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Recording a pattern from MODX to CUbase

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I was looking for some help with moving my pattern chains (currently used as backing tracks) from my MODX to cubase. What i run into is when I record the entire pattern (all 8 parts) into cubase it appears like every one of the 8 tracks in cubase records the input from every part from the modx, so the whole thing sounds like chaos (i attached a screenshot of my cubase where you can see the same data on every track). I tried many different combinations but here is what i have as of right now:
in cubase i have 8 tracks set up using 1-8 with midi channels assigned 1-8 respectively
my modx is configured with local control off, midi mode multi, each part is assigned an respective midi channel (part 1-8 have midi channels 1-8)

I believe the issue is with the input from the modx to cubase as when i try to record each track has notes from all the other tracks on it (. When write a simple midi sequence per track in cubase and play, it plays on the proper parts on from the modx. I can record each track separately by moving the pattern for each part to a different performance but since I have a few songs I would like to be able to do it all at once. Also I like to first draft ideas in the patter sequencer in the modx and then work on them on my pc separately. Not sure if what I'm trying is doable, but if anyone would be willing to share some knowledge on this I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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Posted : 15/03/2022 7:29 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

[quotePost id=115147]Hi,
I was looking for some help with moving my pattern chains (currently used as backing tracks) from my MODX to cubase. What i run into is when I record the entire pattern (all 8 parts) into cubase [/quotePost]
Isn't it faster/easier to just drag n' drop the patterns into Cubase using MODX Connect?

Posted : 15/03/2022 8:20 pm
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Eminent Member

Hi Voyteck, this sounds similar to what I experienced - check this if it solves your problem:

Posted : 15/03/2022 8:37 pm
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Thanks Dragos and Bassam - the video that Dragos provided was very useful, sped my conversion of the tracks. The link that Bassam included describes exactly my issue, but I need to be able to play some of the parts of the modx on the keys (different ones as scenes change in the song) while using the cubase to play the backing track that consists other parts of the modx. Based on that other link that is not possible?

Posted : 16/03/2022 12:27 am
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

You might want to consider rendering the backing tracks to audio.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 16/03/2022 2:47 am
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Thank you seems like it might be my only option

Posted : 16/03/2022 3:08 am
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Not the only one - but it's more straight forward and doesn't consume or possibly conflict with any resources on the MODX. If the backing track is static then there wouldn't be any downside while giving several benefits.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 16/03/2022 4:44 am
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True, saves the polyphony too ๐Ÿ™‚ one issue I can think of is if I want to modify the sound real time with the controllers on board, but I guess I can just pre-record it on the backing track as well. Thanks for the help everyone!

Posted : 16/03/2022 12:59 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Right - that's why I mentioned the "static" part. Meaning the backing track doesn't change from one time played to another (other than master level, master EQ, master effects).

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 16/03/2022 2:03 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Just for clarification.

I tried many different combinations but here is what i have as of right now:
in cubase i have 8 tracks set up using 1-8 with midi channels assigned 1-8 respectively
my modx is configured with local control off, midi mode multi, each part is assigned an respective midi channel (part 1-8 have midi channels 1-8)

This would be the setup if you are using Cubase Pro. The MONTAGE and MODX are "pro" keyboards, and you deserve to get yourself Cubase Pro. It has what is called an INPUT TRANSFORMER which allows each of the 8 Tracks you created to each receive just one MIDI Channel. Assuming you do not have the INPUT TRANSFORMER... then by setting each Track to a separate MIDI Channel, you have routed 8 Parts back to the MODX 8 times.

Each MIDI Track records all 8 MIDI Channels meaning for TRACK 1 you have set the OUT CH = to "1". This will take all 8 MIDI channels that it recorded and rechannelize them to MIDI OUT CH = "1".
TRACK 2 you have set the OUT CH = to "2". This will take all 8 MIDI Channels recorded to Track 2 and rechannelize them to MIDI OUT CH = 2, and so on.... complete chaos.

You can take any one of those MIDI Tracks and delete the rest... Set the MIDI OUT CH = ANY

If you are using Cubase AI, for example, you would configure the Cubase setup with just one MIDI Track (yes, just a single Track - this is sufficient to record all incoming MIDI channels). The Setting for the OUT CHANNEL = ANY will allow the data to go back to the MODX on the MIDI channel it arrived.

Because the MODX is transmitting on multiple MIDI Channels, and because in Cubase AI, each MIDI Track is set to record all incoming MIDI data, you will run into the problem you have run into.

Setup just one Cubase MIDI Track with the MIDI IN = MODX-1 (Port 1), MIDI OUT = MODX- 1 (Port 1), and the Out Channel = ANY
This setting of "ANY" allows the single Track to record all incoming MIDI Channels - the data remains discreet because MIDI Channels are sufficient to keep the data separated.

If you wish to divide the data to separate tracks, you would use the Cubase "MIDI" function called "Dissolve Parts" (by Channel). This will place each MIDI Channel to its own separate MIDI Track (convenient for editing, etc.)

Extra Credit:
Rendering of Audio is highly recommended. It frees your hardware (MODX) for further duties. And because Cubase will allow you to keep your original MIDI Tracks (put them in a Folder and Mute them)... this way if later you decide you want to fix something You can unMute the original MIDI Data, make your corrections and then re-render the data to Audio.

Posted : 16/03/2022 7:08 pm
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Thank you for that extensive reply, it does answer my question and other that came up since my original post. Yes I have Cubase AI which came with my MODX, so just trying ro best utilize what I have. What you said is exactly what I decided on. I will sketch songs in pattern sequencer, drag and drop patterns to cubase using MODX connect, clean up the track as needed, rearrange etc. then render it to audio. I'm going to try to get the rearranged and final full midi track back to the modx and use it from there as a midi backing track for when I want play from the modx only without having to turn on the PC. Also just like to have some flexibility with it for effects, trying different instruments, EQ and so on. Thanks again to everyone who helped, appreciate it!

Posted : 17/03/2022 2:04 am

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