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Is there a panic button on the Montage?

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Does the montage have a panic button when a sound locks up and won't turn off? There should be a button or something on the screen quickly available. This happened to me while switching sounds in live mode. I had to shut the unit off and reboot.

Posted : 07/11/2021 7:26 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Does the montage have a panic button when a sound locks up and won't turn off?

No, there is no “panic button” .

There should be a button or something on the screen quickly available. This happened to me while switching sounds in live mode. I had to shut the unit off and reboot.

Does it happen on the factory “Live Sets” (is that what you mean by “live mode?) or only on those you have created. I ask because, it is possible to make programs that seem to lock up the sounds.

Perhaps you want to post one of them, we can help you troubleshoot the cause.

Posted : 07/11/2021 8:11 pm
Posts: 831
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I've had this happen to me on occasion. I can't remember if it's just custom Performances or factory ones (it doesn't seem to matter if they are in Live set or just a Performance via Category Search), but when it happened recently it was a custom Performance that I was creating and recording/editing the MIDI on connected to my DAW. But it doesn't happen very often.

I just click 'Mute' on the PART(s) and it stops the sound.

Posted : 08/11/2021 12:45 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I've had this happen to me on occasion. I can't remember if it's just custom Performances or factory ones (it doesn't seem to matter if they are in Live set or just a Performance via Category Search), but when it happened recently it was a custom Performance that I was creating and recording/editing the MIDI on connected to my DAW. But it doesn't happen very often.

I just click 'Mute' on the PART(s) and it stops the sound.

But what I’m telling you is, it does, in fact, make a difference (it does matter) if it’s a User Live Set or a Factory Preset. Please document exactly the conditions under which it occurs, including what, if anything you are connected to — are you doing MIDI recording? Is the correct track selected? What Part or Parts are active in the instrument - are you setup to actively THRU all of the channels in use back to the hardware?… any MIDI device (any!) can get hung up when programmed improperly or connected recklessly. If this were not true any connection configuration would work, but as you know, there is a correct way (and many incorrect ways) to configure your setup. Hung notes are usually always a MIDI issue.

I don’t think you could know, from the information given by the original poster, whether it is the same or a completely different issue.

We’d be happy to assist you both in figuring it out. We just require a bit more concrete information.

Extra Credit:
When creating your own Performances or when connected via MIDI to an external DAW, you can cause notes to hang by routing incorrectly, or even creating or adding a Motion Sequence that runs into your next selection. In fact, the correct configurations (those that work properly) are greatly out-numbered by those setups that could cause an issue.

Suggestion: Next time it occurs, please document (as best you can) the situation, what you are connected to, are Arps/MSeqs involved, is Local Control On or Off. Etc, etc., etc.

Posted : 08/11/2021 1:52 pm
Posts: 823
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I had ringing notes happen on my MODX multiple times at a gig a few months ago... each time, all I could do was shut the board down and reboot. They were the same sounds I'd used many times at previous gigs. I figured the MODX might need repair. But it never happened again, using the same sounds, at home or at subsequent gigs. I suspect a flakey power issue at the one venue. (FWIW, they were simple patches consisting of a split of a factory bass sound on the left side and some other factory sound on the right.)

Posted : 08/11/2021 2:44 pm
Posts: 831
Prominent Member

Thanks @Bad Mister

I will definitely watch more closely and document everything the next time it happens, and post the information on here.
I wasn't aware before, but it's good to know that hung notes are usually always a MIDI issue!

Posted : 08/11/2021 7:51 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Thanks, that will help us figure out the cause. There usually is a cause. Let us know. When you have a synthesizer that can Transmit on as many as 8 MIDI Channels, simultaneously, and you have a DAW or a device that re-Channelizes all MIDI Inputs to a single Channel, the possibility of trouble looms large.

Remember the “active” (selected) MIDI Track can be set to Receive all incoming Channels, and if you are not careful you wind up echoing back a signal that has merged all Channels to the one (current) channel. Chaos will ensue.

Notice also, both the Arpeggiators and Motion Sequences are triggered by Note-On events, it is possible to trigger a Motion Sequencer that continues to run even after you have stopped playing or have stopped the clock, (DAW). (Surely, you’ve seen the Super Knob lights, once started, continues indicating a Super Knob Motion Sequence long after you have stopped playing. Playing back Tracks to the synth, can once again engage the Motion Sequence (Note-On events) — it is very important, in some instances, to toggle both the Arp On/Off and MS On/Off switches to completely *reset* and *rearm* these two devices.

