If in the scene the keyboard control (green) switch it is controlled it means that it will be possibille to use all 16 parts in a different configurations with max 8 parts per time. I should be very usefull feature. My question is....is it possible now or implement this controol to the scene? And if yes it means that switching on and off different parts and making a groups of more than one parts in each scene will it be possibl to use all 16 program parts?
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. Some members of the forum, including myself, have requested the implementation of this feature in a future software update. It would be very useful indeed.
Please understand: not possible. SCENE does not document which Parts are under KBD CTRL. If you require to switch which Parts are under Keyboard Cintrol you can do so now, no update or change in the system is necessary.
Sorry Bad Mister what does it mean that "you can do so now"? Now it isn' t possible to do that in this case:
I wanna switch between two group of parts in the same program. In the first group should be under keyboard control parts from n.1 to n.6 and in the second group should be under keyboard control parts from n.7 to n.13 . Of course in this two groups all parts of the group must be playable at same time.
As I know this is not possible. Am I wrong?