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MODX ARP Recording To Cubase LE

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Many issues that I cannot for the life of me work out.
When I start recording on Cubase the MODX will begin to play the Pattern Chain (sorry if my terminology is inaccurate) but faulters by playing the first measure twice before continuing. I rechecked this by pressing play on the MODX to be sure that there wasn't an issue there. I must add that the MIDI was still connected to Cubase. It would play properly then faulter in the same way, by playing the first measure twice. In both cases when this happens, eg if it is an 8 measure pattern it only plays up to the 7th measure, if that makes sense. So it is making up the 8 measures but by doubling up on the first measure if leaves off the last measure. I am wondering if Cubase is causing this as I have played a live gig using the pattern chain with no issues. Not sure what this is all related to, so I will attempt to give you an overview.
1. When recording to Cubase, should 'Clock Out' on the MODX be on or off?
2. When recording the on Cubase the tempo varies up and down during record, despite the setting on both are at 97bpm. This is also visible on the MODX
3. When I play back the arp on the MODX still triggers on, even if when turning the arp off in MODX utilities, and I have tried this with and without the Play/Rec window on MODX.
Your help and advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
The project for me is to put down a demo for a song that was written by a colleague. I have watched countless videos to determine the best and fastest way to produce this, from creating directly into the DAW time consuming. (cannot get my head around all the drum patterns available), Audio recording from the MODX, but I don't know how to sync the recording to the measures in Cubase. Plus separating the instruments to individual tracks? Bottom line is I am now confused, but do not wish to let this go until I learn how to succeed with recording and using the most efficient method. Regards Rob

Posted : 16/06/2023 11:33 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

It would play properly then faulter in the same way, by playing the first measure twice.

The first thing to do is to test the Modx only and to get it working properly there. Disconnect all cables and play the chain.

Did this play properly? Please post the results.

Please post the info on the 'Pattern -> User Arp' page. That page defines the measures and scenes that are assigned.

When I play back the arp on the MODX still triggers on

What 'Arp' are you referring to? A normal arp? Or the Pattern Chain?

I have tried this with and without the Play/Rec window on MODX

I don't understand this.

You can't play a pattern chain 'without the Play/Rec' window. So what does this mean?

Posted : 16/06/2023 11:56 pm
Posts: 8350
Illustrious Member

To separate out each Part to a separate track, make sure to record with the mode as "Multi Channel" mode (not single or hybrid). Set the MIDI channel to "All" for this track. MIDI recordings will place all Parts on the same track. It's not a problem for MODX - when you play back this track recorded to MODX - it will play the right thing since each Part has been documented in the single MIDI track as a different MIDI Channel. One MIDI track can support all 16 MIDI channels at the same time.

However, if you're editing the data - it may be easier to get each Part into its own track. That's supported. You would use the "dissolve" feature which will place each MIDI channel recorded in the master track and "convert" this data to up to 16 separate MIDI tracks. One for each Part utilized.

I know you've got a bunch of issues - but this one I think is pretty easy to deal with.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 17/06/2023 12:34 am
Posts: 8350
Illustrious Member

As far as the MODX clock setting, set clock out "on". See this video, skipping to this screen:

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 17/06/2023 3:42 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

[quotePost id=122165]Many issues that I cannot for the life of me work out.
When I start recording on Cubase the MODX will begin to play the Pattern Chain (sorry if my terminology is inaccurate) but faulters by playing the first measure twice before continuing. I rechecked this by pressing play on the MODX to be sure that there wasn't an issue there. I must add that the MIDI was still connected to Cubase. It would play properly then faulter in the same way, by playing the first measure twice. In both cases when this happens, eg if it is an 8 measure pattern it only plays up to the 7th measure, if that makes sense. So it is making up the 8 measures but by doubling up on the first measure if leaves off the last measure. I am wondering if Cubase is causing this as I have played a live gig using the pattern chain with no issues. Not sure what this is all related to, so I will attempt to give you an overview.
1. When recording to Cubase, should 'Clock Out' on the MODX be on or off?
2. When recording the on Cubase the tempo varies up and down during record, despite the setting on both are at 97bpm. This is also visible on the MODX
3. When I play back the arp on the MODX still triggers on, even if when turning the arp off in MODX utilities, and I have tried this with and without the Play/Rec window on MODX.
Your help and advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
The project for me is to put down a demo for a song that was written by a colleague. I have watched countless videos to determine the best and fastest way to produce this, from creating directly into the DAW time consuming. (cannot get my head around all the drum patterns available), Audio recording from the MODX, but I don't know how to sync the recording to the measures in Cubase. Plus separating the instruments to individual tracks? Bottom line is I am now confused, but do not wish to let this go until I learn how to succeed with recording and using the most efficient method. Regards Rob[/quotePost]Much of what you are describing can actually happen (particularly when you are incorrectly playing back data from your DAW and you are still setup to trigger a Pattern Chain to playback, or you inadvertently trigger live Arpeggio Phrases while running Cubase).