Also since they are, or can be, triggered by Note-On events it is very easy to have a situation where touching the keys and/or playing back data conflict… it is the reason I’m adamant about documenting what else is going on. The other wildcard is SmartMorphing (but this usually gets mentioned when it is apart of the mix of things)… a Motion Sequence that is changing as many parameters as a SmartMorph map does, is a candidate for hung notes.

Reset the Arpeggiator and the Motion Sequence Master buttons… and be aware, when these are being used, they are designed to run their respective ‘sequences’ from the top. Meaning, there is no SPP (Song Position Pointer) for use with these devices. Meaning say you have Arp Phrases and Motion Sequences That are 8 Measures and 24 Measures, respectively… triggering/starting playback at measure 13, will not result in the expected behavior.

Arp data can be recorded as events
Motion Sequences cannot be recorded, they are always applied in real time to the resulting sound.
Motion Sequences that are Sync’d to Arps must be applied in real time (these Arps are not recorded as events, but must applied in real time and recorded as Audio.

Just as an idea of what kinds of things can happen… to possibly hang notes.

Posted : 08/11/2021 8:34 pm
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Hello Bad Mister,
I was in the Live Set mode while I was on a factory preset page. I had my foot on the sustain pedal while I was making the switch. My foot on the damper pedal is probably what caused it. There was motion control and Arp in the preset going on. It is my experience that these things happen with all keyboards. I would guess it had something to do with the SSS; it did it's job and continued to play when the performance was switched. With some keyboards there is a switch (either hard or soft) that can be pushed that halts it from going on and on. Somebody suggested the mute or parts button. If it happens again, I'll have to try it.

By the way, I was just playing the keyboard. I was not hooked to any other devices other than my keyboard amp. I haven't had the board very long, so I'm still just going through the different sounds. It could be a MIDI issue seeing the Arpaggiator was playing in the previous performance and it did seem to be the sound with a rhythm wouldn't stop playing, even when I was playing the keybed with the next sound.

It's easy to get lost in playing this keyboard. The sounds, especially the piano, is so expressive and pleasant to the ears.

Thank you for the responses.

Posted : 08/11/2021 10:24 pm
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

When this happens to me, I just change the performance and it stops doing that. No need to shut off the Montage. This occurs though when I am using my DAW to send midi to the performance sometimes and also using Connect. Not sure why it happens sometimes and not at other times.

Posted : 09/11/2021 11:49 am
Posts: 831
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Thanks, that will help us figure out the cause. There usually is a cause. Let us know. When you have a synthesizer that can Transmit on as many as 8 MIDI Channels, simultaneously, and you have a DAW or a device that re-Channelizes all MIDI Inputs to a single Channel, the possibility of trouble looms large.

Remember the “active” (selected) MIDI Track can be set to Receive all incoming Channels, and if you are not careful you wind up echoing back a signal that has merged all Channels to the one (current) channel. Chaos will ensue.

Notice also, both the Arpeggiators and Motion Sequences are triggered by Note-On events, it is possible to trigger a Motion Sequencer that continues to run even after you have stopped playing or have stopped the clock, (DAW). (Surely, you’ve seen the Super Knob lights, once started, continues indicating a Super Knob Motion Sequence long after you have stopped playing. Playing back Tracks to the synth, can once again engage the Motion Sequence (Note-On events) — it is very important, in some instances, to toggle both the Arp On/Off and MS On/Off switches to completely *reset* and *rearm* these two devices.

Also since they are, or can be, triggered by Note-On events it is very easy to have a situation where touching the keys and/or playing back data conflict…

I haven't yet had it happen since, as it doesn't happen that often; however I can provide a few extra details on things I was doing that may have led to it happening (although I can't be 100% certain, as I wasn't focused on troubleshooting & documenting the issue at the time and just hit the "Mute" button, and then again to un-mute, which quickly fixed it so I could continue).

I always set my MIDI tracks in Pro Tools specifically to the corresponding MIDI channel when I record/edit MIDI sequencing (MIDI Track 1 > MIDI Channel 1 in & out, MIDI Track 2 > MIDI Channel 2 in/out, etc.). On the Montage I usually have the 'Utility > Quick Setup' set to "MIDI Rec on DAW" when recording, editing & programming/tweaking the PARTs/Elements. However sometimes (not often) I may switch the Montage back to "Standalone" for a short period and then back to "MIDI Rec on DAW", which essentially just turns back on the "Local Control" and then turn it off again. When I do switch the back to "Standalone", I mute the MIDI track in Pro Tools so that any sequencing on that track doesn't get triggered on the Montage.

