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Importing wave and assigning it to the individual keys....

19 Posts
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So far I managed to import a C3 note accordion wavefile to the EDIT - PART1 - ELEMENT window
Its playing on C3 and I can adjust the NOTE LIMIT so I can decide where on the keyboard to play the C3 wavefile

How do I get the next waveform into the next key.... D3? I think I dont really understand the process.... KEYBANK? ELEMENT?


Posted : 07/10/2016 8:28 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Where was the Waveform created?

Reason I ask because it sounds like you are using the terms .wav and Waveform interchangeably, and on Montage they are not. The term "Waveform" has a specific definition within the Yamaha synth engines. While they can be built from data that starts as a .wav, waveforms are proprietary entities with additional parameters.

A .wav is a simple audio file with no real musical attributes or capabilities (beyond maybe it is a recording of some musical data). A .wav file can be played in simple stereo by a computer by touching the space bar. It can be played by a smart phone, by dozens of hand held devices. What those devices cannot do is give that audio clip the ability to be used as a musical instrument.

When you create a Waveform (as defined in Yamaha Synthesizers) the following attributes are added to your .wav: the ability to be accessed with 128 notes of polyphony, the audio will play 1/12th of an octave higher or lower across a standard music keyboard, it can be made louder or softer by how fast a key is pressed, etc.

Waveforms, in Yamaha-speak, organize samples into playable musical entities. As many as 256 samples can make up a Waveform. These samples occupy Key Banks... A Key Bank is defined by a Note range and a Velocity range for each mono or stereo sample.

These are the Waveform parameters role - taking a simple .wav and turning it into a musically playable entity. This "mapping" of individual audio clips into Waveforms is what is basically done in a "Sampler" (a device for the recording and creation of audio based programs for a musical performance).

The Montage is not a sampler, it does not have the facility to create Waveforms. It can load Waveforms that were made for the Motif XS/XF. You can load these into the Montage via .X3A, .X3V, .X3W files from the Motif XF, or from .X0A, .X0V, .X0W files from the Motif XS.

Currently, if you own a Motif XS/XF or if you already own the Melas Motif Waveform Editor, you can create .X3A files that can be loaded into the Montage. (FYI- Mr. Melas is working on a Montage specific software so if you don't already own the Motif Waveform Editor, you may wish to hold off until it is officially announced).

Hope that helps.

Posted : 07/10/2016 5:21 pm
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Eminent Member

So it's ok to that we load and map drum waves to make drum perfomance?

But not to load our own waves and map/make a multi-sampled instruments?

On a synthesizer which costs 3,000 euros?

The technology already exists in the synth.

So the internal memory is just that you should sell us libraries?

There is no need for a sampler, that is just excuses.

In the computer age, we can do the sampling/wave editing part on the computer.

Restrictions are in the synth for a reason.

And why shuld we have to buy 3 party software to do it?
It's 2016 and 3000 Euro....

Posted : 07/10/2016 8:59 pm
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I totally agreed with's time Yamama Corporation need to take this as a series matter to improve the next software update for the Montage to have this capability to import the .wav sample as Kronos did... when I first look at some videos that Micheal Tan demo I thought that Montage does have the sample import as Kronos that's why I take Montage.. but now I feel really sad ... if I understand this before I will buy Kronos


Posted : 08/10/2016 6:52 pm
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Thanx for the answer Bad Mister.

Well the files I want to use are simple wav files..
I recorded an accordion to my cubase.... one recording for every key. C3 - C#3 - D3 ... etc...

Are you saying that I can not get these simple wav files into the montage..... on the keys?

Posted : 10/10/2016 11:17 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Well the files I want to use are simple wav files..

and that's what I've been trying to tell you... The Montage can load Waveforms made for the Motif XS/XF. Read again the difference between a "simple .wav" and a Yamaha Waveform, in my post above.

Currently, if you own a Motif XS/XF or if you already own the Melas Motif Waveform Editor, you can create .X3A files that can be loaded into the Montage. (FYI- Mr. Melas is working on a Montage specific software so if you don't already own the Motif Waveform Editor, you may wish to hold off until it is officially announced).

Are you saying that I can not get these simple wav files into the montage..... on the keys?

You can do so by building these into a Waveform, using either a Motif XF, which has a sampler, or (more practically), by using the Melas Waveform Editor which lets you create a file Montage can load.

You would drag your samples into the Waveform Editor, set the lowest key, and have the Editor map them. It takes like two seconds... Save a .X3A file. Montage can import the data from the Motif XF file.

Posted : 10/10/2016 12:18 pm
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Now I bought the MELAS WAVEFORM EDITOR.. I made a testfile in it.... saved it as ACCORDION.X3A on the USB stick.
Putting it in MONTAGE ....
Going in the UTILITY menu.... finding it under "User File" submenu...

When I choose it, the message appears "Current user data will be overwritten by "ACCORDION.X3A"

Do I want to say yes to that? I donΒ΄t want all my sounds to disapear.

Posted : 10/10/2016 2:22 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

What's currently in your User Bank?

There are two ways to find out.
1) From the HOME screen
Set the "BANK" = User
Set the "Main" = All
The screen will list all User Performances currently in the Montage.

2) Press [UTILITY]
Touch "Contents" > "Data Utility"
Touch the "Performance" folder
The screen will list all User Performances currently in the Montage and indicate 'how many' out of 640 exist.

