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Just updated modx to 2.5 with one question

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The readme file says after a successful os install to turn on and perform an initialize...which one out of the three choices is my question.

Btw, do I even need to do the initialize procedure considering, like the other person posted, my data (and overall state) seem to be intact from before the update.

Cheers, be safe everyone

Yamaha Forever

Posted : 02/06/2020 8:32 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

I expect this would load the new Performances.

Fixes and Enhancements

New features;
- New Performances have been added.
- The Smart Morph function has been added.
- New functions have been added to the Pattern Sequencer.
- The DAW Remote function has been added.
- Controllability and playability have been improved.

New features;
- New effect types have been added.
- New Performances have been added.
- The Pattern Sequencer function has been added.
- You can now play songs, patterns and audio files from the Live Set display.
- Super Knob Link has been added to the data that is recorded in the Scene function.
- Keyboard Control has been added to the data that is recorded in the Scene function.
- Increased the range of the LFO Speed parameter.
- You can now connect MIDI equipment via the USB TO DEVICE terminal.

Posted : 02/06/2020 9:12 pm
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Thanks for responding.
With all due respect, this doesn’t answer my question...this is just a copy and paste posting.
I need an answer

Posted : 02/06/2020 11:53 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

You don't have to initialize all data. But doing so gives you a fresh new system programmed as intended from the factory. Here's some insight from the music production guide:

Five Demo Patterns have been programmed for the Pattern Sequencer.
Since there are no "Preset Patterns", these Demos are not automatically available
in memory after the OS Update. To load them, the memory must be initialized.
• [UTILITY] > Settings > System > "Initialize All Data“

What this is saying is that the memory used by demo patterns won't be initialized to the five demo patterns unless you initialize memory. Note that this was for a previous version of firmware - but the general principle should apply to any firmware version. That there may or probably will be some useful firmware-version-specific content that isn't made available unless the keyboard is fully initialized. To get the "full monty" (or know you have it) an "Initialize All Data" - the most aggressive of initialization - may need to be done.

Hope that helps answer more difinitively.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 03/06/2020 2:59 am
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

The Initialize procedure completes a memory transfer that the user cannot otherwise do.
Each individual will have to decide for themselves if this is important or not. There is the
way the MODX is shipped out from the factory - lots of different performances, arpeggios,
patches, elements, patterns, and waveforms. Some of them can be overwritten by the user
if they want to and some of them cannot be overwritten by the user but can be overwritten
by a system update or by the factory. When a new system is designed by the manufacturer
they will make some new performances, arpeggios, patches, elements, and waveforms if they
want to do that. Some of these things will not be accessible until initialize is done. If one
likes all the new things that would come shipped from the factory with a new system, then
one will want to do the initialize to access all of them. Unfortunately exactly what these
are is not public information directly, however one could make a detailed list of everything
that is in a MODX before a system update by initialize procedure, and then make another
list after a MODX system update and initialize procedure and compare them. That would
take a very long time I think. You have to decide if you are interested enough to make a
backup file of your stuff, then do the initialize and snoop around and see if there is new
performances, arpeggios, patches, elements, and waveforms that you like or not.

Attached files

Posted : 04/06/2020 12:21 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Your point is lost in all of the incorrect statements.

There is the way the MODX is shipped out from the factory - lots of different performances, arpeggios, patches, elements, patterns, and waveforms. Some of them can be overwritten by the user if they want to and some of them cannot be overwritten by the user but can be overwritten by a system update or by the factory.

Incorrect. The MODX is shipped from the factory with Performances, Arpeggios, (no patches), Elements, (no Patterns), Waveforms. None of these Factory types of data can be overwritten by the user ever - the unit ships with Preset data - you cannot lose the Presets, you cannot overwrite the Presets, and the User Bank is completely empty.

Some of these things will not be accessible until initialize is done. If one likes all the new things that would come shipped from the factory with a new system, then one will want to do the initialize to access all of them. Unfortunately exactly what these are is not public information directly, however one could make a detailed list of everything that is in a MODX before a system update by initialize procedure, and then make another list after a MODX system update and initialize procedure and compare them.

