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Store Transpose/Octave settings in a Performance

5 Posts
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Hello, I am new to the MODX+ (I currently use CK61 and MX61) so a basic/newbie question.  Is it possible to store octave/transpose settings as part of a performance in a Live Set, if that is the correct terminology? (Apologies, I am still getting used to the MODX/Montage terminology).

I use keyboard splits to play bass/keyboard parts when our bass player is unavailable, hence the need for octave/transpose settings to be stored (if possible) for a particular set of patches in a song. I currently do it manually on the CK61 between songs. Thanks heaps for your patience with my question.

Posted : 26/05/2024 10:58 am
Posts: 582
Prominent Member

Hi, congratulations for your MODX+ new synth, Live set is a kind of shortcut to "call" your performance, it does not store Octave / transpose settings, this must be done on the performance and store as user performance.

Check my video about tone change in MODX+ performances from my MODX+ video playist, i hope it will help you


Have a nice evening 

Posted : 28/05/2024 6:29 pm
Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Posted by:
Is it possible to store octave/transpose settings as part of a performance in a Live Set, if that is the correct terminology? (Apologies, I am still getting used to the MODX/Montage terminology).

I use keyboard splits to play bass/keyboard parts when our bass player is unavailable, hence the need for octave/transpose settings to be stored (if possible) for a particular set of patches in a song.

Yes, you can store the octaves/transpositions in your patches for instant recall at a gig. As Joel said, they get stored in the Performances, rather than the Live Sets... but once you have stored the Performance, you can then put a pointer to that Performance in a Live Set location. (Live Set locations don't have sounds per se, they point to Performances, which have the sounds... similar to "aliases" on a Mac or "shortcuts" in Windows.)

Posted by:
I currently do it manually on the CK61 between songs.

On your CK (as well as the MODX+ as already discussed), you do not have to do it manually between songs... all the transpositions can be stored as part of Live Sets. Once you set it up manually, all you have to do is Store the sound in a Live Set location, and it will have those settings when you recall that Live Set. (Try not to be confused by the fact that a Live Set on a CK is something of a different animal than Live Set on a MODX+!)


Posted : 05/06/2024 1:58 am
Posts: 280
Reputable Member

I use keyboard splits to play bass/keyboard parts when our bass player is unavailable, hence the need for octave/transpose settings to be stored (if possible) for a particular set of patches in a song.

One thing not mentioned is that for Yamaha (modx, montage) the terms 'transpose' and 'note shift' operate differently.


1. the setting is ONLY at the instrument level and affects ALL performances

2. the setting controls the MIDI note number generated - C3, middle C is note 60. If you transpose +2 semitones when you press middle C it will generate note 62.

3. because it changes the generated MIDI note number transposing does NOT respect split levels. See #2 above - if a lower split point is C3 and traspose is set to 0 you will NOT hear Bb2, the note two below middle C.

But if transpose is set to +2 semitones you WILL hear Bb2 because that 'Bb2' key is transposed up 2 semitones to middle C.

4. transpose changes BOTH a) what you hear and b) what MIDI you send to an external device

Note Shift:

1. can be set at the instrument level or at the part level

2. the setting controls the output of the tone generator but does NOT change the MIDI note number generated. Middle C will ALWAYS be MIDI note 60 no matter what setting is used for Note Shift - but the sound will change according to the shift being used.

3. because it does NOT change the MIDI note number using note shift DOES respect split levels.

4. note shift changes ONLY what you hear - not the MIDI you send to an external device

The choice of transpose/note shift depends on whether you need splits to be respected and/or whether you are generating MIDI for an external device and need it to receive the correct MIDI note number.






Posted : 20/06/2024 1:50 am
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Merci beaucoup, those were all very useful and crisp explanations, so gratefully appreciated. Apologies for the delay in reply, my account was locked for a while.

This post was modified 3 months ago by
Posted : 22/06/2024 10:46 am

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