Now that NAMM is over, we can revisit this issue. Since new Factory data will be added in firmware 1.50 we will need to update the XML data come Feb 6th, anyway. Please Standby. There indeed may be an issue - we'll have the folks at Steinberg take a look also. Sorry for the inconvenience.
No Problem Thanks being patient
I use Cubase 9.0 and MONTAGE Connect firmware 1.50
I import the XMLFile as midi device in Cubase, which downloadable in this thread, but this does not work.
Is in the meantime a new XML file available to install a "Yamaha Montage" midi device in Cubase?
I have exactiy same problem as Harold's one. Is there any solution for this? Not yet? My firware is 1.51.
Hi, the OS 1.51 .ins (for Sonar), .txt (for cubase) and .midman (for protools) files will be online as soon as possible on the Moessieurs next update, perhaps tomorrow but i have a lot of work to done too for this update, later in the start of the week, i will inform you when it will be online.
Sorry i have no .xml file fo OS 1.50/1.51.
Thank you, Joel. Please let us know when it is ready!!
Hi Jim & Manfred, it's online :
.ins page for OS 1.50/1.51 :
.txt file for Cubase script :
.midnam for Pro tools :
Use the google translator page in top banner to translate in your native language, no perfect but enough good to understant the content.
Thanks to John Melas who provide me the base files.
For .xml cubase file for OS 1.50/1.51, you need to wait Tony update.
Thank you Joel for your information about the new device definitions
Your solution works for me on Cubase 9 and Montage OS 1.51 with no problem
My french is very, very poor but with the screenshots on the moessieurs pages it is not a problem to install the instrument definitions.
To select the Instrument directly with clear name is for me an existentional part of a workflow, so I am very thankfull to you Joel and "moessieurs" sharing this device definition with the community.
Thank you for your feeback Manfred, you can tell directly Moessieurs, i'm the webmaster and doing all alone
Thank you Joel very, very much for the XML-files.
I wish you a very, very good year 2018
Hi Manfred, i do not have done the .XML files, it's Tony Escueta who do it, it is inline with OS 1.50, not OS 1.60.
For PC it's easy to install the .txt file for Cubase script, But for Mac user how can I find the path to install the .txt file for Cubase script to Macbook?
125, 063, 016 "Ambient Synth Pad 2"
116, 063, 016 "Updraft"
118, 063, 016 "Ozone Cleaner"
008, 063, 017 "Super Slicer"
somelike xxx,xxx,020 is 16
somelike xxx,xxx,021 is 17