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Montage + Reface CP

6 Posts
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I was checking on youtube some videos of the little Reface CS and CP.
I would like to buy both with the Montage, but I'm not sure about the Reface CP. Do you think that it will be redundant to have it with the Montage? Do both have the same sounds or are they different?

Posted : 01/01/2017 3:21 pm
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Yes, I'm waiting for NAMM to see if there will be something new, in the meantime I'm checking youtube videos of the synths that I'd like to buy 😉

Posted : 01/01/2017 7:49 pm
Posts: 560
Honorable Member

Hi, i have the Montage 7 and the Reface CP, they sound different, for EP, sometimes i use the Reface CP, sometimes the Montage, depend what song and sound i need.
Try them if possible, that's the better way to choose.

Posted : 01/01/2017 10:17 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member

I was really interested in the Reface CP. I went and tried one out at Guitar Center. It sounded really nice, but the mini-keys were way too small for me, and that was a deal-breaker. If Yamaha ever comes out with a Reface CP with full-size keys, I'll be really interested.

Posted : 02/01/2017 2:07 am
Posts: 560
Honorable Member

Hi, i connect the Reface CP thru midi to my midi merger, i can play it from the Montage 7 or the Motif XF8 😉

Posted : 02/01/2017 6:37 am
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

To comment on the "dreamsynth" and waiting for NAMM - a couple comments:

1) Since release of that video (showing April 2014) - there have been many NAMM (winter/summer) shows. The equipment used in the video:

AN1X - Released 1997
Motif XS Rack - Released 2008 (note: 2014, the Motif XF - releaesd 2010 - was available - makes me think perhaps the video was shot without english captions before 2014)
FS1R - Released 1998
KX49 - Released 2008

2) Release of video was in time to influence Montage development. Katsunori UJIIE felt that the FS1R, out of all the FM variants available at release of the video, represented the most flexible FM engine. I understand it's difficult to program, but the newer technology would also provide an easier interface much like Montage has. This did not influence (at least in entirety) the engine used in Montage.

3) The general design/release cycle of a flagship synth is historically not so short to expect the next NAMM(s) to carry a new synth. There have been hints of the Montage "replacing" the Motif XF - although customer feedback is that they value the sampler and sequencer - so perhaps Yamaha will rethink strategy and release a Motif follow-on with more memory and an updated tone generator (and the pure analog circuit). It'd, I imagine, basically be a Montage with the sampler and sequencer - although probably using the Motif OS / interface. But who knows - speculation. Unless Montage seriously tanks from a sales perspective - I would expect there to be some coasting for a few years at least.

To your original post - if you like the combo of the Montage+CP+CS, this will work fine. Although there is only one MIDI "DIN-like" connector on the reface synths, this is a special port which connects to a breakout cable giving you MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. So each can be strung along a MIDI chain out the Montage's MIDI (OUT) DIN connector using the Montage as the master controller.

I wonder if Yamaha would release a reface Soundset (or set of Soundsets, one for each reface) in order to build a revenue stream for those who own a Montage and not willing to spend $400 for each reface.

Posted : 02/01/2017 12:14 pm

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