Incorrect. What is loaded into the MODX after you “Initialize All Data” besides resetting the Factory default Utility settings, is the example Pattern Sequencer Demos. In theory, you would load this once - learn from its examples. Then you’d erase them, making room for your own data. The Patterns were provided strictly as examples.

In past products, MOXF and Motif-series, the example Demos (Songs and Patterns) were so misunderstood that many people never erased them. They were included strictly as examples of how the Sequencer could be used. Once you listened to them you were to ERASE them... but some folks left them loaded (and then would complain they were out of sequencer memory... but they still wouldn’t ERASE they remain in memory taking up user memory.

Exactly what is intended to be in your MODX is indeed “public information” and is published in the Data List booklet pdf (a new one was released with this new firmware update 2.50) Please download it. New additions are listed on page 17
Currently (after the 2.50 firmware update) your MODX:
Factory Preset Performances = 2,227
Factory Preset Arpeggios = 10,239
Factory Preset Waveforms = 6,347
(Yes, they are all listed in the Data List booklet!) These are Preset, these are permanent, and can only be replaced by Yamaha. They cannot be lost, initialized or removed by you.
Every AWM2 PART has 8 potential Elements
Every FM-X PART has 8 potential Operators

Your understanding of the Factory Preset Data, the User Data, and what gets put where, needs some serious updating. Now’s a good time.
The User Bank has 640 empty Performance locations
The User Bank has 256 empty Arpeggio Phrase slots
The User Bank has 2,048 empty Waveform slots
These are added by you (the User) and will be Saved to a User File .X8U

32 New Performances were added to the end of Factory Preset Performance list by the firmware update:
Set “Bank/Favorite” = Preset
Set “Attribute” = Smart Morph

“Glavinet” is the first of the 32 added by the 2.50 update... added after “Wired” the previous last Performance on the list.

If you spend the time programming your own MODX Performances, writing Songs, and/or Patterns, purchasing, assembling and/or customizing your own Library data, etc., it is always worth it to create a Backup File.

There are only two types of technology users, those that create backups, and those who eventually have a catastrophe.

Posted : 04/06/2020 11:30 am
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Topic starter

Thanks for all the support everybody...much appreciated!

I will do the ‘initialize all’ procedure and then install the backup I made prior to updating!

Posted : 04/06/2020 8:50 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

This thread was the exact topic I was looking for!

I have one additional observation. I'm sharing this in case others reading this thread can benefit. Of course if I have misinterpreted anything, getting some clarifying feedback from Bad Mister is welcomed ... (love your instructional videos man, great work!).

In the thread above, Jason had clarified that Five Demo Patterns get loaded as part of the Upgrade (Montage 3.5, MODX 2.5) and Initialization procedure. And Bad Mister had clarified that example data such as this can be deleted by the user after taking it for a spin.

I had wondered what happens to this example data after restoring my backup. I happened to be upgrading both a Montage and a MODX so I took a look.

I noted that the Five Demo Patterns in the update use pattern numbers 001 through 005.
My Montage backup happened to contain my own patterns using these same numbers (001 through 005).
My MODX backup contained no pattern data.

The result:
After loading the Montage backup, MY patterns 001 through 005 were present and there was no record of the examples from the upgrade.
After loading the MODX backup (which had no pattern data), patterns 001 through 005 still contained the demonstration patterns from the upgrade.

So if you will be restoring a backup which contains pattern data, you may wish to check out the examples after the upgrade / initialize procedure but before restoring your backup.

[Revised based on feedback from Bad Mister]

Cheers 😀

Posted : 02/07/2020 3:28 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

You are using the word “sample” - which has a completely different definition for the MODX and MONTAGE — the Patterns that load in are better described as “examples” (instead of “samples” ). The Patterns are examples of what can be done with the the new Pattern Sequencer... they illustrated how each Scene can be used as a different musical Section.

Posted : 02/07/2020 10:40 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Thank you Bad Mister, good catch. I've revised my post making that substitution.

Posted : 02/07/2020 7:31 pm

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