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Not very clear where edited, renamed and saved parts go

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Scenario: I have a performance. I edited a part of the performance, renamed it, and then saved it. I usually save my custom parts under “no assign” because I find categorizing, whatever. I have also saved my custom parts under categories for the sake of troubleshooting my dilemma thus describing.
Anyway, what if I want to use any of the killer custom parts I am creating (from across various performances) within a new performance (or existing one for that matter)? I cannot find any of those custom parts. I have searched for these parts in category search using text-based parameters to no avail. Help please!


Posted : 18/11/2018 9:31 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi Angelo,
Welcome to

When you edit, rename and STORE a Performance, it will go to the lowest/next available User Bank location. You can always locate it as follows:

From the HOME screen:
Set the “Bank” = User
The listing in the screen will show the current User Bank Performances — 16 titles appear at a time on a Page; you can use the screen ‘down cursor’ or the front panel buttons, or Data Dial to move through the Performances. Or simply touch an entry to select it. A maximum of 640 User Performances can be made and stored in your USER Bank.

Initially, they are listed in the “Default” order, basically this is in the order you stored them.
You can have the search engine list them alphabetically by touching “Name”; you can reverse the alphabetical listing by touching “Name” a second time.
You can type in any portion of the Name in the box by the magnifying glass... even if you only remember a few letters, it will search for you.

When you wish to recall an entire Performance that you’ve made, or when you wish to recall a single Part from within any Performance, you can do so by learning to use the “CATEGORY SEARCH” feature. Using to use the “Bank”, “Attribute” and “Source” settings will let you navigate and recall any particular item you may desire.

There are three types of ‘search’ for sounds... 1) when you search to replace one Performance with an entirely new Performance;
2) when you “merge” an existing Performance to the current Performance by “+” adding it to an empty Part (or Parts).
3) when you replace an existing Part, substituting a single Part with a single Part from another Performance. You can define any Part from any Performance, using the “Source” you can specify which Part 1-16 you wish to recall.

You can learn all about using these three types of “search” for sound programs with your MODX in the following article:
Mastering MODX: Using Category Search

Posted : 18/11/2018 11:41 pm
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Hi Angelo, not sure if I understand your question right. But it seems like you expect the parts to be stored individually from the performances. That’s not the case, actually. In contrast to for example the Motif or the MOXF, parts only live in the performances! That means every part in every performance has their own parameters. There is no separate part storage.

That means you cannot find the parts by searching them. You have to locate a performance which has the part you want and load that part of the performance into the one where you want it. BM explains this in the above post.

If you would like have a library of ready made parts then I suggest you store a performance only containing one part and name it maybe with some lib prefix.

Posted : 19/11/2018 8:23 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

It is not necessary, however. If you create a Performance with multiple Parts... if you wish to access any of those Parts, separately, you only need to remember the context in which you created it. This is not as strange or outside of how you probably work already. And certainly it is how your brain works... when remembering sounds.

For example, say you create a custom Drum Kit by Copying/Exchanging Drum sounds into a custom kit. You do so for a specific musical composition. Yes, you could store it as a separate individual Single Part entity — but you don’t have to, simply store it in the context of the other Parts you require. It would be wise to give the entire Performance a Name that would remind you of the context.

The name of the song you use it for, is the most common example. Any time you need or want to use the Drum Kit from that composition, you’ll know exactly where to look. Customize an Electric piano for use as a part of a Multi-Part Performance, typically you do so for a specific song; want to use it as a starting point in your new session?’ll know exactly ‘oh, I want that E.Piano sound I used in xyz song’. “xyz” could be a Chicago song or an Adele song. Find the Source Part number and go get it.

Going to get these sounds is not as complicated as it sounds...once you have taken the time and have created your own Part, they become very personal. In the Data List Booklet you will find listing for all the additional ‘customized’ drum kits that were assembled for specific musical Performances by the programmers. No, they are not searchable... in the Standard way... you find them by the name of the Performance they were used in.

Example, say you play the Performance “Marine Life” or “Pearly Gates” — the original programmer’s included a custom drum Kit as one of the Parts, they decided to add a few custom Waveforms ... for use in the Performance they were constructing. If when playing one of these you decide, ‘Wow, I really like those vocoded-vocal effects in there, I’d like to build my custom kit from one of them...’ well, you can look and see which Part contains the Drum Kit, and with the appropriate “Search” you can set the ‘Source’ to go and get that Part. It’s that easy.

