I loaded a user file created in the John Melas Wave editor. I loaded it on my formatted flash drive.
It completed the the load and froze. Once I powered down and restarted the MODX it freezes on MODX screen.
Is there a key combo to reinitialize the keyboard? I've got a gig tomorrow.
Hold down the CONTROL ASSIGN and KNOB POSITION 1 buttons while powering on. Test item 24 (Factory Set). Be aware that this wipes out any user data and brings everything back to initial state.There might be a more direct way but I’m not aware of it.
Norman, you are my hero. It worked perfectly. I just load my backup and I'll be up and running. Sitting My MODX7 on top of a B3.
Thank you so much. If you're ever in Seattle holler.
Norman, you are my hero. It worked perfectly. I just load my backup and I'll be up and running. Sitting My MODX7 on top of a B3.
Thank you so much. If you're ever in Seattle holler.
Glad to help. I hope you were able to make the gig in time.
Gig went great.
Gig went great.
Nice B3. Still got my C3. Semi-retired in my living room