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Montage M - new Data List doc available for OS update 2.0

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They just dropped an updated Data List doc that includes the new content and format for OS update 2.0 but no other updated docs have been dropped except the previously mention ESP Install doc.

It is available as before in both PDF and Excel formats.

There is one new section at the end titled 'MIDI Message in UMP Format'. The MIDI 2 standard defined the Universal MIDI Packet (UMP) structure so this is likely part of the migration towards support of MIDI 2 with all that brings to the table.

The Performance List shows the first new performance added is 'CFX2' at number 3370 and the last new performance is 'Chaotic' at number 3427) so 50+ new ones to check out.

The Effect Type List section lists the new Shimmer Reverb so you can see what parameters are available.

I haven't checked the data tables to see if they have changed. Some parameters in the previous version already had formats that supported extended precision (i.e. > 127) values but there may be more as part of the growing MIDI 2.0 support

Testing will be needed to determine if the new dump format is compatible with the old one.

Posted : 21/06/2024 5:04 am
Posts: 7989
Illustrious Member

The effects that were in the previous data list are the same in terms of the bit-size of parameters.  


Motion control has 13 new destinations for AN-X.  The new Wave Folder modifier is there (including modifier EG) and also LFO Speed Pitch/OSC/Mod/Filter/Amp are destinations now.


The key controller box destinations (translation: destinations for polyphonic aftertouch) add some new AN-X destinations.  Unison Detune/Spread (which were available to standard aftertouch before -- now avail to poly), LFO Speed Pitch/OSC/Mod/Filter/Amp (new ones added to "standard" motion control), Oscillator 1?3 frequency (typo in docs - not sure if it should be 1/3 - as in 1&3 or 1-3), and 3 Wave Folder modifier destinations.


The data list shows new entries for Live Set Audio path and Live Set Identifier.  Audio path is up to 256 characters between space and the highest 7-bit ascii character (and null) - so this covers the gammit of possible file path chars.  Upper, lower, spaces, dashes, dots, numbers, and plenty of characters that would not normally be permitted in FAT directory.  This touches on another thread where previously I didn't see documentation of file pointers for audio files.   The identifier is said to be an MD5SUM of the USB stick's "device information".  What this is exactly is unknown although one could probably take the value they find here and figure out how to generate a matching MD5SUM.   All of this likely goes into the equation of why one can't seem to copy audio files from one stick to another and have the new stick work.    It looks like for both of these parameters each live set slot on each page can have its own unique path+USB stick identifier.


The Performance Common previously named Smart Morph Data/PNG is renamed to FM-X Smart Morph Data/PNG and a new set of parameters have been added for the AN-X Smart Morph Data/PNG.  


AN-X Part has a new section of registers for the wave folder (17 new regs).


Reverb and Variation effect parameter docs still have the same "typo" as the last version of data list docs where the addresses for each register do not increment (all are at LSBs = 00 and should go 00, 02, 04, etc...).  This issue seems to run through until after the master effects docs.  Later, address "06 07 L0 00" also seems to have this same issue both in previous and the new docs.





Posted : 21/06/2024 8:22 am

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