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Bug? Feature?

8 Posts
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Michael Trigoboff
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I was working on my song today, setting up a Live Set with the Performances for my lead instruments. I found that getting the volume balance right for all of the different Performances is a pain, because you have to go into each one and set the Volume parameter in Edit Common/Audio -- General. Then you have to remember to store the new version of the Performance. If you forget, the volume reverts to what it was before you made the change.

So one question I have: Is there some easier way to balance the volumes of all the Performances in my Live Set?

As I was doing this, I changed the volume of a particular Performance and stored the new version by tapping Overwrite. Then I went to another Performance and made some changes in it. Then I went back to the first performance, and its Volume parameter was what it had originally been before I made the change. At first, I thought I had forgotten to store the Performance. So I made the change again, and made sure to store it this time. Then I went and did something else, and when I came back to that Performance the Volume parameter was back to its original value again!

I did this sequence of actions repeatedly, and could never get the new value for the Volume parameter to stick. Finally, for lack of any other way to do it, I changed the Volume parameter and stored the Performance as a new one under a different name. Then I deleted the old one and renamed the new one with the original name of the old one. That worked.

My main question: Is there something that can be set in a Performance so that any time you go to it the Volume parameter is initialized to a particular value? I looked around for something like that but couldn't find anything. The other possibility is that I may have run into a bug in the Montage software. If that's the case, I hope someone will report it to the software developers. I'll be happy to help out with more details or running through a particular sequence on my Montage if someone would like me to.

Posted : 20/08/2016 1:59 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

You can adjust the volume of each performance from the live set page itself. If you click on a slot and press Edit it will bring up a list of parameters at the bottom of the screen one of which is Volume. I'm not at my Montage now as it's in the theatre but from what I remember the value that appears there is the same same as the value on the General page of the performance. Once you change it in the slot you don't have to press Store as the info for the live set slots (volume, colour, slot name) is automatically "remembered".

Posted : 20/08/2016 6:22 am
Posts: 0
New Member

I came across the same and found the solution as Phil describes.

I came to the conclusion, rightly / wrongly that this is a great feature in as much as a performance can be in several live sets and the board maintains Live Set specific parameters such as volume etc to save you the hassle of multiple performance copies just for different live use.

In some ways what you / I did originally is almost akin to trying to edit performance parameters in libraries.

Also not close to the board to verify but perhaps from a UX perspective if you are in Live Sets and you try to overwrite a performance based parameter rather than a Live Set one there could be a dialogue to advise that your setting change will not be recalled in its next selection either in Live Set or Performance mode.

Posted : 20/08/2016 10:43 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

It would be great if in addition to being able to set the volume for a performance from a live set slot that you could also note shift it - very useful in a live context if you use the same performance in different parts of a set but need them in different keys. The only way (quick) way to do that is to have 2 different versions of the same performance with the appropriate note shifting for each.

I still think the live set feature could do with more editable parameters - it is after all the way I'd imagine most people are going to arrange their performances for easy access. Category search is fine for finding performances but only really for that.

Posted : 20/08/2016 11:01 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Yes and perhaps these are some of the enhancements we can look forward to in future updates and also how we get to grips and master the existing features πŸ™‚

There feels like there could be an inheritance framework where by the mix of single instrument part / multi instrument parts / multi instruments + live sets can be set in either inherit or block mode. Ie you can override where necessary and also change in one place and affect multiple end points.

Almost a choice between top down versus bottom up influences.

I guess adding more complexity needs careful consideration for both the surface, UI and workflow uses and knock on affects for midi cc /direct performance control changes.

Early days but exciting times ahead

Posted : 20/08/2016 11:42 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Here's hoping. I had a motif xs from release - it went through some firmware updates but nothing groundbreaking.

Posted : 20/08/2016 11:54 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

So one question I have: Is there some easier way to balance the volumes of all the Performances in my Live Set?

As correctly pointed out above, the Live Set has a Volume offset that is applied to the Performance if you recall it via the "Live Set". If you are balancing the volumes for your stage performing task, you would do so in the Live Set, the value you associate with the slot is applied to the Performance. It is not stored in that Performance, it simply turns the stored value up or down as you determine the correct balance.

And this is so you can use the same Performance in another Live Set slot associated with a different volume value...without destructively changing the original.

Is there something that can be set in a Performance so that any time you go to it the Volume parameter is initialized to a particular value?

If you recall a Performance through a LIVE SET slot, the associated volume (offset) is recalled. Remember it is not stored to the original data, you are applying this balancing volume for the purpose of your Live Set. Perhaps in the opening number you need your go-to piano set at 112, but later in the set 95 is perfect, the first slot could contain the piano set at 112, the later slot could recall 95... The original (stored) value of the Performance stays unchanged at 100.

It also means you can use factory Preset Performances and balance their volumes in your LIVE SETs without having to store a User version of the data just to adjust the volume so that it works within your set.

It's definitely a feature, and not a bug.

Posted : 20/08/2016 12:32 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter

What's amazing to me is that I spent around two hours yesterday messing with my Live Set page, moving performances around, changing the names and color stripes, and I never noticed the Volume setting. If it weren't for an entire career writing software, in which I spent a significant amount of time staring blankly at code that wasn't working correctly until I finally spotted something completely "obvious" that I had somehow missed, I'd be feeling really dumb right around now.

Anyway, thanks Phil. It really cheered me up to find out how easy it would be to volume-balance my Live Set. I agree with you that adding a note shift setting would be very useful. In this Live Set that I'm currently building, I had to create a copy of Acoustic Bass just so I could shift it up high enough to be able to play a bass solo with my right hand.

An inheritance framework would be great. Something like that might have to be a computer app, though -- maybe a Cubase plugin. I think it would need need more screen space than we have on the Montage display.

Bad Mister, I definitely found a bug. But it was a bug in me, not in the Montage… πŸ™‚

Posted : 20/08/2016 10:00 pm

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