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Montage In-Depth Video Tutorial Series ? When ? What's taking so long ?

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The title says it all.

So, when can we expect them ?

Hopefully Soon !


Posted : 27/07/2016 3:56 pm
Posts: 0
Active Member

Yes we need them. The manual isn't always very to the point.
Many questions remain unanswered.

Posted : 27/07/2016 5:18 pm
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Trusted Member

As Yamaha 's first announcement : Montage is a legacy keyboard, BUT IT IS NOT.... they need to make thing more efficiency and all the features that keyboard users are needed if they want to sale more and compete with KORG KRONOS .
Yamaha said: "They're really want to listen to the customers, So let wait and see what yamaha will change for the Montage????
See video below from the time 0.40 seconds


Posted : 27/07/2016 5:29 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Helpful (How To) video instructions are a must....please get them out to your dedicated committed customers.

Thank You

Posted : 27/07/2016 10:58 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Yes please get these going.Its a powerful beast and we want to get the best out of our bucks!

Posted : 28/07/2016 7:07 pm
Posts: 58
Estimable Member

I would also very much appreciate some tutorials. For me they're many times better for learning than a manual. I've said it before but man, I am lovin this "board"!

Posted : 28/07/2016 8:24 pm
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Active Member

Manuals tell you what everything does but never how to do anything. We have to rely on higher beings to explain the steps to get to what you're trying to do, thankfully there are some on this forum.

Posted : 28/07/2016 10:13 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

They are in the works...

Owner's and Reference Manuals are textbooks, they are not Application Guides. An Application Guide deals with not just how to do something but when to do something... and many times why you'd want to do it this way.

I highly recommend the Programming Basics series, as the Super Knob is the gateway to the Motion Control engine. Learning to navigate and analyze assignments is the gateway to creativity here. Once you get the assignable knob/controller matrix thing - you open the door on a bigger world. This is a very programmable synthesizer.

Computer Connectivity
If you've never worked in the computer environment, the best thing we can tell you is, there is more than one way to work. And that's a feature of this system. The computer-based recording can be simple (2 Trk stereo) or deeply complex (32 bus outputs), it's your choice.

The audio routing in Montage is so extensive and flexible, building tracks with a DAW creates a system more powerful than any all-in-one system could hope to be alone.

We will start a series of articles that reveals some of the hidden secrets within some of these Preset PERFORMANCES - it may be interesting to go on an Easter Egg hunt for some of the programming gems that lie within.

Posted : 28/07/2016 11:41 pm

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