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A few questions about Montage MIDI Implementation.

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1) Do any/all of the Montage's physical controllers, like knobs and sliders, send MIDI values through DIN or USB ports?

2) Does Montage allow the use of MIDI DIN and MIDI over USB at the same time, can it be used as a MIDI interface?

3) Can Montage send/receive MIDI to OSX or iOS over Bluetooth?

Thank you for your time and information in advance,

Posted : 17/05/2016 3:05 am
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

Hi Gary, Thanks for your post. We'll get back to you on this shortly.

Amy - Community Coordinator

Posted : 19/05/2016 11:32 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry we missed your question initially. Thanks for the question.

1) Do any/all of the Montage's physical controllers, like knobs and sliders, send MIDI values through DIN or USB ports?

All of Montages's physical controllers send MIDI through the ports. Every nuance of your performance can be documented by MIDI. The purpose of the built-in direct Performance Recorder is to ensure headache-free documentation of your interaction with that program. Because the Montage can address multiple Parts simultaneously and because you can perform multiple parts you can choose to record multiple channel streams or a single channel stream as makes sense for what type of program you are performing. Because maxi-Controllers like the Super Knob and the 136 Assignable Knobs can be assigned to control multiple destinations simultaneously, the Montage generates some Parameter Change (sysex) messages to accomplish its tasks. This is at the core of what Montage is able to do and the secret to accomplishing the magic.

2) Does Montage allow the use of MIDI DIN and MIDI over USB at the same time, can it be used as a MIDI interface?

The Montage is both a MIDI and Audio interface, for itself (of course) and for an external device connected to its available ports.

The Yamaha Steinberg USB driver allows the Montage when set to MIDI I/O = USB, and connected to a computer, to utilize the 5-pin jacks as an interface for one external device to address the computer as "Montage (port) 3" - it uses Port 1 for the internal Montage; Port 3 shows up in your DAW receiving MIDI of your external device, and any MIDI routed from your computer on Port 3 bypasses the Montage and arrives at the 5-pin MIDI Out jack.

Likewise any device connected to the Montage's A/D Input has its own channel, its own dual Insertion Effects, and can be routed discreetly to any of the 32 available audio bus outputs (if recording to computer) or to the Assignable (analog outputs).

3) Can Montage send/receive MIDI to OSX or iOS over Bluetooth?

Yes. I've used it with iOS devices... Most any device can now use Bluetooth MIDI... What you need to check on is the applications that can deal with it.

Posted : 19/05/2016 12:18 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member

Yes. I've used it with iOS devices... Most any device can now use Bluetooth MIDI... What you need to check on is the applications that can deal with it.

How do you do this between Montage and iOS? Which app? Is extra hardware required?

Posted : 25/11/2016 6:34 am
Posts: 8259
Illustrious Member

Software (from Yamaha - not all applies to Montage):

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 25/11/2016 12:13 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Alternatively, one could use the MD-BT01 which connects to the MIDI ports and does not require power adapter.

Faders & Pads - MIDI (only) cc messages, gravity ball, multi dimensional control

Montage is an iOS compatible device so for MIDI and audio you must connect with USB cable.

Cloud Audio Recorder
Cubasis LE2

Posted : 25/11/2016 1:55 pm
Posts: 8259
Illustrious Member

The reason I had steered towards the USB connected device (and clear of the MIDI-DIN connected device) was due to a mention of the OP (for bluetooth MIDI) I thought had mentioned something about having MIDI-DIN connected devices (the "MONTAGE-3" requirement) and although the MD-BT01 could attach to the end of his MIDI (DIN) chain - I had some concerns that perhaps the end of this chain may not have power for the MD-BT01 which does not, itself, have an external power supply and relies on the MIDI bus to provide power. Also, some MIDI devices only have an IN (no out) which would limit the use if such a device was sitting at the end of the chain - the MD-BT01 is best suited as the 1st MIDI connection directly to the MIDI-DIN of Montage with no other devices connected. Not that in other (limited) circumstances you couldn't get MD-BT01 to work - but the USB connected bluetooth MIDI will more universally work knowing there are MIDI devices already connected to the MIDI DIN chain.

All of this assumes that the USB-bluetooth device also carries with it the two USB MIDI streams (MONTAGE-1 and MONTAGE-3) - which I'm not certain about now that I think about the implementation side more. This is a good question for a "FAQ" answer.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 25/11/2016 7:44 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The OP was back in May. The current question has no such requirement about any of that.

When connecting to iOS, btw, there is no Montage Port 1 or Port 3 (a feature of the YamahaSteinberg USB driver).

iOS is "driverless" and completely Apple protocol.

Posted : 26/11/2016 12:26 am

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