Sometimes I will have specific MIDI Tracks/PARTs playing back their sequencing via Pro Tools, and other times I will Solo the Audio track in Pro Tools of the song I am sequencing. When I do have a MIDI Track(s) playing along with the Audio track I do often play notes on the Montage PART for that track so I can check/adjust for volume, Eq'ing, etc. and adjust the PART on the Montage so that it is closer to the actual recording.

This is just describing a big part of my workflow process, but none of this is specific to the issue with hung notes. I will keep an eye out and post if/when it happens again.

Edit: I forgot to add. I haven't yet had any Arpeggiators or Motion Sequences enabled/running on the Montage while recording/editing MIDI sequencing in Pro Tools, nor when adjusting/tweaking the corresponding Montage PART(s). I have done SuperKnob/Scene change recording to MIDI Track 1 though...

Posted : 09/11/2021 2:30 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I follow you.

One thing, however….

However sometimes (not often) I may switch the Montage back to "Standalone" for a short period and then back to "MIDI Rec on DAW", which essentially just turns back on the "Local Control" and then turn it off again.

If that is all you want to do you should just turn Local Control ON/OFF — you can do so by going to the parameter on the [UTILITY] > “Setting” > “MIDI I/O” screen or simply touching the “Local Control” switch in the MIDI SIGNAL FLOW diagram.

Going to Standalone changes a lot more than just Local Control. If that is what you need just operate Local Control. In both cases you would mute the MIDI track in Pro Tools so that any playing doesn't trigger the Montage a second time.

Posted : 09/11/2021 2:54 pm
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A "Panic button" is a midi "all notes off" reset. (I found this out from a Kurzweil Manual). So I went into "Utility" and then to "Midi I/O" and on that page is a Midi Reset Soft button. If it wasn't so hidden it would probably be useful. So I guess their is a Panic button.

For those using DAWs or other Midi Out type of processes, there is a "Reset" under Utility->Midi I/O. If it happens to me again, I will go to this reset button.

Like I said, I haven't had my Montage 8 very long (about a month or so). I'm still just playing Presets and trying to figure out the operating system. I have a MOX6 and I kind of understand Performances. I've owned other cheaper Yamahas and Performance on them was just a "save all setting" function. The Montage is a big learning curve.

Posted : 09/11/2021 3:01 pm
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

A "Panic button" is a midi "notes on/off" reset. (I found this out from a Kurzweil Manual). So I went into "Utility" and then to "Midi I/O" and on that page is a Midi Reset Soft button. If it wasn't so hidden it would probably be useful. So I guess their is a Panic button.

For those using DAWs or other Midi Out type of processes, there is a "Reset" under Utility->Midi I/O. If it happens to me again, I will go to this reset button.

excellent find!!!


Can't count the number of times this would have been useful when trying to record and overdub with Reaper.

Posted : 09/11/2021 3:07 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

A "Panic button" is a midi "notes on/off" reset. (I found this out from a Kurzweil Manual). So I went into "Utility" and then to "Midi I/O" and on that page is a Midi Reset Soft button. If it wasn't so hidden it would probably be useful. So I guess their is a Panic button.

For those using DAWs or other Midi Out type of processes, there is a "Reset" under Utility->Midi I/O. If it happens to me again, I will go to this reset button.

Like I said, I haven't had my Montage 8 very long (about a month or so). I'm still just playing Presets and trying to figure out the operating system. I have a MOX6 and I kind of understand Performances. I've owned other cheaper Yamahas and Performance on them was just a "save all setting" function. The Montage is a big learning curve.

True, that last point. But take it a little at a time.

What you are calling a “MIDI Reset Soft button” is not what you think.

Likely you are looking at the “CONTROLLER RESET - Hold/Reset” parameter which is not a Panic button at all.
[UTILITY] > “Settings” > “MIDI I/O”

If you would like to use your Yamaha FC7 Pedal as your absolute volume output, setting Controller Reset = “Hold” will allow the last position of your Controller (Foot pedal) to be active in the next program. If you set this to “Reset” then moving to a new program will recall the Controller settings that are STORED in that next program.

Controller Reset is not a “panic” button, it has nothing to do with “all notes off”; it determines how your controllers will behave when moving from one Performance to another.

An “All Notes Off” command is sent on the MONTAGE when you move between two non-SSS Performances. Or if SSS is involved, if you move to a third Performance.

Posted : 09/11/2021 3:51 pm
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I looked it up again and the Panic button is a "all notes off" midi message, not a "notes on/off" message.

Posted : 09/11/2021 3:55 pm
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