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Montage8 or Korg Kronos

21 Posts
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This forum is so broken he probably has no idea how to log back in, and has likely never received any notifications of replies.

And if he did try to log back in, and go through the impossibility that is that experience on something like a Mac with Safari, the experience probably reflected so poorly on Yamaha that he chose something else.

Well, once we know we don't receive a notification, it's up to us to memorize with a bookmark.
I'm happy with this forum. I do learn so many important things !

Posted : 24/03/2021 2:08 pm
Posts: 1717
Member Admin

I'm not happy with this forum, and I also learn a lot of things here.

I'm very grateful to the likes of Jason and Bad Mister for all their typing, time and consideration of each question and issue they go at.

I'm also sympathetic towards potential Yamaha customers that might fall in here, fumble around once, and then find it's harder to get back in than it was to join and make an initial post.

True, it's possible to make somewhat of a workaround, with varying technologies, and approaches, and through trialing different browsers.

But none of that should ever be needed to get into and use a forum. Ever.

And it is a horrible first impression for anyone newly considering a high end Yamaha product.

It's not been fixed in many years.

Herman is by no means alone in whatever aspects of this he's experienced.

Posted : 24/03/2021 2:45 pm
Posts: 207
Reputable Member

So It is not just me and me...!!!
I thought it was me and the can openers...*

I sign in, then I am requested to sign in...I go to Yamaha main page...back to the Forum index, choose Montage, again requested to sign in, back to the menu to go to Learning, back to Forum, to Montage...and then to the BBC or the CNN or the CNBC or CNET, or Roland, or whatever; then back again to Yamaha...and so on and on, and then after some 15 minutes doing the very same, here I am...!!!!

No problem, no cause for alarm, my time is my own. Brave browser here. Second to none.

* Yes, I said it before, sorry: so bad at cooking I open the eggs with a can opener.

Posted : 24/03/2021 4:02 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Here's my process to work around the broken forum behavior. It doesn't require waiting for 15 minutes - but it is 5 more steps than should be necessary.

Not signed in, reading a post.  In upper-right is a button "Sign In" with a key inside a circle on the left side.

1) I press the "Sign In" button with the left-hand icon of a key inside a circle on the left side of the button
2) I fill in my email/password inside the popup window
3) I get a "Welcome Back!" response and the page refreshes
4) Again, in the upper-right of the page is the "Sign In" button with the key icon on the left side of the button
5) I press the "Sign In" button a second time
6) After this "Sign In" press, the button changes to two buttons "My Account" and "Sign Out"
7) Still at the bottom of post I am reading there is not the option to add my response.
I must first refresh the page
8) After refreshing the page I see "Submit Your Response" at the bottom and can start replying

"Luckily", I'm using a PC with a non-mobile browser. The last time I used an iPad and certain browsers many of the steps were even more broken in that environment despite the relative success some have reported.

Posted : 24/03/2021 4:20 pm
Posts: 207
Reputable Member

I think perhaps most of the trouble comes from the way browsers manage the many shields used to grant our safety.

Posted : 24/03/2021 4:41 pm
Posts: 802
Prominent Member

I basically do the same as Jason...

1. Click the "Sign In" button and type in my credentials
2. Then I click the "Sign In" button a second time
3. Then I refresh the Page by pressing F5

Windows 10 (Chrome browser)

I'm Ok with that; however I do hope this has not deterred potential customers from participating and possibly not buying a Montage/MODX if they were on the fence with making their decision!

Posted : 24/03/2021 11:12 pm
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