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Loading Montage User Performances That Contain Bosendorfer Library Data

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After loading the Bosendorfer Library into my Montage 8, I created a few User Performances that combined Bosendorfer Performances with additional Parts. I sold the Montage last week, then purchased an MODX8. My saved Montage User Performance File and Bosendorfer Library file loaded fine, and the Performances in both files are playable; however, the Bosendorpher-based User Performances do not include the Bosendorpher parts when played.
A fellow player has suggested that the Performances set up on the Montage might be looking for the Bosendorfer Parts in the entire User Flash memory (where he thought all new samples were placed in the Montage) vs the new Library section of the User Flash in the MODX (where apparently 3rd-party Library samples are placed). If that is the case, is there a way to redirect the Performances to look for the Bosendorfer Parts in the MODX's Library section of the User Flash? Or is there another way to put this handful of Montage User Performances back together in my MODX? I could attempt to recreate the Performances (possibly moving the core Bosendorfer tones into the empty Parts), but am hoping to avoid this...

Posted : 17/10/2018 4:54 am
Posts: 7912
Illustrious Member

Not having a MODX - I'm not sure what comes out the other side of translating files from Montage files. I can say this generally:

In Montage, it's important that if you have user Performances which "point to" a sample in the Library area - then if you initialize your Montage to wipe all Libraries and user area -- if you load the library and user area back - the library must be placed in the same slot as it was originally in. If you had two library slots used (say CS-80 library in slot 1, Bosendorpher in slot 2) then when you reload your Montage, you must place the CS-80 back by loading it first and load the Bosendorpher second such that Bosendorpher is in slot #2. If you have a different ordering, then the user Performances which "point to" Bosendorpher will be broken because the library is in the wrong place.

... this may be part of what's going on.

That said - you have some options.

1) Go into your user Performances which reference Bosendorpher and edit each element. Click to edit the waveforms and point the keybank samples to the Bosendorpher samples manually. This may be a lot of work.


2) Regenerate the user performances from scratch. I'm assuming you have Bosendorpher original performances + some other instrument that is a preset. This should be pretty easy to re-do. You have a couple options here too. One way would be to load the Bosendorpher library straight into your USER area. Load your previous Montage user area into the Library area. Import those Performances to the User area. Now you have Bosendorpher + your previous user Performances both in the user area. Last, edit your previous Montage user Performances (now in the MODX user area) and delete the PARTs that are the Bosendorpher parts. Finally, do a performance merge with the stock Bosendorpher Performances that are in your user area (the ones loaded straight from the Bosendorpher promo X7L file). Now all of your new user Bosendorpher (plus some new instrument) Performances will be completely in the user area. You can create a Library file from your user area and this Library should have everything together. No longer would you have some content in the user area and some content in the library area. This means they cannot be mis-aligned and lose the samples.


3) You can load your Bosendorpher original X7L promo pack from Yamaha into the MODX user area and just recreate the Performances from scratch. You could write down the various settings down from the original user Performances to help you reconstruct (if necessary). I'm not sure how involved the new Performances would be to re-do.


4) Try to match the original organization of Montage in terms of where the Bosendorpher library is loaded. This may mean you need to delete/shuffle other Libraries already installed. This option may not be valid at all. Depends on how conversion works which I cannot test.

Posted : 17/10/2018 7:26 am
Posts: 0
New Member
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Thanks, Jason! I'll start by trying suggestion number 4, then work my way up the ladder from there. When I figure it out, I'll post the results here.

Posted : 19/10/2018 5:00 pm

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