Just wonder if anybody knows if electric guitar samples on Montage M are new or the same as on original Montage. Also, are guitar amplifier and cabinet simulator effects still the same from back in the day as on Motif XF or has the effects sound been updated in any way to sound more realistic/modern? Thanks!
Just wonder if anybody knows if electric guitar samples on Montage M are new or the same as on original Montage. Also, are guitar amplifier and cabinet simulator effects still the same from back in the day as on Motif XF or has the effects sound been updated in any way to sound more realistic/modern?
I doubt if anyone but Yamaha can answer those questions.
The performance search has an attribute that allows you to select any/all of 'Motif', 'Montage' or 'Montage M' but even then some of the Montage performances have been altered - e.g. CFX Concert has the same name and likely the same settings but it is now a one part performance when it used to be a 4 part performance. That part 1 now has 18 elements to produce the sound.
I haven't seen anything in the data doc that would indicate new or changed waveforms. The old Montage Data List shows 6320 and the new Data List doc shows a total of 7620 for the M.
Waveform #1 appears to be a different waveform in each doc. In the M doc the name is 'FX v01 St' and that name doesn't exist in the old Montage doc.
Waveform #1 in the old doc is 'F3 Stretch Sw St' and that is the name of waveform #27 in the new doc.
So there doesn't appear to be any way to even know if a waveform in the new doc was in the old Montage at all
Makes me wonder if the above has implications if you load old Montage content direclty. Maybe that means a converter is needed to convert the waveform numbers appropriately.
Hi Andrew --
In my spare time, I've been comparing the Montage M waveforms against Montage (gen 1). So far, most of the changes that I've spotted are acoustic pianos and electric pianos:
I scanned through the guitars and basses and didn't find any additions:
No changes: Sampled DX, Clav, Drawbar, combo, and pipe organ waveforms
No changes: Nylon guitar, steel guitar, clean GT, 60s GT, 1Coil GT, Jazz GT, Telecaster (TC), Distortion GT, Banjo, Sitar, Tambura
No changes: Acoustic Bs, Pick Bs, Finger Bs, Thumb Bs, Fretless Bs
I hope to scan through some of the other instrument categories this week. One notable addition -- Montage M got the "Kino Strings" from Genos (gen 1). They're called "Cinema Strings" on Montage M.
They might have added new Performances. Too many to compare by eye alone.
I also took a quick browse through the guitar amp sims -- no notable additions over Montage (gen 1).
All the best -- pj
They might have added new Performances.
Old - 2730
New - 336j9
1283 - Orchestsral Snares + is listed in line so not sure if it is a new perf since the other new oness are listed at the end.
Added in 1.11 update - 25 all in the Organ cat with Sub Cat either Tone Wheel or Synth
Haven't even tried comparing names.
Hi Andrew --
Thanks! I would expect to find more single-part organs among those Performances as well as showing off the new rotary speaker sim.
-- pj
You called it - all of the new ones (marked with a '+' in the Data List doc at the end of perf list) are single part.