps with the MODX. That's not the problem. 10k is the same as 0... more efficient to do the job oneself.
Limit is Velocities or what you mentioned those Multi-Track Arps; which are also made by velocity. Exactly the two reasons to switch to the DAW.

On my way to legendary Jean Michel Jarre...:D
See you later...

Posted : 26/07/2023 8:18 pm
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Shall I laugh or course?

Open Cubase.
Create a Midi-Track.
Input Data.
Sounds like expected.

Open "export MIDI" ... enter ... output: 1k ... with nothing in it.

Do you remember the times, when you came to all this music stuff? Did you also struggle with every knob, every click and every feature? I am 53 years old and the rest of the world allways functioned pretty well so far.

What's up here in this world of electronic music???

Posted : 27/07/2023 1:36 pm
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New Member Guest

Open "export MIDI" ... enter ... output: 1k ... with nothing in it.

Likely you already know this but for those who don't: exactly 'what' gets exported depends on the Export Options that you set.

What options are you using?

If your arp has controller data you need to select 'Export Automation'.

Posted : 27/07/2023 3:31 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

Not that this is your problem, but there's nothing to enforce this rule in a DAW - so it's good to keep in mind:

If you use over 16 MIDI notes in your data you create in the DAW then this would be invalid data.

The limit is not on the number of note on events that occur. You could use the MIDI note C-6 20 times and this would be valid. The limitation is you cannot have more than 16 MIDI note values.

For example:

(1) C-6, (2) C#-6, (3) D-6, (4) D#-6, (5) E-6, (6) F-6, (7) F#-6, (8) G-6, (9) G#-6, (10) A-6, (11) A#-6, (12) B-6, (13) C-7, (14) C#-7, (15) D-7, (16) D#-7, (17) E-7

The above notes used would be one too many. I listed them as chromatic but they could be no more than any 16 different MIDI notes. Repeated notes (of the same MIDI note value) do not add to this count.

Posted : 27/07/2023 4:45 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

Using a Mac and Cubase AI Elements v12 this is what I did:

1) Load Cubase, choose "create empty" - this is just how I always start.
2) Project -> Add Track -> MIDI, and named it "Arp Track 1"
3) Transport panel was off, so I clicked the Transport menu and turned on "Transport Panel" which I could have also pressed F2
4) Pressed Option-K to bring up the on-screen keyboard. I didn't have any MIDI devices connected and just wanted to use Cubase as an editor, so the onscreen keyboard can be used to enter MIDI notes. On a PC this would be Alt-K
5) Pressed record on the transport bar and recorded some random notes (pressing Q, W, E, R). I didn't see a way to use the editors unless note data was first recorded
6) I chose to use the score editor - "MIDI" menu, Scores -> Open Score Editor (which is Command-R as a shortcut)
7) This showed my mis-aligned notes recorded earlier. I selected all notes and then pressed the "delete" key to erase them. Now I have an empty score.
8) Using the mouse and note tool, I added quarter notes in the first measure (C4, D4, E4, D4) then a whole note in the second measure (C4). That's the MIDI data I created, now I'm going to try exporting.

9) "File" menu, Export -> MIDI File ... I left the defaults there for now which doesn't save automation (which is good). I left the default file name (Untitled.midi) although generally I'd rename it.

10) Looking at the file system where this landed, it's a 125 byte file.

The contents of the file using "hexdump -C Untitled.midi" shows:

00000000  4d 54 68 64 00 00 00 06  00 01 00 02 01 e0 4d 54  |MThd..........MT|
00000010 72 6b 00 00 00 1f 00 ff 03 08 55 6e 74 69 74 6c |rk........Untitl|
00000020 65 64 00 ff 51 03 07 a1 20 00 ff 58 04 04 02 18 |ed..Q... ..X....|
00000030 08 00 ff 2f 00 4d 54 72 6b 00 00 00 40 00 ff 03 |.../.MTrk...@...|
00000040 0b 41 72 70 20 54 72 61 63 6b 20 31 00 90 48 64 |.Arp Track 1..Hd|
00000050 83 60 80 48 40 00 90 4a 64 83 60 80 4a 40 00 90
00000060 4c 64 83 60 80 4c 40 00 90 4a 64 83 60 80 4a 40
00000070 00 90 48 64 8f 00 80 48 40 00 ff 2f 00 |..Hd...H@../.|

The last 4 lines there, you see:

90 48 64 83 60 (MIDI note ON for note 0x48 = 72 decimal = C4 note)
80 48 40 00 (MIDI off for C4)
90 4a 64 83 60 (MIDI on for D4)
80 4a 40 00 (MIDI off for D4)
90 4c 64 83 60 (MIDI on for E4)
80 4c 40 00 (MIDI off for E4)
.. and so on

I don't see any particular issue with the exported data. It matches the note data I entered using the Score Editor.

That may not be much help - the classic "it works for me" response. I really don't use the DAW that heavily so I can't tell you what would cause whatever issue you're having.

EDIT: Lines 6 and 7 of my pasted hex dump were not handled well by the message board so I removed the last column for these lines which has the ASCII equivalents to the hex data. I left it everywhere else since it's helpful to see the track name in plain text.

Posted : 27/07/2023 7:32 pm
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Oh, thank you all very much... you are great!...allthough this is not the Cubase-Forum:D
All problems are solved. But each time it is annoying to post, read, watch videos... find this one and only hint that fits for the case... for every tiny thing.

Before I forget it ... this is the result:

Sometimes I have the illusion, that I come along with the MODX. In this case I connected the Arp to the filter and finetuned the adjustments ... how cool is that!? 😀 The average audience doesn't care, but it is a cool thing rofl 😀

My problem with this export was a complete different one. And I won't explain all the ways to workaround it. In my case (newbie) it started with those offered "presets", that noone needs, but... too far...

Yes ... starting with "empty" ... even the fear of messing with needed adjustments. I have allways in mind, that I never found a solution to make the metronom work with the MODX connected. No need to help me! I'm fed up with it!
But indeed everything went properly with "empty".

Your second advice with 16 notes. This would only be noticed after the converting-process. But I had no data at all. And the above Arp fortunately has only 1 ... ONE 😉

I hope I don't misunderstand your philosophical words. If not, this is, what I am thinking about this all.
A few days ago I read the expression "teenage engineering". Also not sure, what it exactly means. But it fits on both perspectives:
- engineered by teenager
- engineered for teenager
Physicists say: the more complicated the formula (theory), the more unlikely the result (theory) 😉
And for them "complex" means "unpredictable". That's, what I see very often at the MODX. E.g. the starting point of a controler-arp is complex lol
"Complicated" is "predictable". E.g. if I go to "Effects", and play with the presets of "Auto Synth" the sound-collapse is predictable.
The mixture of "complicated" and "complex" is also interesting. If you are browsing those "fantastic" 10.000 arps ... switch, switch, switch ...
- it is predictable that the MODX crashes ... stalls... stands still... must be restarted
- it is unpredictable, WHEN this happens ... after 100 browsed arps... 356.... and in the above song I initially had some favorites (5 or so) and toggled between them. Then it crashed very quickly ... 5 minutes or so.

I am sure all experts know that 😉

Posted : 28/07/2023 10:46 am

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