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Cubase and Montage: cannot hear any drum notes I draw

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I cannot edit any drums with Cubase and the Montage and don´t understand what´s goin on. In the midi editor, none of the notes I draw in make a single sound. Only notes recorded with montahe play. How can this even be possible?
When I edit anything else than drums, it works fine.
So something is misset, once again... My energy on constant desperate error checking is fading... Crying for help, please! Thank you.

Posted : 27/01/2017 3:35 pm
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

Cubase should be set up in any midi Channel mode Montage should be set up in multi-channel mode instead of single midi Channel. Make sure the midi Channel for your drum notes (voice recognition errantly thought I said " dumb edits") matches the part number for the drums in your performance.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 27/01/2017 4:16 pm
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it´s set to all channels in and all channels out. why would it work with any part but drums? there must be some other setting responsible for this besides midi channels.

Posted : 27/01/2017 4:33 pm
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

My initial thought was that your problem has something to do with arpeggios. However I had you check some nuts and bolts things first. Take a look at the drum part on montage and make sure the valid key range is across the full keyboard. If I was setting up a performance where the drums were going to be played by the arpeggio then I would set up the key range so no keys were valid and the arpeggio range so that all keys were valid. If the drum Channel set up this way then you can't play the drums individually with the keys and neither can MIDI. Therefore any key presses either with the keyboard or with MIDI targeting the drum Channel would be ignored by the tone generator.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 27/01/2017 5:14 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303


I cannot edit any drums with Cubase and the Montage and don´t understand what´s goin on. In the midi editor, none of the notes I draw in make a single sound. Only notes recorded with montahe play. How can this even be possible?
When I edit anything else than drums, it works fine.
So something is misset, once again... My energy on constant desperate error checking is fading... Crying for help, please! Thank you.

Can you give a few more details about how you are setup? What version of Cubase you are using?
Tell us:
How you have the Track Inspector setup for the active track in Cubase
What does your Montage Performance looks like (which Part contains the drum kit)
What Montage MIDI I/O mode are you using

Posted : 27/01/2017 5:27 pm
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"J". I can't believe you called his edits dumb. 😉

Posted : 27/01/2017 5:59 pm
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J, it´s not the keyrange. I can hear every drum key on the montage and record it, play it back. Only the notes I draw in in the Cubase midi editor don´t sound. I mean, even the same key... which is...spooky. I open my recording with the midi editor, I draw notes right next to the ones recorded with the little drumstick, in the same exact line, only the notes recorded with Monatge make a sound, the ones drawn in don´t. wtf.

Bad Mister, set up all channels in all channels out in Cubase and "midi rec to daw" in montage, midi mode multi. The drums are part 3. I am running the cubase AI version that came with montage but yesterday I upgraded to Elements 9. The drum editor issue happens in both versions. Playing back what is recorded with Montage no problem. But am I not supposed to be able to draw in little notes with the little drum stick also? No sound, none, on those.

Probably something in Cubase. I gotta admit, I didn´t get to study the 700 page manual yet cos I was too busy with Montage, which is a lot more fun to learn than that Cubase nightmare...!!!

update: no, got nothing to do with Cubase. same thing happening in other DAW.

UPDATE: well, I figured it out... the midi out in cubase has to be set to the midi channel of the drum part, not to "all". but WHY? "all" includes the midi channel of the part, so how can "all" be wrong? Glad it´s working now, but really absolutely not understandind the logic behind it.

Posted : 27/01/2017 6:56 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

You are saying "all Channel", this is different from the setting "any" Channel. I know, words, but it is all we have to communicate.

Channel setting = "Any" means the channel on which the information comes in on, it goes back out on.
In on 1 back out on 1
In on 2 back out on 2, and so on.

Drums are in Part 3, this means the Montage is transmitting (generating) note data for drums on channel 3.
This means to generate data that triggers the Montage drum Part you will need to do so on MIDI channel 3.

This is basic MIDI 101. Every MIDI Note-on event, every Controller message, has a MIDI channel associated with it the moment it is created. Say you press the kick drum C1 key with the Part 3 selected at a velocity of 100... the actual MIDI event message would look like this: (hexadecimal)

92 24 64... spoken nine-two, two-four, six-four

9 = Note-On message
2 = MIDI CH 3

24 = Note #36 (C1)

64 = velocity 100

Point being... every MIDI Note-on event includes its MIDI channel. You must match the channel. If your favorite TV show is on a specific channel, you must tune your TV to match that channel to watch the program. Same principle

Posted : 28/01/2017 1:17 am
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

Just caught on to the "dumb edits" comment. I didn't know what the reference was but checking my earlier message now I get it. See edit.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 28/01/2017 2:40 am
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thank you Bad Mister, I definitely did not understand the "any" principle and confused it with "all". I learn a new thing every day within the Montage-Midi-Cubase science project!

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:33 am
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Oooook, I thought I had this resolved but no, who am I fooling.... As I thought I understood, the notes can only be edited in the DAW when the midi out channel is set to the channel of the part. So far this has worked for a while. And here I am sitting in front of a track recorded with part 1, the midi channel of cubase set to 1 instead of any, as we have been thru here, and nada. I cannot move the notes in the midi editor. Unreal....

Ok, let´s start all over again...
I have 3 tracks in Cubase, corresponding to 3 parts on the Montage.
The midi tracks are set to all midi inputs, montage 1
midi out is 1 on track 1, 2 on track 2, 3 on track 3
No matter on which track I record, I cannot edit any notes at all in the editor

I have been thru this on the Cubase forum
Even the experts have no idea what I´m talking about
They wanted me to make a video because they said the behaviour I´m describing isn´t even possible. The midi editor should always work, moving notes should always work, they say.

update: I messed with it some more. Could it be that setting to midi rec on the montage is not enough, that you also have to deactivate all keyboard controls and highlight the part you want to record, otherwise cubse records the wrong midi channel, and the wrong midi channel notes cannot be edited? Is that the final key to the puzzle?

Posted : 12/02/2017 9:25 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Well, Again, I have some of the same questions as back in January:
Can you give a few more details about how you are setup?
What version of Cubase you are using?

Posted : 12/02/2017 10:11 am
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I edited my post, don´t know if you´ve seen this yet:
update: I messed with it some more. Could it be that setting to midi rec on the montage is not enough, that you also have to deactivate all keyboard controls and highlight the part you want to record, otherwise cubse records the wrong midi channel, and the wrong midi channel notes cannot be edited? Is that the final key to the puzzle?

the issue has nothing to do with Cubase by the way, it happens in all my DAWs.

Posted : 12/02/2017 10:13 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Third time...
Can you give a few more details about how you are setup? What version of Cubase you are using?

Posted : 12/02/2017 10:15 am
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Elements 9 and the setup very basic, 3 tracks for a 3 part performance, midi rec mode, all channels in, respective midi channels out for each part.
I watched your Cubase videos many times and it really is setup like you show. The thing is, you record all the parts onto 1 track, then split it up. Now I´ve tried to record 3 parts at the same time onto 3 tracks and that produced total chaos. The arp from track 1 also plays on track 2 and so on. Everything gets mixed up.
I think this is the root of my problem. I am recording the wrong midi channels because each track in cubbase is set to all in, and that cannot be changed.
It is very confusing that you cannot chose midi in channels in cubase. Am I right that the midi in channel is selected by deactivating all keyboard controls in the performance and highlighting the part you want to record? Testing this right now has worked. All tracks recorded like that can be edited in the midi editor. So I hope this is the final explanation.

Posted : 12/02/2017 10:26 am
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