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montage connect stop to work on windows ver 1903 solved

13 Posts
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hie, is somebody got this kind of problem? i downloaded the last montage connect, reinstall it but it block on "preparing installation window" , have to use taskbar for stop it.
impossible to use the montage with cubase then. what don t understand is when i install, it work fine, at the end of the install process, it tell to finish and it will open the wizard....????.

Posted : 21/02/2020 4:58 pm
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i updated windows to last ver 1909 have latest steinberg driver but montage connect bug> i cannot open any daw or sample robot as they are blocked when try to open montage connect, hve to use task bar>. the most strange is that i have the icone of montage connect, it is so installed i suppose but when i click on it, it open again an install wizard??? it looks really like it cannot connect to montge??? montage is set to midi usb of coarse.

Posted : 21/02/2020 5:41 pm
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this problem have been solved, i guess it was coming from an old usb windows driver that i updated.:( 🙁 😮

Posted : 21/02/2020 6:33 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

i updated windows to last ver 1909

? Try that again... there is no such thing.

Posted : 21/02/2020 7:21 pm
Posts: 7933
Illustrious Member

Such a thing

My google search term:

windows 1909

First link - in a special "box" Google reserves for more definitive returns. Titled "What's new in Windows 10, version 1909 - Microsoft Docs"

I think revisionist history has changed that link to point to an even newer "IT Pro" version of 1909. But there is news all over the place of stock 1909

... including breaking "sound":

Guess the good news is that whatever the problem was is now fixed. Might be nice to document in more detail what was done exactly to fix the issue. Seems like some kind of driver update but I'm not entirely sure which one exactly and what was done in order to update it. Might help the next "victim" to have more details here.

Posted : 21/02/2020 7:32 pm
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just that the usb steinberg driver was out of date as i saw:p in the device manager. thank you for your attention. presently i have a more sensitive case; i try again after given up to install samplerobot but again the activation process bug?? and sent again a message to the SR support? what is bad is that sample robot open automatically now when i open the computer and asking me for an activation that i cannot operate . i will have to desinstall again and hoping some answer from the support side. also i was not able to find in my yamaha account the code and serial numbers that should stored in. but ok i know i choose to play with machines and not only with my piccolo, nothing wrong with both.

Posted : 21/02/2020 11:20 pm
Posts: 7933
Illustrious Member

SR has seemed to be plagued with install issues throughout. They've fixed issues along the way - or sometimes tell users to clear out certain directories. I think there are other threads covering some of this. Joël Borg at Moessieurs has been fairly instrumental at helping as a liaison for ironing out these issues.

This link demonstrates 8-bit characters (special characters not a-z/A-Z in the name) as giving SR issues with the activation file - at least with an older version. Same message asks a user to clear out this directory:

Thanks for your message. Can you create the empty directory C:SampleRobot6 on your hard drive and then trying to activate again?

... which is applicable to Windows users only.

There's also some reports of issues with Sample Robot and anti-virus software. Avast was mentioned - but you may want to try disabling antivirus (whatever it may be) for the install and first load and see how that works.

... I really dislike how this forum has removed absolute dates from responses. At any rate, sometime in the past (same thread) there was a follow-up by the SR team (Chris) that "all" activation issues have been fixed. I wouldn't be surprised if past issues made their way back into the code or some activation issues were not fixed.

... here's a thread on Mac issues:

There's probably more out there.

Posted : 22/02/2020 9:58 pm
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thanks Jason. the SR support team seems busy outhere. fed up even before have a chance to use it. if cannot solve , i will use kontackt for build my new accoustic instrument, but no such bridge to montage then.:(

Posted : 23/02/2020 5:19 pm
Posts: 7933
Illustrious Member

I have a fairly new system and want to see if a "clean" system will reproduce the same issues. I don't even have the Yamaha Steinberg USB drivers, Montage Connect, or any other Yamaha software installed on this machine. Here's what I did (spoiler: I've already installed SR too many times to complete this install):