Say you would like to add one of the EP Parts and the mechanical noise component used in the Rhodes and Wurlitzer Gallery Performances... you go to those Performances, identify which EP and which Part is the hammer noise, and individually ‘grab’ just those Parts. They do not have to occupy their own Single Part Performance to be useful.

Whether you create each as a standalone Single Part (anchor) where it occupies Part 1 as separate Performance, is your choice. Not necessary, just personal preference.

Why it is important to think like this is because every Performance can have 16 Parts. 640 Performances per User Bank. Each use case can be unique. Think of the Performance grouping of Parts as another way to define/refine your Search. Those who fail to take the time to Name their Performances are going to be in trouble, eventually.

Posted : 19/11/2018 1:36 pm
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It is not necessary, however.

Yes, that's correct. And to be very clear: The fact that the parts belong to the performance and are not just linked to from the performances is for me one of the big advantages of the MODX / Montage over for example the MOXF. Or over the Roland Integra 7. For example in the Integra I hated having to think about all the performances (named studio sets there) which might be affected when I changed a certain part (named sound there). Similar in the MOXF.

Posted : 19/11/2018 3:06 pm
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Hey Bad M. and Stefan,

Thanks to you for the clarity on this paradigm...because of your reply(s) I finally wrapped my head around it. Yeppers...different way of thinking than my old Motif ES & XF. Different way of thinking in general...and it makes sense when one gets into that mindframe. Still training my brain with it now until it sinks in as second-nature.

Hey, I don’t wanna start another post on this if unnecessary but how the heck does Soundmondo with work on MODX via iOS...cannot get it to work either on iPhone or iPad or Google Chrome on Mac...all with latest operation systems and drivers. Used to work quite brilliantly on my Reface DX (‘used to’ b/c I ebayed it for the MODX)


Posted : 19/11/2018 5:45 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

What is working, quite well, with Soundmondo app is the “Capture” and “Set List” features. Working, but not quite so well, is the online share function.

Let’s deal with what is working well.

“Capture” — when you connect the MODX to your iOS device (iPhone/iPad) using a USB cable and a LUCA (Lightning-to-USB Camera Adapter), the app will auto recognize the MODX. Touch “Capture”, tap the icon to send a dump request to the MODX... You will be asked if you want SAVE this capture. You can rename, take or import a Photo to identify it or use the default picture. You can copy it to “Set List” if you are assembling Performances for on-Stage use.

Capture allows you keep on your iOS device a copy of each Performance. Any time you want to recall a Performance just touch its icon to bulk it to the MODX’s current Edit Buffer... the Edit Buffer allows you to play it, Edit it, change it... if you want to STORE it to your MODX internal you can, by pressing the [STORE] button.

What is not working so well is the “share” function of the Google Chrome Browser based version... when Browsing for a community posted Performance, normally you would click on it and SYNC it (sends it to your instrument’s Edit Buffer)... instead of it returning to the screen with the original author’s explanation about what to look for, how to play it, the screen that might include not just the details of how to play but their SoundCloud audio example, or their YouTube Video... instead it unceremoniously puts you on a screen that invites you STEAL CREDIT for the sound you just downloaded (not cool).

We are trying to get that fixed... but for personal use the Soundmondo Capture and Set List function’s work as expected.

Posted : 19/11/2018 6:06 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

If you want to continue using search to find your user created Performances, then place something unique and identifiable in the Performance name when you [STORE] and name your Performance. Something like your initials - if they're not initials that match something already found when searching. Or just two "!!" - or anything you want.

Note that when you press the [CATEGORY] button more than once - it will eventually show only the "User" bank - which are all of your user created Performances. You can use the touchscreen to choose this bank (as previously suggested) - but using buttons is another way.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/11/2018 6:28 pm
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Hey there, still can’t get Soundmondo to do what it should even after reading your procedural Bad M.
Have all the required dongle(s) too. No dice.
Gotta just wait for the update then.


Posted : 19/11/2018 11:01 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

If you're using a PC - there are many prerequisites. Even having those - the driver install may have become "corrupted", at least for Soundmondo's usage. You can tell this is the case if your driver name has any digit BEFORE "MONTAGE". Like "2-MONTAGE" or "2 MONTAGE-1". It's what's before (not after). This is a driver instance. Soundmondo can't handle anything except for a blank instance. "MONTAGE" or "MONTAGE-1". If there's a digit before "MONTAGE" in the driver name, Soundmondo croaks. The cure is to uninstall the Yamaha Steinberg USB drivers and re-install.

That's about all that's required in addition to the normal setup instructions I'm aware of that helps people.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 20/11/2018 4:48 am

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