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Auto WAH

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Hello, I have a problem with my MODX. I need to have the Auto Wah effect be in sync with the Master Tempo ( to sync it with an external drum machine). I see that internal Auto Wah LFO can be set only in Hz values, but not in Tempo or note value. How can I fix it?

Let me know,

Posted : 13/03/2022 12:08 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member

I “fixed it“ by setting up a tempo synced motion control lane to control the wah intensity. It would be good if they provided a tempo synced option right there in the wah effect In some future firmware update.

Posted : 13/03/2022 9:20 pm
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[quotePost id=115100]I “fixed it“ by setting up a tempo synced motion control lane to control the wah intensity. It would be good if they provided a tempo synced option right there in the wah effect In some future firmware update.[/quotePost]

It would be great!! Could you share the detailed settings? It's the only solution, for us.


Posted : 13/03/2022 10:07 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member

My Montage is unavailable to me at the moment, so here’s the best I can do.

Here’s an X7B file containing a Performance. You can load this into your Montage using the Montage Connect app. Look for a Part in it named “Motion Wah.“ It should be a guitar part with the wah effect synced to the tempo.

Since I can’t use my Montage right now, I can’t verify that this is the correct file, but it’s my best guess.

link to the file:!Aq2dTIlD9fn0icpsaDCb6TjRvnvVRg

Posted : 13/03/2022 11:24 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

I wouldn't use "Auto Wah" - I'd use "Pedal Wah". Auto Wah has a parameter inside that itself is the LFO modulation source. Pedal Wah depends on an external controller to modulate the effect and we have the ability to automate either Super Knob or virtual "knobs" in each Part called MS Lanes. I think of MS Lanes as Part-level semi-super knobs. If you don't have to control multiple Parts with a single controller then it makes sense to make MS Lanes instead of lobbing onto Super Knob (which you may want to be tied to something else).

Still, I show both options. The benefit of using Super Knob - at least at first - is to help visualize the knob "movement". The LEDs show you exactly what's going on. This can be helpful.

First, the wah effect settings:

I've adjusted this to my taste although you can "play" with the sonic-impacting settings. The important thing to note here is that the "Pedal Control" parameter, set at 0, is what I have as the destination for Super Knob OR MS Lane 1.

Note that in constructing the Super Knob version of this Wah control - I first started with the above screen then touched "Pedal Control". The [CONTROL ASSIGN] button lit up. I then pressed the [CONTROL ASSIGN] button and turned the Super Knob to make the assignment.

Next, I'll show the Mod/Control settings which associates Part 1's (in this case) Assignable Knob 1 to the Pedal Control destination and the curve used.

Here Part 1's Assignable knob is the source. Notice the ratio as it's important to get a more full sweep. I chose the curve parameters like this as exponential to taste. That's optional (curve parameter).

A level higher below are the Super Knob automation settings. These are the same as what you'll see in the motion sequence.

More detail for the sequence - I used trapezoid as the pulses (A and B). This is because the LFO pattern for Auto Wah is trapezoid and I liked how that sounded vs. sinusoidal. This is the best way I could implement that as shown.

Now .. if you wanted to do this with an MS Lane (in Part 1 in this case) then the setup is very similar. In fact, the MS Lane Sequence detail will match "identically" with the above previous image. Most everything else will match too - but I'll provide those screenshots for reference.

MS Lane Option

The only difference here is the source would be MS Lane 1 (in Part 1 in this case).

... and the MS Lane settings. This should look familiar as they mirror the Knob Auto screen settings.

There's not a need to show the sequence detail because that's identical to Super Knob.

If you do go through both of these - make sure you turn off Super Knob's automation when moving to MS Lane because if both are running at the same time then you'll get bigger offsets.

As a final note, I used "Clean Fingers" as the starting Performance and replaced Insertion Effect A with the Wah in Part 1.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 14/03/2022 4:21 am

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