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Montage M - what are the controller values when the control source is Poly AT?

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Trying to understand a simple config for Poly Aftertouch - refer to pages 291, 292 in the Operations Manual.

Page 191 shows a display editing Part 1 Common and positioned on the Mod / Control -> After Touch tabs.

The 'Source' shown is 'Poly AT' and, as explained on page 192 can not be changed.

A. Notice the Curve Type shown is 'Standard' with a graphic of a ramp. The question relates to the text of the Curve Type
explanation on page 292:

The horizontal axis represents the controller value set in Source . . .

What are the possible controller values for the Poly AT source? Typically a controller value would be a value from 0 - 127.

The only AT 'values' I found are shown on page 457 which is describing the settings for parameters on the
Utility -> Settings -> Sound menu. The possible 'Settings' are for 'AT Curve (Poly After Touch Cuve):

Settings: Normal, Soft 1, Soft 2, Hard 1, Hard 2

On page 456 is the graphic showing the 'AT Curve' parameter area. The default is 'Normal' and you can see the
standard ramp.

Are those 'Normal', 'Soft 1', 'Soft 2', 'Hard 1', and 'Hard 2' values scaled to a range of 0 - 127? If so then 128 / 4 = 26
and Normal could map to 0, Soft 1 to 26, Soft 2 to 52, Hard 1 to 78, Hard 2 to 104.

Question - assuming that mapping is correct how are those values used in conjunction with the 'Curve Type as I described
at point 'A' above where the quote says 'represents sthe controller value set in Source?

Does it use those 5 values of 0, 26, 52, 78 and 104 as horizontal values for the AT Curve selected on page 456?

That seems reasonable except for two things:

1. The curve selection on page 456 has the typical 20 curves that include the usual standard, dogleg, bounce and others that
have some serious ups and downs in the output. Those ups and downs aren't likely to be on boundaries of 0, 26, 52, 78, 104.

2. The utility settings of Normal, Soft 1, Soft 2, Hard 1, Hard 2 are:
A. global, instrument-level settings.
B. are persistent over a power down, power up cycle
C. are NOT performance specific

Since Aftertouch, and its parameters can be configured/set at the part level I don't see how the global Normal, Soft1, etc settings
fit into the picture.

There is likely something I am missing in how Aftertouch is done but I'm not sure what it is.

Posted : 12/10/2023 4:46 pm

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