Audio-wise they (both the live Arp and recorded playback) will sound very much the same. One will be the result of Cubase MIDI Track data while the other will be generated by the synth engine in response to its own Pattern data or by touching the Keyboard and retriggering the live Arp Phrases.

As a rule: once you have recorded any Arpeggio data, make it a habit to disable the Master [ARP ON/OFF] switch. Once an Arpeggio Phrase is recorded it is NO LONGER considered an Arpeggio — it is now MIDI event data in every sense of the word. You can turn the Arpeggiator OFF. This will prevent trouble/confusion.

If you’re having the Pattern Chain playing when you start Cubase, this means you are most possibly playing the data twice. Once from Cubase MIDI Tracks that you recently recorded and once from the MODX Pattern Sequencer Tracks that served as the source data. Or the data from the Pattern Chain is arriving in Cubase and traveling back through to MODX.

You do not want to do that!
You can prevent this doubling by doing any of the following:
1) Return to the MODX Performance HOME screen when playing back from Cubase (exiting the “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” area). By exiting the “Play/Rec” area, the MIDI playback function is disabled.
2) Go to [UTILITY] > “Settings” > “MIDI I/O” > Set “Song Play/Stop Receive” = Off… this prevents the MODX from receiving a “Play” message via MIDI
3) When a MIDI Track is *selected* in Cubase - it will trigger the Track’s target MIDI device, on the specified MIDI Channel.

If you have already created and activated a PATTERN CHAIN (you can review its structure by navigating to the “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” > “Edit/Job” > “Chain”
Here you can see a two column grid …one for Measure and one for Scene.
SIMPLE: The Pattern Chain will switch to the indicated Scene at the indicated Measure… you are free to edit it. The total Chain Length and tools to Convert to Song are shown lower right.
You can deactivate a Pattern Chain, back on the Pattern screen (hit [EXIT] to return), then by simply turning the “Chain” box = Off.

Again, you do not want to have the MODX sequencer playing at the same time as the Cubase MIDI Tracks are playing back (that is likely your doubling).

If/When you wish to transfer any data recorded to the MODX MIDI sequencer (MIDI Song or Pattern Scene) to Cubase… use MODX CONNECT.

MODX CONNECT runs inside of Cubase… it lets you drag and drop MODX Songs and Pattern Scenes from the MODX internal memory directly into Cubase via your USB connection.
All Songs are found in the MODX Song Folder — [UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Data Utility” > “Song” (128 locations)
All Patterns are found in the MODX Pattern Folder — [UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Data Utility” > “Pattern” (Each Scene, 1-8, is a separate file, 1-8) (128 Patterns, 8 Scenes per Pattern).

MODX CONNECT gives you direct access from within Cubase to the Data Utility Song/Pattern Folders. Drop the icon into blank Cubase Project… you can ‘teach’ Cubase to automatically open a Project assigned to your MODX.

In a Cubase/MODX configuration, Cubase is always master clock;
MODX is always set to follow Cubase (Set the MODX to “MIDI SYNC” = MIDI;
The MODX will automatically change to match the tempo as set in Cubase. This includes all MODX Tempo driven LFOs, Effects, Arpeggios, and Sequencers.

The setting for MODX “CLOCK OUT” is not important — as in this setup, the MODX Clock Out is not received by Cubase and therefore, not used.

Posted : 17/06/2023 1:50 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

Record in "Multi Channel" mode (not single or hybrid) to isolate each Part onto a distinct track. For this tune, select "All" as the MIDI channel. All parts will be recorded on the same MIDI track. Because each Part is recorded on a separate MIDI Channel in the single MIDI track, MODX has no trouble reproducing the arrangement when played back. All 16 MIDI channels can be used simultaneously on a single MIDI track. drift boss

Posted : 26/06/2023 10:21 am

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