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Down For Weeks?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Is there any information about why this forum was down for weeks?

Posted : 19/08/2022 10:35 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

The information given has been on an online "Learn More About Yamaha Synth" right-side-bar article.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/08/2022 10:51 pm
Posts: 823
Prominent Member

There was also the one at, which I found when looking for info earlier, apparently referencing an earlier outage. They really should date these kinds of things.

Posted : 19/08/2022 11:17 pm
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Active Member

I submitted an email to back on 27 Jul -

"For EXPLETIVE Sake Yamaha get your EXPLETIVE together.
The Forum has been offline for the last two days – supposedly maintenance.
What a EXPLETIVE Poor Effort from a major brand name.
The Forum has gone to the dogs since Bad Mister retired.

Obviously my first email was blocked due to the auto filters applied to posts 😮
However I find it incredulous to the weak response stated by Blake (and Yamaha US) as per the above links and sidebar.
Does "We are happy to report that the website, including the forum, is back to normal." mean that people are still unable to sign in using the Microsoft Edge web browser, missing/changed article links and numerous other complaints submitted over the years.

Posted : 20/08/2022 4:47 am
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Active Member

I think while this outage was very frustrating for me and other users, we need to be a bit more diplomatic in reacting to the lack of communication that happened. It is good that they have a News section to give some updates but most don't know to look there including me. Below is my message sent via the Contact link yesterday. Good to see this forum up and running again.

I’m sure resources are stretched thin, however can you all communicate better and give an update on if and when the synth forum may be up and running again? Perhaps a big message on the main homepage (before trying many failed log-in attempts) to let users know the status? I think this reflects badly on the Yamaha brand, as many users relied on the helpful forum and its knowledgeable contributors, and are probably by now looking to alternative forums and social media for support. I hope you find this feedback helpful.


Posted : 20/08/2022 7:34 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

[quotePost id=117956][...]mean that people are still unable to sign in using the Microsoft Edge web browser, missing/changed article links and numerous other complaints submitted over the years.
I've always been logging in using Edge and I'm still doing it, both on desktop and on mobile.
The links are working, no changes this time.

Posted : 20/08/2022 1:52 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

Confirming also that the MacOS port of Microsoft Edge is working (using MacOS Edge to author this reply).

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 20/08/2022 2:06 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

BTW: I've suggested better / more visible timestamps for material and responses before. There was a time when everything had a proper timestamp but that functionality was "streamlined".

It's not user friendly - but you can, using RSS, get to the publishing dates of articles.

Here's the lowdown:

                        <title>YamahaSynth interruption</title>
<guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
<pubDate>Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:45:01 -0700</pubDate>

<title>Site Updates</title>
<guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
<pubDate>Thu, 14 Jul 2022 10:09:32 -0700</pubDate>

Alternatively, and possibly easier - you can "view source" of an article and look for the following JSON:

	"datePublished": "2022-08-19",
"dateCreated": "2022-08-18",
"dateModified": "2022-08-19",

... which is taken from the latest "news/yamahasynth-interruption" announcement.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 20/08/2022 2:28 pm
Posts: 831
Prominent Member

Could the extended site maintenance outage be somehow related to the new MODX+ synth that they are planning to announce and possibly have a separate Forum for?

Posted : 21/08/2022 9:48 pm
Posts: 0
Active Member

[quotePost id=117967]Could the extended site maintenance outage be somehow related to the new MODX+ synth that they are planning to announce and possibly have a separate Forum for?[/quotePost]

Darryl, that is a likely explanation for the outage. While MODX is not the only synth on this forum, it is probably the most popular one, and so a + forum might be added.

Posted : 22/08/2022 4:50 am
Posts: 823
Prominent Member

[quotePost id=117967]Could the extended site maintenance outage be somehow related to the new MODX+ synth that they are planning to announce and possibly have a separate Forum for?[/quotePost]
I'd say, nah. First, the MODX and MODX+ will likely be so similar that it will not justify a new section. Second, adding a new section wouldn't take a forum down for weeks. (It actually shouldn't take a forum down at all.)

Posted : 22/08/2022 11:19 am
Posts: 831
Prominent Member

[quotePost id=117970]I'd say, nah. First, the MODX and MODX+ will likely be so similar that it will not justify a new section. Second, adding a new section wouldn't take a forum down for weeks. (It actually shouldn't take a forum down at all.)[/quotePost]

Hard to say which way they go, but I think there's room for debate on that, because if what people are speculating is true, then the MODX+ will have a 3rd AN-X engine, more User memory, more Polyphony, might be able to have 8 PARTs switch seamlessly in Scenes, have new pitch bend/mod wheels ... if most of that becomes a reality, then it's tough to say whether they would add a new MODX+ forum separate from the MODX forum. My best guess is that they will be adding a separate new MODX+ forum, as they will be too much to discuss that doesn't pertain to the original MODX and could cause confusion (& envy :p ) for MODX owners. The MODX+ is a brand new Hardware synth after all, not just an OS Update on the MODX...

I guess we'll see soon 😉

EDIT: Actually since they have MOTIF Series and it says MODX Series, I am now leaning the other way that the MODX+ will be part of the MODX Series site. Having the word 'Series' in the forum title could cover anything with MODX in the name, just like all the various MOTIF synths...

Posted : 22/08/2022 12:01 pm

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