Available in February
Added performance tone which further pulled out the possibility of Motion Control Synthesis Engine.
Added Rotary effect and added organ performance tone according to it.
New Comp 3 species and Presence effect added
Added and updated the user interface.
-View function allows you to change while visually checking not only the layer / split situation of each part but also detailed information such as FM's algorithm, output level etc. without entering
-Favorite function makes huge tonal management more comfortable.
Tone color change is possible while maintaining part settings such as layer / split, Part category search is more convenient.
Improved the visibility of Live Set.
Equipped with a Part List that allows you to switch Parts in Edit with a single touch.
Added Super Knob Link setting that further enhances the degree of freedom of cooperation between Super Knob and Assignable Knob
Added scene switching and USB audio volume adjustment by control change that enhances DAW linkage
Backup files including Library and user files can now be saved
Thanks for the information. Some of the more major GUI changes - apparent changes to the home screen with different "views" makes a lot of sense - I always appreciated the piano view of ranges like the upcoming firmware shows (a piano at the bottom - and PARTs with the ranges along the keyboard shown) - and the velocity as a "graph" is nice - other controls are good. In order to show the extra information - "collapsing" parts in groups of 4 - not sure how flexible this is and how it plays out - but am happy to see the continued innovation.
The rotating speaker update was promised - and now being delivered - it'd be interesting to hear the results of the efforts.
Some of the other feature updates require more hands-on to know exactly what it "means" (at least to me).
Looking forward to the official release and perhaps any teaser prerelease information.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Looks like good improvements!
"Added performance tone which further pulled out the possibility of Motion Control Synthesis Engine"
It seems to be a very interesting feature:D
Another important new is " Backup files including Library and user files can now be saved ". maybe with one backup you can create a single file with all users and library data
Is it an official announcement? is there a link for the above information?
EDIT: just found it on Yamaha Japan.
(it seems like you used Google Translate)
Benedetto wrote:
Another important new is " Backup files including Library and user files can now be saved ". maybe with one backup you can create a single file with all users and library data
Looks like a lot of good stuff!
I think that Yamaha released the Montage once enough features of the new OS were already implemented.
What we're getting now is surely according to their plan, which is more often than not, a great one for all users.
The great thing about it is that we can obviously see here a third major firmware update.
Eyal wrote:
Is it an official announcement? is there a link for the above information?
EDIT: just found it on Yamaha Japan.
(it seems like you used Google Translate)
It's official. There was a press release last night but embargoed until 16:00 today (UK time)
Don't think the links are up yet though, at least the link Yamaha gave me doesn't work.
Will this update allow performance change data to be sent to (and recorded by) DAW's?
I received a request for the Tyros harmonica and pedal steel guitar to be put on the Montage. Sounds like those should already be present but perhaps not as usable as the Tyros 5 version. This guy owns both the Tyros 5 and the Montage but of course he doesn't want to lug the T5 around just for those 2 voices.
Also available in February is the analog Arturia MatrixBrute. This should be a nice playmate for the Montage since Yamaha won't create its own authentic analog machine. Features include real analog signal paths but with digital controls and functionality. Real analog effects and an FM section.