Hi, It is mentioned that the flash loading time of the Montage is 10 times faster than on the Motif XF. So how long would it take to load the Chick Corea Rhodes library into the flash memory of the Montage vs loading that library into the Motif XF's flash memory?
It would take exactly 1/10 the amount of load time. 🙂
What? Hey, BM has trained me well.
Funny! If you don't know that's cool but just curious as any other keyboard that has flash memory would normally take a long time to load so this is a very welcome feature!:)
Hello! I want to clarify some things that I probably said about the load time of Montage compared to Motif XF.
It is MUCH MUCH faster. In case someone actually gets a stopwatch and times it when they finally get their hands on one and it and comes out to 6-7 times faster, how about we just go with it is much faster.
Example: I just loaded about 500 Mb of data into Montage and it took about 5 minutes. That would have been more like to 20 min or so on the Motif. When Montage officially releases with a more up-to-date OS the load time may increase, but with the prototypes we have been using suffice to say that it is much faster.
5 minutes for loading about 500 mb into flash memory is very impressive!
but you only have to load it once, right? and then it remains there? it doesn't affect the boot time?
Please allow me to translate the Montage loading time into slang terminology: It's stupid fast!