If you want to ensure that you will not lose these (please recognize initially the User Bank is empty) you can backup your User Bank by Saving the data to a USB stick.
"Contents" > "Store/Save"
Set the "Content Type" = USER File
And execute a backup file, giving it a name that is meaningful to you.

Once you have a backup User file of your current User Bank, you can load any new data with complete confidence.

Posted : 10/10/2016 4:22 pm
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Active Member

There's actually a different workflow which I chose: Choose "Content Type": "Library File" instead of "User File". Then you can just import the library, you will keep your user data.

If you want, then once you have done that you can go to "Library Import" and import only chose things you want from your x3a file. Afterwards you can get rid of the library again. The waves and performances will stay in the Montage.

Posted : 10/10/2016 6:18 pm
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I have made a lot of new performances and usefull livesets. I want to keep them and add new wavebased sounds to my collection.
I am sampling some of the new sounds in my studio, putting in a lot of effort.

1. Why is it not possible to map the wavefiles directly in the montage?
This would be the number 1 solution.
(The drum kits mapping is possible)

2. Why is it not possible to get a computer editor which will save my accordionsound as a file that I can import to the montage...without loading an entire library or erasing my livesets and performances?

I really thought I had a 1.8 gb sampler built in the Montage7
I paid the bill from the musicatore today.
3.533 euros

Come on guys.

Posted : 10/10/2016 9:22 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

1. Why is it not possible to map the wavefiles directly in the montage?
This would be the number 1 solution.
(The drum kits mapping is possible)

Drum kits are made up of single Key instruments, where each single key plays the original pitch. So "mapping" is quite different from a so called "normal" instrument.

2. Why is it not possible to get a computer editor which will save my accordionsound as a file that I can import to the montage...without loading an entire library or erasing my livesets and performances?

There is an answer. You create a .X3A file because you are creating a Motif XF All data file when you use the Motif Waveform Editor. The Motif XF can import data from that file - without a lot of juggling because the file is made for the Motif XF.

The Montage has to do some "juggling" when it its asked to Import data from a non-native format like the Motif XS/XF, or data from a DX7, TX816 or Motif ES, or S90 XS/S70 XS, etc. that's just the way it is right now. The operations of these different synths causes this. You don't have to understand it how it does it all, just that it does.
Eventually, there will be an Editor that may streamline the process.

I really thought I had a 1.8 gb sampler built in the Montage7

There is no sampler in the Montage.
One of the two engines is capable of playing back Samples. It is compatible with Waveforms constructed for the Motif series. Thus the Melas Motif Waveform Editor can be used to quickly create compatible Waveforms.

This video may be helpful in how to put together data rapidly:

Posted : 10/10/2016 10:09 pm
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Ok thanx...

I got the MELAS Waveform editor working now.

I saved it as accordion1.X3A and put in on a usb stick.
I loaded it into the montage...

I cant find it in the keyboard anywhere .... only in the Bank menu, in the utility user menu... in the library..
See the pictures..

I also tried to import the library.... so it is in the library... but I cant find it when searching in performances

Where is the waveform now??

Posted : 11/10/2016 9:03 am
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keep in mind that I want my livesets and performances to STAY while I am loading the accordion into montage... πŸ™‚

Posted : 11/10/2016 9:12 am
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IΒ΄ve got it now !!

Posted : 11/10/2016 1:23 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

Henrik wrote:

keep in mind that I want my livesets and performances to STAY while I am loading the accordion into montage... πŸ™‚

I don't see that as a problem. Keep the data that you already created (Live Sets and Performances) in the User Bank.
Install your Accordian .X3A to a Library. That is, Load it using "Content Type" = LIBRARY FILE.

Data loaded as a Library bypasses the internal User Bank and goes directly to a Library location. Then you can 'import to User' just the items you wish to join your current internal User bank.

You can use the "Import Library" feature to select just the Performance(s) you wish to include with the data already in your User Bank. The "import Library" function will earmark the data you import so that it includes the Waveform and Sample data required to make the program play.

So now when you backup your User Memory, it will include your Live Sets, your Performances, including your new Accordions. That's the theory.

When you load your .X3A data as a Library File, you can see just its data by using [CATEGORY SEARCH] and setting the Bank = the name of your Library file.
You see just the Waveforms in this Library by hitting [CATEGORY SEARCH] when on an Element's OSC/TUNE screen; again, highlight the Oscillator select box at the top of the screen, touch "Search" in the pop-in box, set the Bank = the name of your Library file

Can't find loaded data
Loading data in and not being able to locate it is akin to downloading data from the Internet and not paying attention to the default location offered by your computer. On your computer, typically, a download is directed to a specific Download folder, but you have an option to redirect that download to your Desktop or to a folder that you prefer. And the next time you download something, it goes to the same place... which means: If you don't take note of where you are directing it, you can lose track of where it went. At first this is a head scratcher...

Eventually, you will come to respect that critical moment when, in this case, you are Loading data, exactly where that data goes. And once you do, strange thing, you never lose track of it again. Perhaps I'm not understanding where you go off the rail, the pictures you mention did not post...
You seem to know about the search feature, as you do mention using it.

Let us know. I'll try to post some more exact details when I'm in front of a Montage (hopefully, later today).

Posted : 11/10/2016 1:31 pm
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