Hi, quick question. I have SMFs on my pc. Any way I can send these directly to the song bank in the MODX? I have the Melas programs but don't see which one can do it
You know, instead of putting the midi files on a stick and loading them one by one.
MODX Connect allows transfer of song (MIDI, pattern) files through USB (USB TO HOST Cable Computer).
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks for the response, Jason. I'm in MODX CONNECT and I can't find how to move .MID files from the PC to the MODX.
The manual implies that it only allows importing MIDI files to the computer, not exporting them. Is that correct?
I have SMFs on my pc. Any way I can send these directly to the song bank in the MODX?
Put the midi files on a USB stick and load them one by one. You can load and store 128 .mid files in your MODX “Data Utility” > “Song” Folder. There are three ways to put data in this Folder...
__ Record using the MODX “Play/Rec” > “MIDI” Song Performance Recorder
__ Transfer data from the MODX “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” Performance Recorder using the Pattern Chain to Chain Scenes which you can convert into a linear Song
__ Load a .mid file directly to the “MIDI” Song Performance Recorder from a USB stick.
Thanks. Now how do I attach performances I've created to the songs I've mported into the modx? There is a performance screen and a link next to the song name, but I can't change the performance...
A .mid for your MODX will contain the MIDI events: notes, controllers, tempo... it is the music data...
The Performance contains the synthesizers sounds that are going to make sound. These are the instruments.
The .mid is the Song: say it’s “Yesterday”
The Performance is the band : The Beatles
These are two separate pieces of data.
Say you LOAD a .mid File to the MODX Performance Recorder as a “MIDI“ Song, you can link it with a MODX Performance (a group of selected synth sounds), so that whenever you recall the Song by Name, the instruments you used to play it will be recalled. You will know they are linked as the blue chain link icon will indicate the attachment.
Your current Performance can be *stored* in the MODX User Bank. Only a Performance that has a residence in the MODX can be linked with a Sequence. You can either build this Performance up from scratch, or you can recall an existing Performance, or you can bulk it IN from MODX CONNECT (and then Store it).
If you have the Performance in the User Bank already you can recall it as follows:
Press [HOME]
Set the “Bank/Favorite” = User
Set the “Attribute” = All
Or you can simply type in the name in the search field.
Tap the Name of your Performance in the result field...when you locate it...
Press [HOME]
Now touch “Play/Rec” to return to the Sequencer.
Now the Performance name will be next to Song’s MIDI data.
Tap the box that will store a link between this Song and the Performance.
Now whenever you recall this Song, the Performance will automatically be recalled.
You can even Load them to the Sequencer together ... set the Load “Content Type” = Song&Perf
If you are bulking a Performance in from MODX CONNECT - you can keep individual copies of your Performances on your computer using MODX CONNECT.
In MODX CONNECT you want to search through your stored Performances (LOAD)
When you send data from the Computer > Synth it will arrive in the activate Edit Buffer of the MODX...
You must then press [STORE] to Name and Store it as a New Performance in your User Bank.
Now that it is stored to your User Bank, you will be able to establish the *link* between the Performance and the Sequence
You the baddest mister! Many thanks. I'm sure I'll be back soon for more advice. I'm getting it ... slowwwwly...