Have you heard the news? MONTAGE OS Version 1.5 is NOW AVAILABLE! Learn more about the new features and get access to the download here.
And stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you Cassie for the announcement
CassieDennis wrote:Have you heard the news? MONTAGE OS Version 1.5 is on its way!!
Yay! Awesome news - can't wait to upgrade my MONTAGE to OS 1.5
In my opinion, the [original] Leslie effect on the Montage was its one real weakness as a performance board.
So excited to have a new rotary speaker effect. I listened to the demo mp3's...very impressive....cannot wait to install. Thank you!!
Nice to see the greater detail with this announcement. And good to get a preview of the organ using the new rotating speaker effect.
For the screenshot showing the superknob links - and fact you can break those (thanks for this) - the screenshot seems "strange" - but what do I know. I say this because the "off" assignable knobs show the positions (64 and 0) and "on" knobs do not. It would seem a screen labeled "super knob" would show the assignable knob positions as set by the current superknob position while perhaps "masking" (not showing) the current position of assignable knobs not controlled by superknob. This would be opposite of what the screenshot shows. But not having used the new OS - it's hard to say if what's pictured makes sense.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Hi Jason.
The picture you comment is using the Super Knob Motion sequence (Auto Knob), you can see that
- there is new pad on the screen for Motion Sequence On/off
- there is new pad on the screen for Super Knob MS On/off
They are set to "on".
Assignable knobs used by the Auto knob have now a dedicated visual.with blue and green and no value inside the knob.
The minimum and maximum Assignable knob range is bottom each assignable knob set to "on".
For Assignable knob set to "off", there is no miniimum and maximum range link to the super knob, so there is no value bottom this knobs, you see the value corresponding to the knob position where it is physicaly.
If you check my screen shoot with Auto knob set to off, you can see that Assignable knobs link "on" to Super Knob have they physical value inside :
See also the new option to "name" the Assignable Knobs, here it's called assigned but you have also the choice to set it quickly with "destination to name" or to write the "name" you want
Hope it's help.
I just went back to the "way it is" (the "old" = <1.50 firmware) and notice there's no difference in the approach. Not something I noticed before (or may have noticed and "lost" along the way) - that knobs at this level of the display that are under superknob automation control do not show instantaneous values. Instead of "graying" the knobs out like is done today - the new firmware shows a colorful circle with no value. So I understand this now.
Like I see instantaneous values for the superknob - I'd like to see the values of the assignable knobs under superknob control also express their instantaneous values. But that would have applied to the old firmware as much as the new firmware.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Wow, very cool, can't wait to have it. Tons of useful stuff, it seems. I love the unlink Superknob feature. Also naming the assignable knobs will be great, if I understood this right. And last but not least, being able to switch off the "Mixing" settings when selecting a new part would alone be worth the update. Not having to set the keyboard range and the transpose again after selecting a new sound is really really great. Thanks for the videos, Joel, very good to see what's there!
Joel, could you also explain how naming the assignable knobs work?
When is it going to be available?
Thanks for the Yamaha Europe video link. It shows more of the OS in context and demonstrates the new "compressed" views (showing groups of 4 PARTs together) is in addition to (and not replacing the) current 8-part view (time 1:50).
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Hi, i have made a 32 minutes video about the OS 1.50 new features for Moessieurs, like for all Montage video, in French, subtitle in English :
Ready February 06 2017
Thanks Joel!
Great video, plus your website is amazing. been using it for a long time with my Motif. one of the very best sources online!
btw, what is montage plus lib that I see there?
your site appears to save two versions, when I was looking for Chris, it was changed to M. C., but one is offline. do you think you could also share the .syx files of Chris? I like to edit patches via dexed and import from there.
Excellent ...
I'm interested because I have a lot of live sets, combination and ostalog..kako properly make a backup of your set me on delete when upgarde new 1.5 system ??
I'm afraid for your program, and sounds that have made the live set..da we do not lose