1. Navigated to webpage
2. Logged in with my yamahamusicsoft account (already previously registered)
3. After a second or two - I was redirected back to the "samplerobot" page I started at - but this time given a "Yamaha Code" and Serial # for the registered Sample Robot product.
4. For grins, I saved both the Yamaha Code and Serial Number for Sample Robot in a text file on my PC.
5. Clicked "Download" button which, as of today, downloaded a file named "" with a file size of 476,836,586 (bytes).
6. Unzipped "" in the Downloads directory where it landed. This created a sub-directory "SampleRobot6_MontageEdition" where the extracted files were placed.
7. Navigated to the above sub-directory under Downloads (for Sample Robot install) and executed the setup file under the "win" (Windows) directory: "SampleRobotSetup_Montage_6.5.0.4"
8. Windows Defender SmartScreen poped up complaining about this setup file being an unrecognized app. This is a bit of a problem for Skylife (the company that releases Sample Robot) because setup files like this should be signed in a manner to prevent Windows Defender from flagging the EXE. This makes Sample Robot appear somewhere between a virus and home-brew software produced by a wet-behind-the-ears programmer just graduating.
At any rate, I clicked "More info" which then lets you choose the option "Run anyway" in order to bypass the protections put in place when the Publisher is "Unknown Publisher". Skylife needs to fix this and properly sign/package their executables.
9. Next, I received a prompt (with a shield symbol) where Windows asked if I really want to allow an application with an unknown publisher to make changes to my system. I answered "Yes" to, again, bypass the protections put in place.
10. Now, finally, setup has started. "Next" on the welcome screen, "Next" to select the default "C:Program Files..." install location
11. Next screen "Select Components" has all of the configurable options grayed out. So this screen has no utility. It seems everything is already selected - and there's no option to opt out of anything like the example projects. Maybe in the future this screen can be removed completely. Pressed "Next" to proceed.
12. Read then chose button to "... accept the license" then pressed "Next"
13. Kept the "SampleRobot 6" default name for the shortcut (no change), pressed "Next"
14. Ready to install screen - pressed "Install" button.
15. After bar reached end - pressed "Finish" button.

Installation is done - it just exits and leaves you to launch Sample Robot.

16. Pressed the Windows button on my keyboard which is one way to shortcut to the Windows search. Then started typing "Sample" which quickly showed the "SampleRobot Montage" icon. Once that was displayed, I pressed Enter (Return) to launch SampleRobot.
17. I saw a "splash screen" for the application, then quickly saw a message box with the contents:

SampleRobot Activation Needed
(?) No valid license found! Do you want to activate SampleRobot now?
[Yes] [No]

... and pressed the "Yes" button

18. I was presented with a new message box with title "SampleRobot Activation" and contents with lots of text fields to fill in various information. The serial number was the first box followed by the Yamaha Code. In step 3, the web page gave me both of these and in step 4 I saved them to a file.
Referring to the file, I filled in the serial number and yamaha code. I just did a cut-and-paste of the text I had previously cut-and-pasted from the webpage. After pasting the serial number, that blank turned green. So I'm guessing it's fine. Same with the Yamaha Code. Green. Then I filled in my name and email - stuff I do know.

19. After completing the above I received an error "Maximum number of installs exceeded." I think this makes sense. I've installed it perhaps on two machines before. As I retire one machine and move to a new one - I've done this twice before. This is yet a newer machine. One not necessarily best for music - and why it doesn't have any Yamaha drivers installed.

Guess I can't go much further to see if I have any problems.

If I really did need to get this machine to activate - I would follow the link:

"Need Help? Contact us:" and click on the "Manual Installation" link where I'd send the code there to the support email. Along with a note that I've retired some machines that had SampleRobot installed and would be happy to uninstall if that would help the process. Your email may be different.

... but I think you've communicated that the support email isn't responsive despite trying.

Posted : 24/02/2020 6:34 am
Posts: 257
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thanks jason, in fact the culpable was this absurd segoe font windows 10 that you can change only in the registry. this font make 0 like D and etc...sorry for have take your time but now it is solved.:D

Posted : 25/02/2020 4:02 pm
Posts: 7933
Illustrious Member

No problem - it was good for me to know that I ran out of "seats" and would need to contact Skylife to retire old licenses if I wanted to move SR to a new system.

Back to your issue, however. Did your fix involve changing the system font back to "Segoe UI" - or are you saying you had to change it from Segoe to something else?

... I'm wondering if the following link registry "hack" was what you had to do (which would mean changing the system font back to "Segoe UI" ):

I'm trying to provide as much information to others to help them resolve an issue if they find themselves in a similar position.

Posted : 25/02/2020 4:37 pm
Posts: 257
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hie jason. at first i did not copy the code provided and this segoe font is bury, 0 are like D. following your step, i could retrieve the serial number and copy and paste them.

Posted : 25/02/2020 8:36 pm
Posts: 7933
Illustrious Member

I see. So copy/paste for any user would make the font display issue irrelevant. And the original issue was reading characters from the screen and manually copying this and getting "0" or "D" swapped as one example. The "fix" would be to copy-and-paste instead of interpreting characters from the display.

Got it.

Posted : 25/02/2020 10:08 pm

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