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Assigning Filter 1 & 2 to separate knobs

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I’ve been noticing several parameters in AN-X patches are not available for quick assign to a knob. For example, the Filter 1 & 2 settings. I tried assigning the cutoff for each filter to separate knobs, however, in the ‘Control Assign’ menu the destination under ‘AN-X Param’ only shows ‘Cutoff’, no Filter 1 or 2 Cutoff option. 

If I assign each cutoff to separate knobs by selecting their control in the Filter Type screen, then using the Control Assign button, both knobs will only control the same filter.

There are other AN-X parameters that don’t show in the Destination menu for knob assignment as well. 

Maybe I’m missing something in assigning the parameter. Anyone else having similar issues? I’m on the latest firmware with the M8x. 

Posted : 11/02/2024 5:25 pm
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New Member Guest

I’ve been noticing several parameters in AN-X patches are not available for quick assign to a knob. For example, the Filter 1 & 2 settings. I tried assigning the cutoff for each filter to separate knobs, however, in the ‘Control Assign’ menu the destination under ‘AN-X Param’ only shows ‘Cutoff’, no Filter 1 or 2 Cutoff option. If I assign each cutoff to separate knobs by selecting their control in the Filter Type screen, then using the Control Assign button, both knobs will only control the same filter.

That is correct. See page 195-196 of the Data List doc for the assignable VA parameters. At the top of p196 you will see

'cutoff' listed as 'Filter1-2 Cutoff ' - that means that both cutoff values are manipulated at the same time.

There are other AN-X parameters that don’t show in the Destination menu for knob assignment as well.

Maybe I’m missing something in assigning the parameter.

No - what you describe is correct behaviour. Of course only Yamaha can answer any questions about 'why' those parms aren't available for individual assignment so as to be used by the Super Knob.

But you can use the knobs under the sub display to manipulate the individual parameters for each filter for the current part. Use 'Quick Edit -> Selected Part' and then use the 'Filter' button above the sub display to select filter parameters and then use the '> Page' button at the left of the display to move to the 'Filter' tab.

You should see the two filters shown side by side. You can then use the knobs under the display to change each filter type, cutoff, resonance, and 'Cutoff/Vel'.

Why do you want to make control assignments to the knobs when the knobs are already assigned as described above?

Are you wanting to then assign the part assign knobs to the common assign knobs to use the super knob?

Posted : 11/02/2024 7:43 pm
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Thanks for the thorough reply. What I am trying to do is have my assign knobs mapped to the parameters I like to tweak while performing. So having the Cutoffs and filter resonances, as well as my Reverb send and other FX parameters. I’d like those all in one screen place and assumed I could map them to the Assign knob screen. Perhaps an easier way?

Posted : 11/02/2024 10:44 pm
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Perhaps an easier way?

Don't know about 'easier' - let's just say 'different' shall we? The addition of the sub display allows for some additional work flow choices.

Here is something that might work:

1. Use the buttons below the sliders to select 'Common' for performance level things and a part for the part level things.

2. Use the Quick Edit (left of sub display) and Assign (right of sub display) to switch between Assignments

(performance or part level) and part edit things

3. Map the assign knobs as you want them - and are allowed to map them

4. Select Quick Edit and position yourself to that Filter tab for your AN-X parts


1. At the top level you will use the Assign button when you want to work with performance or part level stuff.

2. Select either the Common button (bottom left) to be at the performance level or one of the part buttons (bottom under sliders) if you want to be at part level.

3. The knobs and sub display will then work for either the performance level or the part level depending on what you choose in step 2.

CUTOFF LEVEL twiddling:

1. At the top level you will use the Quick Edit button instead of the Assign button

2. At the next level you will use one of the part buttons to select the AN-X part

3. The Quick Edit button will now return you to the Filter tab of the sub display.

The above may not be exact. You will need to try it to get the order of things right for what you want to do.

Please post back to let us know how things worked out. Figuring out the best workflow is going to be a challenge given the new navigation options especially with a new Navigation button on the front panel.

So any feedback you can provide for that will be helpful.

So having the Cutoffs and filter resonances, as well as my Reverb send and other FX parameters. I’d like those all in one screen place and assumed I could map them to the Assign knob screen.

Based on my limited testing I think you will need to separate those two areas. There were always performance common, part common and element/operator level things to deal with.

But I think you identified that the part common area has at least two separate components.

And don't forget the ability for the sub display to display a DIFFERENT level/set of info from the main display.

So you might be able to display two different levels on those two displays and maybe even use the PAGE JUMP button when they need to be synced up.

This type of 'problem' is what can make the trip up the learning curve a little more fun and rewarding!


Posted : 11/02/2024 11:54 pm
Posts: 3
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Thank you for all the tips! I think with now understanding the limitation on the mapping of filter 1 & 2, I get the workflow. Hopefully Yamaha adds those extra parameters to be mappable.

I don’t use the two filters together very often so for mapping just the cutoff and fx to the Assign knob screen, it works as intended. If I need to tweak the two filters for some reason, I can use the Quick Edit screen for the filters and the main display on Mixing and use the Part buttons to move between reverb send channels or map the reverb send to something else.

Posted : 12/02/2024 3:38 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I think with now understanding the limitation on the mapping of filter 1 & 2, I get the workflow. Hopefully Yamaha adds those extra parameters to be mappable.

I don't know why the filters can't be treated separately to begin with. They are connected serially - you can't get to Filter 2 without first going thru Filter 1.

So I'm not sure how applying the same cutoff offset to both filters makes any sense. You would either be raising or lowering both filters cutoff value by the same amount. Except, by default, Filter 1 is a low pass and Filter 2 is a high pass. Just because you want to add some to the low-end (by reducing the offsetO) doesn't necessarily mean you also want to eliminate some of the high end.

Just FYI - the new forum isn't really open to the public yet so you won't get much visibility posting here until they finish testing the new forum software. They are still having some major issues with it so it could be a while.






Posted : 12/02/2024 10:19 pm

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