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How do I delete a part from a performance?

5 Posts
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This should be a no-brainer, but I can't get it to work. I did a search and found this related reply by BM:

1) If I add a preset that fills tracks 3-6, How do I delete the whole thing or replace it if I dont like it in there? It seems I have to go through and delete each track one by one.
No, you don't have to go through and delete each one PART by PART, simply move away, that discards all your edits. Otherwise, you can delete each Part one by one, it's not difficult. Touch the Part Name, touch Delete.

I touched the part name, but I didn't see a DELETE button.

Posted : 28/05/2017 12:26 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I just discovered that I was able to delete parts 2 & 3. Originally I was trying to delete part 1, but the delete button doesn't show up on that one. I discovered that I could copy parts 4 through 7 to 1 through 4 because those were the 4 parts I wanted to keep anyway. So how do you get rid of part 1? Or is it just the nature of the beast that it has to be filled?


Posted : 28/05/2017 2:51 am
Posts: 560
Honorable Member

Hi,that's how the Montage work, you can copy a part, you want (from 2 to 16) to part 1.

Here an example part 2 to part 1 :

In you example, simply copy part 4 to part 1 and after delete part 4, store your new performance.

Posted : 28/05/2017 7:35 am
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Since PART1 is the "anchor part" for any performance - there must be something there in order for the Performance to "work". In other words, you cannot have a blank PART1. You can have a dummy PART1 that has no output, and is otherwise "turned off" internally. Due to PART1's unique role, the system does not allow for deletion of this PART.

I usually add my new PART to PART2 (or any free/open PART) then copy or exchange - as pointed out by Joel. Finally, I'll delete the PART (PART2, or where the copy came FROM) that is "residue" as a means of replacing PART1.

This process will happen fairly soon if I start with the Init AWM2 part, fill in PART2 with a preset PART I search for (PART-level category search), then copy PART2 to PART1 and delete PART2. If you ever want to swap around your MIDI channels for Montage MIDI input channels, you can use "exchange" instead of "copy".

What I was getting at with the "dummy PART" suggestion is - if you didn't like you cannot delete PART 1 AND you don't mind requiring (when in multi-channel MIDI mode) that your external MIDI devices need to address channels 2-16 (and not channel 1) AND for local control you were OK with not having use of all 8 PARTs (only 7 available because one is a "dummy") - then you could create a user performance that has PART1 as a dummy part. You would do this by turning PART 1 "Zone" to ON, "Int Sw" to OFF, and could even turn "Transmit Ch" to OFF so MIDI channel 1 doesn't transmit. You can leave this ON if you still want external gear to receive the message - up to you.

If you STORE this performance as "Init MyDummy" (as the performance name) - then you could load up this performance as your starting point and always leave PART1 alone. Then start filling up PARTs 2-8 with PARTs under local keyboard control without having to worry about doing anything special to "delete" your first active PART (which would be now 2 instead of 1).

You could even promote this "Init MyDummy" part to a library so it will always be available even if you clear out user memory. If you assign the right category - then it should show up as a choice along with the other "Init" performances.

Posted : 28/05/2017 10:23 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Byron wrote:

I just discovered that I was able to delete parts 2 & 3. Originally I was trying to delete part 1, but the delete button doesn't show up on that one. I discovered that I could copy parts 4 through 7 to 1 through 4 because those were the 4 parts I wanted to keep anyway. So how do you get rid of part 1? Or is it just the nature of the beast that it has to be filled?


It is the nature of this beast to be filled.

You can delete a User Performance in its entirety by going to UTILITY > "Contents" > "Data Utility" > select the Performance Folder to open it. Your User Bank Performances are shown. You can select any one or more and Delete them.

Posted : 28/05/2017 12:23 pm

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