Hello my question of Today is;
Is possible to Use Our Montage with and Android Tablet?
Have all a Nice Day
No. There is no compatibility between Montage and Android.
Thank You for The Quick answare...
Maybe You could suggest it To Yamaha for a Future Firmware?
Thank You in advance...
😉 😉 😉
Please read up on the situation with Android. We'd love to support it, and as soon as they (Google) work things out we're there! Perhaps users can apply pressure on Google to get just one (low latency) hoop to jump through... Read up
Check the quote "First the bad news"
Thank you for your interest.
Bad Mister
That link is an artical from 2013. Has there been ANY movement for the android latency issue in the last 3 years? Also, I would LOVE to apply pressure on google for the cause. Any suggestions on where to start or who to contact?
I will NEVER own anything Apple but I'd love for the platform I much prefer (android),Yamaha and my Montage to make nice.. Probably a pipe dream but ...
I'm sure there has been progress... But the reason you don't see hundreds of apps for music products on Android is that it is far behind on getting one system to deal with. Here's the problem: Out of 100 people, what percentage are musicians? This fundamental fact (we are a small niche market) means no one is really that concerned about our little world as much as we are. ("We" being the collective music-making niche market)
I've sat in meetings with the big computer folks - and when they think "music" - they think naturally (to them) first about the people who playback music, not the folks who play music. This is a problem, but as you can imagine the "playback" folks far, far out number the folks who play music. And to the folks who playback a 350ms delay between hitting play and hearing music is ignored. But if you play, you cannot play 350ms behind the beat!
Eventually, you'll see android support. I don't have a crystal ball, but I'm sure it is being worked on.
Good News...
On the bright side the Google Chrome-MIDI spec has allowed Yamaha to find a way to add Android support for our reface CP/CS/DX/YC instruments through their Chrome browser - well it's a start. The ink was hardly dry on the Chrome-MIDI spec announcement when Yamaha announced reface would use it to add download/upload support for Android devices. It's very active with thousands (literally) of sounds being shared by reface users around the world, right here on this website (see Soundmondo)... With support for both iOS and Android devices!
So it ain't about the music companies don't want to support Android, it's about getting it to work well (low latency is critical for audio) MIDI communication will be first, audio is critical for wide spread app support.
I'm not recommending any specific action with approaching Google. I certainly wouldn't know who to address, but if you're an "I will never own anything Apple... " person, I guess you will just have to be patient. But yelling at the (niche) music making companies is really just preaching to the choir... We already are convinced Android support is or would be a good thing. But it ain't on us...