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Play with Pattern

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Sorry, I'm newbie.

Part of music I play with UserArp - this is start auto play with key on on my left hand
Right Hand are melody as is.
But some music I have recorded in pattern.
I'm confused. How to start pattern play? Manual press button? Start syncronization?
Is It possible in Scene? I not found 🙂

In general, I can practice turning play on quickly 😀

I have record full bass party to pattern/song It's the only way to build bass correct.
With UserArp bass is not possible to correct with chord inversions!
Typically Am Dm bass like this: a-e-a-e to a-f-a-f is V-III crazy
Jumping to direct chords it is not comfortable. I whant chord inversions.
And this depend to other parts arps.

It's the only way to build bass correct. To record bass to pattern. 🙁 😉

Is it possible play bass arpeggio without bass on low note of chord?
It would be nice if there was rootless chords understanding bassline.
Chords without bass note recognize. Sorry, these are dreams))

BTW How to start a [ Pattern or Song ] with arpeggio together?

Posted : 06/07/2023 7:58 pm
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How to start pattern play? Manual press button? Start syncronization?
Is It possible in Scene? I not found 🙂

If you haven't 'found' then you haven't read the reply I gave you in your scene/BPM thread where I said this:

One way to put it all together is to chain your scenes together using the pattern sequencer. See this article for how to do that.

That article takes you step-by-step through using a pattern to chain scenes together.

You start pattern play by pressing the 'play' button, either the real button or the one on the pattern screen.

How to start a [ Pattern or Song ] with arpeggio together?

Again - that article shows you how.

Each scene can specify the arpeggio that should play. When the pattern changes scenes it can also change the arpeggio.

Posted : 06/07/2023 9:18 pm
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How do you start an Arp and Sequencer Play at the same time?

While you are waiting for Bill to respond I suggest you read what I said above.

Again - that article shows you how.

Each scene can specify the arpeggio that should play. When the pattern changes scenes it can also change the arpeggio.

You can specify for each scene which arpeggio to play -

1. Go to the Performance -Scene tab
2. Select the Scene (1-8)
3. For Memory turn 'Arp' On
4. At the bottom select the Arp (1-8) that you want the selected scene to play
5. Repeat the above for each scene that will be in your pattern chain

Follow the steps in the article to create a pattern that chains the scenes together in the
order you want them played.

Repeating for the second time

You start pattern play by pressing the 'play' button, either the real button or the one on the pattern screen.

Repeating for the third time

When the pattern changes scenes it can also change the arpeggio.

If necessary save these instructions off-line and ask a friend to read them to you.

Posted : 07/07/2023 3:34 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

If you review your posts over the last couple of weeks you’ll find these two RULES to be outlined: it’s been basically the same question again and again….

__ Arps can only be started by Note-on events.
__ Sequences can be started by the [>] Play button or by a Key-on strike.

Pattern playback can be started by pressing the [>] Play button, or by setting “Key On Start” = On, and then you can start its playback by touching any key.

What’s a “Performance Scene”
A “Performance Scene” can recall conditions/settings within the Performance… things like mix settings, Arp and Motion Sequence selection, Super Knob position, Play FX offsets, KBD CTRL status, Part Mute status, etc. Recalling a Performance Scene is accomplished via the 8 dedicated [SCENE] buttons. Recalling a Scene prepares it to sound, it does not START an ARP or Motion Sequence, it simply recalls them to be ready to play. RULE: “Arps can only be started by Note-on events.”

Recalling a Scene and then playing a Note (Key-On event) can start any Arp and/or Motion Sequence. But if you simply recall a Scene without pressing a Key, only the Performance parameters will change, the Arps and Motion Sequences will not start until you press the keys — and further, you must hit a start key located in a specific Note Limit range and Velocity Limit range. Simply pressing the [SCENE] button provides no musical information as to what Key, what Chord, how Loud, etc. only a keyboard press provides that information to an Arpeggiator!
Think of it this way—Arps can be started separately from the other Scene changes: Recalling a Scene prepares the Performance… you can start by playing a Rubato piano intro… and after the piano intro you want to bring the rest of the band (via Arpeggios) you can hit a specific Note-on event, at the end of your piano intro, that starts the Arps. Arps require musical input!

What’s a Pattern Scene”
A “Pattern Scene” is the same as a “Performance Scene” except that it applies its Memory settings to additionally define a musical region (Section) defined by a number of Measures to be played before cycling back to the top (or stopping) by the Pattern Sequencer.

If your goal is start play using the [>] Play button — it can be used to start playback of either a MIDI Song or a Pattern Scene. The [>] Play button does NOT start Arps, ever.

If you are using the Pattern Sequencer with “Key On Start” = On, then it is possible to start playback of pre-recorded Pattern Tracks along with active Arpeggio Parts (as long as you meet the Arp trigger requirements).

But a word of warning with Arps and Patterns: if a Part is assigned to follow an Arpeggio Phrase in a Pattern, and you place that Pattern Scene in RECORD, the data from that Arpeggio Phrase will automatically be written (transferred) into the Track as regular MIDI events.

