Are there any communities where people discuss synth programming on modern gear to get classic analog sounds?
I need the synth solo for Mother's Finest "Baby Love" and I don't know where to start.
I've been searching for hours and haven't come up with anything.
This classic sound is fairly easy to replicate. Here are three that will get you close — tweak from here:
“Detuned Vintage” — a Sawtooth Element and a narrow nasal Pulse Wave Element.
“Space Lead” — a Sawtooth Element and a Square Wave down an octave or two.
“ProgressiveRk Lead” — a Sawtooth, Sync LFO, and another Sawtooth down an octave (The ‘Sync LFO’ Waveform gives it that inner movement)
You’ll hear a bit of this in any of these sounds - you can thicken it up.. there is definitely a couple oscillators tuned an octave apart.
But any of these is a good starting place.
Yes, that ProgressiveRK was a great place to start. I gave the pitch wheel a huge range and now I'm trying to get the Superknob to control the cutoff.
It will definitely do the job.
Still trying to replicate this sound!
Can't get the "fuzz" on it.
IMHO ProgressiveRk Lead is a poor approximation of a Mini.
Download the free "Montage Expanded" library here:
Then use "Faaat Mini AF1&2". It even has the cutoff already assigned to the super knob.
Bonus Points: assign the VCF Mini Filter or VCF Mini Booster for an even more vintage sound.
Downloads from yamahamusicsoft show up in your account.
... if there's not information there to help you, then:
1) Upper-right is the word "Dealers" with a drop-down arrow that looks like a "V". Click on the "V"
2) Choose "My Account" from the list. This assumes you're signed in. Sign in first if you haven't already
3) Left-hand side click on "My Library"
You should see something like:
Order # --------------- Date ----- Title ------------------------------------------------------------- Status -- Remaining Downloads
XXXXXXXXXX ----- 3/17/18 -- MONTAGE Expanded MONTAGE Expanded ----- Available Unlimited
Note that the word "MONTAGE Expanded" (the bolded one above, it's a different color online) can be clicked for the download. When you hover over this section, it says "start download"
Yamaha is re-launching lots of stuff including yamahamusicsoft. So things are changing. Right now, at least for me, it's not the most intuitive interface to use. Since downloading purchased products is a common thing to do - it'd be easier to have a global [DOWNLOAD PURCHASED CONTENT] button somewhere on the top of the screen - which brings you to the order page. Then the order page should have a [DOWNLOAD ORDER] button (in a recognizable action color) instead of having you "figure it out" by trial and error. There is an empty box on each order which may be a broken graphic for the download button. So it may just be a work in progress.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks...found it. It was in there 3 times because I used 3 different browsers.
Great library! And yes, the Faaat Mini is better than what I was working with.
We encourage users to post their gems to Soundmondo — the Social Sound Sharing Service for Synths and Stage Keyboards — You can attach a SoundCloud Wav or YouTube Video, showing off your creation. We have tons of users looking for synth sound-alike sounds.
You should see something like:
Order # --------------- Date ----- Title ------------------------------------------------------------- Status -- Remaining Downloads
XXXXXXXXXX ----- 3/17/18 -- MONTAGE Expanded MONTAGE Expanded ----- Available UnlimitedNote that the word "MONTAGE Expanded" (the bolded one above, it's a different color online) can be clicked for the download. When you hover over this section, it says "start download"
Following your post, I can see my orders but there is no link which could be clicked.
Here's my "Baby Love" performance:
Not easy to hit the brass on the low Eb then switch to Scene 2, hit the first note of the solo and grab the mod wheel.