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Libraries Question

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Hello peoples - I hope you've nailed it, Jason! By 'lack of support' I was meaning here and now - only Joe has weighed in with any comments. As to struggling with the Heath-Robinson contraption that is currently the User Bank/Library File Save/Load situation, there's no choice! Thwarted at every turn because I should have done something else first ... I will continue thrashing about in the tangled undergrowth in the hopes of hitting the One True Path, but my expectations are low.

Posted : 23/03/2017 6:24 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

so....there is a way to share one performance created by me using 2 user waveform ?

thank you

Posted : 23/03/2017 5:16 pm
Posts: 8260
Illustrious Member

roberto wrote:

so....there is a way to share one performance created by me using 2 user waveform ?

thank you

I would:

0) Optionally save an X7U to backup user area (paranoid step)
1) Save a library (generates a library with a copy of all user performances)
2) Initialize user area
3) Install library generated in step 1
4) Import only the performance you want to share from the library created
5) Save a library (user area will now only have one performance). - distribute this library as a ZIP


1) Save an X7U to backup user area
2) Use [UTILITY] feature to delete user performances - all except for one I want to share
3) Save a library (generates a library with the one performance you want to share) - distribute this library as a ZIP


1) Use Montage connect to generate an X7B of the performance I want to share
2) Make a ZIP file containing the X7B and original WAV/AIFF samples along with information of how to generate waveforms. WAV/AIFF files should have metadata information (loop point, velocity ranges, etc) in the filenames so those with the tools can easily generate the final result.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 23/03/2017 7:38 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

In other words... it takes lots of time to do what you want Roberto.

Option 2 suggested by Jason is fast, indeed super easy and fast, providing the person you want to share your X7B patch with has your Waveform/s installed on their Montage (but this is unlikely).


Posted : 23/03/2017 8:02 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Thanks to all....

I think that in 2017 this is a little limitation for this kind of professional gear.

Another stranger thinks is the possibility to edit and create user multisamples (that yamaha call waveform) but the impossiblity to edit some vital parameters like root note.

I know montage is not a sampler, but ok....why there is a menu that is present only in samplers? It's like programmers go to launch in the middle of making the user waveform menu.....and don't come back.....

Posted : 23/03/2017 8:37 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Roberto, your request to share a single Performance containing your own Waveform is definitely something I'd like to be able to do too. But currently, the process (ultimately time) required to do so on the Montage essentially deters me from bothering. Which is disappointing and something that I hope Yamaha can address in an update as per all the discussion above.


Posted : 23/03/2017 8:50 pm
Posts: 8260
Illustrious Member

roberto wrote:
I think that in 2017 this is a little limitation for this kind of professional gear.

Another stranger thinks is the possibility to edit and create user multisamples (that yamaha call waveform) but the impossiblity to edit some vital parameters like root note.

I know montage is not a sampler, but ok....why there is a menu that is present only in samplers? It's like programmers go to launch in the middle of making the user waveform menu.....and don't come back.....

Now you're branching off to another subject altogether. I agree that some parameters should be editable and do not require sample memory or sampler features. Just the ability to change values without preview or sample audition or waveform view etc ... Parameters would be a light-lift to be able to change. But I think Yamaha is "holding the fort" seeing if they give an inch, users will want to take a mile.

... and so on

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 24/03/2017 12:16 am
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