A word of warning with Arps and MIDI Song: If a Part is assigned to follow an Arpeggio Phrase in a linear MIDI Song, you must decide during the initial record session if you want to RECORD the Output of the Arpeggiators or not… “Arp Rec” = On or Off.
_ If you set Arp Rec to On, the data from the Arp Phrases will be written to the Track and made permanent events on the Track. If Arp Rec is set to Off, then the assigned Arp Phrases remain ‘virtual’ and you are free to substitute different Arp Phrases to try out before locking them in, permanently.

Is it possible play bass arpeggio without bass on low note of chord?

If you have to ask this question then it is clear you are not sure you even want to use the Arpeggiator’s chord intelligence. Ask yourself,
_ is there a better way
_ why do I need chord intelligence in this instance
_ why do I want to use the ARPEGGIATOR in this instance?

If you know exactly what you want the bass to play for a particular Scene, why are you leaving it up to the ‘chord intelligence’ of the Arpeggiator?

I assume you are using Drum Arps to set down the rhythmic pattern. Notice how it plays exactly what you want in each Scene. So I ask, why not just record your bass line as a “Convert Type” = Fixed Note Arp Phrase… this way when the Scene is recalled to play it plays exactly what you require (just like your “drummer”).
Or why not just record your bass line directly to Pattern Track — so it plays anytime you recall the Scene.

You may find that you are trying to, unnecessarily, use a tool that doesn’t do the job you want.

Posted : 07/07/2023 9:37 am
Posts: 263
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I need practice to get this in my head. Otherwise I quickly forget. 🙂
Big thanks!

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:51 am
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So I ask, why not just record your bass line as a “Convert Type” = Fixed Note Arp Phrase… this way when the Scene is recalled to play it plays exactly what you require (just like your “drummer”).

Yes It right. Fixed mode.
But It's equivalent to record full song and play along.
I've come to terms with this for a long time.

But I meant simple games. Elementary fifths. I don't mean super complex stuff.

Posted : 07/07/2023 1:47 pm
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You can't start an arp and a Pattern at the same time.

Yes - you can, as Bad Mister confirmed above.

If you are using the Pattern Sequencer with “Key On Start” = On, then it is possible to start playback of pre-recorded Pattern Tracks along with active Arpeggio Parts (as long as you meet the Arp trigger requirements).

Try it. Bet you can't.

No - YOU try it and prove to yourself that you can.

Just make the first note of a pattern scene a note (or notes) that triggers that scene's arpeggio.

As usual, you have likely read only part of what Bad Mister said.

You need to:

1. reread EVERYTHING Bad Mister said above


2. put it into context

If your goal is start play using the [>] Play button — it can be used to start playback of either a MIDI Song or a Pattern Scene. The [>] Play button does NOT start Arps, ever.

Yes - it is true that the 'Play' button is NOT connected directly to any Arp.

But that 'playback of either a MIDI Song or a Pattern Scene CAN BE connected directly to an Arp.

And to do that you follow what Bad Mister also said:

RULE: “Arps can only be started by Note-on events.”

Certainly you don't dispute that a 'MIDI Song or a Pattern Scene' can contain Note-on events do you?

You can't start an arp and a Pattern at the same time.

The steps are REALLY straight forward:

1. create one or more arps
2. associate those arps with scenes
3. create pattern scenes that contain triggering Note-on events for that scene's arps
4. chain the scenes together in the order you want them played

When you press 'Play' the first scene in the pattern chain will be in effect and the Note-on events in that part of the pattern will trigger the scenes associated arpeggio(s).

Try it. Bet you CAN! The best way to learn (assuming someone actually wants to learn) is to try things - not to just intellectualize about them.

Bad Mister has written a LOT of articles on arpeggios of various types and how to trigger them. He also has articles that cover scenes and patterns as already mentioned.

Posted : 07/07/2023 4:41 pm
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My name is Andrew so please stop calling me Bill.

I did try it. It works just fine for me on my Modx. I suggest you take yours to the service department.

Posted : 07/07/2023 8:01 pm
Posts: 263
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OMG large button in center screen "Key On Start" 😀
Finally I saw)

Posted : 07/07/2023 9:52 pm
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OMG large button in center screen "Key On Start" 😀
Finally I saw)

Don't beat yourself up about it.

The whole pattern sequencer documentation is rather lacking. They never did integrate it into the main Reference doc and the Supplementary doc doesn't cover a lot of things.

This is all the supp doc says about it:

Key On Start
Determines whether or not recording or playback of the Pattern starts when you play the keyboard.
Settings: Off, On

It doesn't mention that your 'Key On' can also act as an 'Arp On' and sync one or more arps to the pattern.

But don't overlook the ability, as Bad Mister mentioned. of just recording your desired arps directly into the pattern sequence.

Then they are just MIDI and will play with everything else at the correct tempo and timing.

You might consider creating some backing track pattern sequences that have your Arps (or the MIDI they create) in them but are otherwise empty.

These can be used as building block templates when you build your future performances.

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:11 pm
Posts: 263
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Now I play with my UserArp and found good thing
I hear Gate Time (arpeggio) 100% and 200% both very useful for me!
How would they automate and save or record? It's good variation sound.
Can It to record as midi event? SysEx or anything?

Although It's lenth of midi note In fact and maybe prepared as two midi > two arpeggio.
And link to Scenes. Though it's way too long

Posted : 07/07/2023 10:33 pm

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