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ARP control in cubase

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I want to know how to turn on /off the ARP and change the Arp pattern & changing scene using midi message from cubase. is this possible. Thanks

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:23 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

It is possible. Changing Scenes, which can can change the currently selected ARP SELECT 1-8, can be documented to the DAW and then played back to the Montage. You must manually stop, reset and rearm the Arpeggiator for playback. Using this method, you will record your direct key presses on a single MIDI channel in the DAW. You then playback the single channel... the recorded data simply takes the place of you striking the keys.

Alternatively, you also have the ability to record the MIDI OUTPUT of the Arpeggio phrases. By recording the data as MIDI Events, you do not have to manually stop, reset or rearm the Arpeggiator when playing back. In fact, once the data has been converted to standard documented MIDI Events, you should bypass the ARP function entirely, [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF] (flashes to indicate bypass status - this way incoming MIDI data does trigger the Arps again). Using this method, you will record your direct key presses on all channels with no Arpeggios and just the output of the Arpeggio on those channels with an ARP Part assigned. You wind up with documentation of all MIDI data generated by both your playing and the arpeggio as written out events.

How you best setup to record Arpeggio data to Cubase will depend on the version of Cubase you are using and what your ultimate goal is... The options for Cubase Pro users will be different from those available in Cubase AI.

But in general, you will be using either MIDI I/O Mode = Single when you wish reproduce your performance "live"
You will be using MIDI I/O Mode = Multi when you wish to document separate streams of MIDI channel data.

Both methods will faithfully capture your Montage performance.

SCENE Change messages, like the Super Knob data, can be documented either as System Exclusive messages or as a CC (Control Change) number on Channel 1. Let us know which version of Cubase you are using...

Also think about whether or not recording the MIDI data to separate channels is an option for you and what you want to accomplish. Remember, you must stop, reset and ream the Arpeggiator manually when you use the first method. The second method all data is documented as events in the Track data.

Posted : 03/05/2017 11:51 am
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Thank you for your reply. I am working on Cubase pro 9. I am hoping to set up all scenes within the keyboard and record as Audio to the DAW. I have found that I can edit the ARP settings to stop looping. By doing that I dont have to manually stop and re-arm the arpeggiator. It can be always on and when there is no midi note data coming through from the DAW it will not loop.
What I did was I put midi note data as a chord in the DAW and send it to the Montage, and the ARP is playing the pattern. But there is a slight delay. I tried to slave the clock to the DAW but it still happens. So i had to shift the midi data a bit to get it quantized properly.

Its better if i can record as MIDI data as the I can edit them if i need to . Also need to know the CC number details to change scnens in a multi track project.

Also ... one more thing.. Is there a way that we can copy a performance as an example the piano with all the effects to another multi track performance like a Init GM .. Because when I put a piano to channel 1 it doesnt sound like the piano which is in the factory performance.

Thank you very much again


Posted : 04/05/2017 4:02 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Thank you for your reply. I am working on Cubase pro 9. I am hoping to set up all scenes within the keyboard and record as Audio to the DAW. I have found that I can edit the ARP settings to stop looping. By doing that I dont have to manually stop and re-arm the arpeggiator. It can be always on and when there is no midi note data coming through from the DAW it will not loop.
What I did was I put midi note data as a chord in the DAW and send it to the Montage, and the ARP is playing the pattern. But there is a slight delay. I tried to slave the clock to the DAW but it still happens. So i had to shift the midi data a bit to get it quantized properly.

When controlling Arps in realtime there is only one rule, you can be anything but late (meaning you must 'tell' the technology what chord you want it play slightly before the downbeat. This becomes second nature when controlling it in realtime. (We usually do not even have to instruct players to do this as it rather intuitively just happens - it's your internal sense of musical timing and your ear/brain interacting with the technology.

So if you place the chord on the downbeat (as in the DAW) you may notice a slight delay as it may continue with the current or most recent chord info. The parameter called "Sync Quantize" associated with the Arpeggiators, allows you to set a window of time for the technology to react. For example, if Sync Quantize is set to 120 clock ticks (16th note), you need only play the new chord within a 16th of the *next* measure. You can set it to 480 (quarter note) if your human timing is really bad or the tempo is really fast. This means anywhere in the last beat of a measure you can input new chord information.

So you will want to set the controlling chord just slightly ahead of the measure line. Since your controlling chord is not heard, SYNC QUANTIZE will ensure the start of the next phrase occurs properly at the next Measure line.

Its better if i can record as MIDI data as the I can edit them if i need to . Also need to know the CC number details to change scnens in a multi track project.

You can select a CC number (Control Change) to act as SCENE change events. These will be always documented on MIDI Channel 1 or, if you set the CC parameter to OFF, the Montage will generate System Exclusive messages to indicate the Scene events.

[UTILITY] > "Settings" > "MIDI I/O"
Here you can select the CC option.

Since you are using Cubase Pro, you can set CC = OFF (which means it will generate a Sysex message for each Scene call). This will allow you to keep the SCENE change messages on their own Track. The advantage here is that you can keep that track active separately from Track 1. If you opt for a cc number, then you must keep MIDI channel 1 active at all times for the SCENE changes to take place. But this is your choice.

Also ... one more thing.. Is there a way that we can copy a performance as an example the piano with all the effects to another multi track performance like a Init GM .. Because when I put a piano to channel 1 it doesnt sound like the piano which is in the factory performance.

Yes, there is, but without knowing which piano I have to qualify the answer. The INIT GM template is for when you are using the Montage as a 16-Part multi-timbal tone generator where a different instrument occupies each of the 16 slots.

Which piano do you wish to copy?
How many Parts does it occupy?
A piano that occupies multiple Parts requires you make a special accommodation... as it will need to be addressed on multiple channels. A "specialty" instrument (single instrument occupying multiple MIDI channels) is best dealt with in a separate configuration.

Spend some time with the various [CATEGORY SEARCH] options to gain an understanding of exactly what gets 'copied' when you select a program for your Performance.
Using Category Search

Posted : 08/05/2017 5:58 pm

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