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Maximum parts playable from the keyboard

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Hey folks.

On the Montage you can have 16 parts but only 8 are playable from the keyboard - the same amount as you can have to still take advantage of the Seamless Sound Switching

On the MODX I read it's only 4 parts for the SSS so I'm just wondering if this means you can only play 4 parts from the keyboard? Or can can play up to 8 parts from the keyboard but just not seamlessly switch those performances?


Posted : 17/09/2018 10:25 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Hi Craig,
The MODX can read and play MONTAGE Performances. In fact, all of the 2143 MODX Factory Performances are identical to the first 2143 Performances in MONTAGE! The specification for the number of KBD CTRL (Keyboard Control) Parts is the same, eight.

A Performance, in both, is from 1 to 16 Parts. Eight of those Parts can be under KBD CTRL, simultaneously.

To understand that what causes sounds to cutoff when switching from MULTI PART Performance to another Performance, you must see it as a function of “repatching” Dual Insertion Effects of the active Parts. Think of the routing to the Insertion Effects as like the complex signal routing in a studio patchbay... to move from one setup to another, you’ll need to unplug and replug a bunch of patch cords. In order for the sound not to be interrupted you’d need enough “patches” to cover both the sound you are playing currently and the sound you are moving to next. This way nothing gets ‘unplugged’ while sounding/processing audio.

The MONTAGE has 16+1 (16Synth+AD In) Parts that can recall their Dual Insertion Effects simultaneously, thus allowing no sonic interruption when moving between one 8 Part Performance and another 8 Part Performance... you simply have enough DSP to make the switch without ripping the connections of any active Part.

The MODX has 12+1 (12Synth+AD In) Parts that can recall their Dual Insertion Effects simultaneously; the first 8 KBD CTRL Parts always have their Dual Inserts available, and the user gets to choose which four of the remaining Parts 9-16 will recall their Dual Insertion Effects.

Thus the spec for switching SSS on the MODX is a 4 Part Performance, maximum, under KBD CTRL to another 4 Part Performance. It does not have enough DSP to support eight Parts on either side of the transition.

Extra Credit:
But the same workflow stands true, when you buy a programmable synth, the wise user learns to program it to do what they require. Example, (and we’ll have the tutorials updated for MODX), if you need an acoustic piano, strings and a Rhodes for a particular song on stage, learn to merge those instruments into your current one Performance, such that transitions can be handled by the Motion Control Synthesis Engine (i.e., morph with Super Knob or Assignable Knobs, switch using XA (Expanded Articulation) Control, Motion Seq, Part Select buttons, Foot Control, Ribbon, Faders, etc., etc.) there are so many ways to transition sounds without interruption that you have options.

When individual Single instruments are assembled into the same Performance, because no repatching is necessary, you can seamlessly transition from Part to Part to Part with absolutely no interruption in sound. You can even hold sounds across multiple instrument changes (hold a string sound with Sustain Pedal, through several different lead sounds).... it’s like super-seamless-sound-switching because it’s unlimited within the one Performance. You can understand in our analogy, because all the patch cords are in place when you recall the one Performance - therefore the reason for the interruption has been removed.

The (official) SSS function can be seen as the solution for the non-programmer... it allows you to swap between any two pre-made programs (of up to four Parts maximum on MODX). But the skilled user learns how to build Performances that support the transitions they need by getting into programming. There are many examples within the Factory Set of Instrument transitions within a Performance... starting with the first Performance in MODX/MONTAGE “CFX + FM EP” - here you have an acoustic piano and an electric piano. Each is available as separate Performances, and you could use SSS to switch between them, but the fact that they also appear in the same one Performance allows you an alternate method to *transition*.

When you start to program you’ll find it quite easy to build *exactly* what you need! (One of the reasons we have website support and sound sharing capability on the web is to get more keyboard players into being synthesist.

Thanks for the question. If you need assistance, at any time setting up instruments within a Performance, that is where the Forum will really come in handy. Welcome!

Posted : 17/09/2018 2:43 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey Bad Mister,

Thanks for your in depth answer. TBH I'm not too fussed about the SSS - I was just hoping that 8 parts could still be under KBD CTRL - which is great to hear that they are! I am a proud Montage 7 owner and would love 2 in my rig but funds won't quite reach. Now I can add an MODX instead. Just need to decide whether to get a MODX8 to go on the bottom, or an MODX6 to go on the top!

Posted : 17/09/2018 7:09 pm

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