In addition to my montage I also own an s90xs, which I understand can load motif arpeggios from an x0g file. Not having owned I motif I never tried this out. Is there any way of saving an x0g with the Montage? I don't think the current OS allows it, so wondering if 2.0 will do it?
You’ve got that backwards, the MONTAGE can read a .X0G File... which is a Motif XS All Arpeggio File.
The S90 XS/S70 XS both can read a .X0G File... only a Motif XS can create a .X0G File.
The MONTAGE creates it own format files, which currently only it can read (MONTAGE, king of the realm, first of its name!)
Ususally it works chronologically, the later model can read the early model, not the other way ‘round.
Thanks. I pretty much figured that would be the case