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Audition MIDI output

8 Posts
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M8x:   When playing an Audition for a performance, is there a way to send the MIDI information?   It is not transmitted through Port 1, like when you play the performance via keyboard, so is there some other way to capture the notes?

Posted : 15/04/2024 1:20 am
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Where do you want to send it? 

To record to a DAW:

1. connect a USB cable from the instrument to your computer.

2. in Utility -> MIDI I/O set MIDI IN/OUT to USB

3. set up a track in your DAW and then use the audition button.

You may want to use a 'count in' so you know when the audition will start.


Posted : 15/04/2024 1:42 am
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That is what I did.   The DAW will record if I play the performance from the keyboard, but no MIDI information is received if I record using the audition button. 


I.e.  In logic,

   - I press record and play via Montage keyboard the Logic track records what I play.

   - I press record and the trigger audition on the Montage, nothing is recorded in the Logic track


This post was modified 3 months ago by Richard
Posted : 15/04/2024 1:47 am
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Did you use 'MIDI Rec on Daw'?

Posted : 15/04/2024 1:57 am
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Posted by: Anonymous

Did you use 'MIDI Rec on Daw'?

Yes.   When I play the M8x Keybed, the MIDI records to DAW just fine.  If I instead initiate "Audition" no MIDI is recorded.  So for some reason the Audition sequence isn't transmitting the MIDI over USB to Host. 

When I look at the MIDI Signal Flow, it shows Keyboard going to MIDI Out, so it's like "Audition" isn't treated as the keyboard. 


Posted : 15/04/2024 9:36 am
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Posted by: Richard

Posted by: Anonymous

Did you use 'MIDI Rec on Daw'?

Yes.   When I play the M8x Keybed, the MIDI records to DAW just fine.  If I instead initiate "Audition" no MIDI is recorded.  So for some reason the Audition sequence isn't transmitting the MIDI over USB to Host. 

When I look at the MIDI Signal Flow, it shows Keyboard going to MIDI Out, so it's like "Audition" isn't treated as the keyboard. 

Ok, with a bit more research found the answer.   MIDI recording of Audition was simple with the original Montage as all data was automatically routed to the USB.  With the Montage M, this all changed (Per Phil - BadMister in a posting last month).   I thought I was losing my mind since most online info on this topic relates to the original Montage.

With Montage M, Audition is now normally routed to the internal tone generator through the performance.    In order to get it transmitted to MIDI out, each part in the performance needs to (1) be changed to External, (2) Receive the MIDI roundtrip trough the DAW and played back on the Montage if you want to hear it on the instrument.   

What a hassle.  I hope this isn't a big architectural change and it can be fixed to work like the old Montage in a future firmware update.  Then again, I don't expect to do this very often.


Here are the details for reference from Phil, below (

1 - It is possible. Audition Phrase data (which is stored MIDI data) is linked to a Performance and is normally routed to the internal Tone Generator (so you can listen to it). If you would rather route it to the MIDI OUT instead, set the Performance Parts to “Ext”. You need to edit each Part of the Performance “Zone Settings” so that they are sent OUT via MIDI (literally “External” rather than to the “Internal” Tone Generator. This routing scheme is different from the MONTAGE/MODX/MODX+

Here’s how:
On the MainDisplay Performance Home screen using Knob5 “Display Mode” select the Mode that displays “Int”/“Ext” and “MIDI Ch” info.
Double clicking the [PART SELECT 1-8] number buttons for each Part, in turn, will toggle “Int” to “Ext”
For example, if you are looking at a 6-Part Performance, each Part is automatically assigned a unique MIDI CH 1-6
You double click the cyan blue Part Select [1] button to toggle it to “Ext”… rinse and repeat for each Part
By setting each to transmit EXT will allow you to Output it to Cubase.

Alternative Method:
Start by *selecting* Part [1]
Press [NAVIGATION] > “Zone” > here you can set the Part to “External”
… rinse and repeat for each active Part.

2 - In Cubase, create a single MIDI Track set to:
MIDI IN = MONTAGE M-1 (Port 1);
MIDI OUT = MONTAGE M-1 (Port 1);
Set the Channel = Any
By setting the Channel = “Any” this single track will record all six MIDI Channels and will be able to properly “echo” the data back to the six Parts of the MONTAGE M, each on the channel it came in on.
(If later you wish to separate MIDI Tracks by Channel, use the Cubase option: MIDI > DISSOLVE PART > by Channel



Posted : 15/04/2024 10:45 am
Posts: 560
Honorable Member

Thank you for this answer with details 👍 

Posted : 15/04/2024 4:39 pm
Richard reacted
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New Member Guest

With Montage M, Audition is now normally routed to the internal tone generator through the performance. In order to get it transmitted to MIDI out, each part in the performance needs to (1) be changed to External, (2) Receive the MIDI roundtrip trough the DAW and played back on the Montage if you want to hear it on the instrument.

What a hassle. I hope this isn't a big architectural change and it can be fixed to work like the old Montage in a future firmware update.

I don't expect it to be changed back. The entire 'Zone Master' functionality was removed. The goal, as I understand it, was to give each part control over its own destiny. There does seem to be a 'hole' in the new functionality.

If a part is set to 'external' then I haven't found a way to have the part be heard on the instrument itself without an external device routing the part back to the instrument.


Posted : 06/05/2024 5:05 pm

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