Maybe those MOTIFPRE files just pointed to the same file from a different location- they did load into the Live Set section- after the USER 8 slot. I have since deleted them as I guess they're redundant and taking up valuable Library slots.
I've noticed that only a few performances have duplicates- some right beside each other in the Catergory search pages. Can I delete duplicates somehow?. Would that have happened by me mistakenly saving a performance and not renaming it?
Okay, back to the other issue- where do I access my wave files I saved in the .X3A file?
I made two custom drumkits with my own samples which are saved to the flash rom cards in the Motif and they are mapped to the keyboard as a kit would normally be. I also have other samples saved to to the flash rom cards which I backed up in the .X3A file, hence it's size of 251 mb total. With that being said, how can I copy my kits to the Montage so they are mapped the same way as they are on Motif?
I've spent the last two days re-creating and saving Motif XF songs as Cubase projects importing MIDI files and saving .X3E files for each project I want to move to a Montage workflow. I will not be importing the MIDI files into Montage- they're staying on the Cubase tracks.
The drum-kit samples from my custom kits are what I'm concerned about next. How do I get them saved to Montage flash memory and mapped to the keyboard?
Could you please provide a step-by-step guide or just provide a link so I can get this done?
You're the master here Phil, not me, so you have to understand I make a lot of mistakes, and I apologize for that. I don't mean to be annoying, but this is not as easy for me to understand as it is for you, so I need guidance.
If I didn't believe these songs were important I wouldn't be taking all this time trying to move them into the Montage workflow.
I really do appreciate your help.
If you have a Motif XF .X3A File load it as follows
[UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Load” > set “Content Type” = USER FILE
Select “Voice”
This will load all 544 User Voices from the XF File, all the Waveforms, and any User Arpeggios.
Once you do this
From the HOME screen
Set “Bank/Favorite” = User
Set “Attribute” = All
This will show you the 544 User Voices from the Motif XF File, including your custom Drum Kit and the User Waveforms that make it happen... already mapped and ready to use.
If you remember the name you gave the Kit, just type in a bit of its name in the box with the magnifying glass... to execute a search.
Should be ready to play... let us know.
Hi BM, so before I call it a night, I decided to try loading the .X3A file as you instructed and I received a 'Waveform Full' message a few seconds into the loading screen. This happened earlier today too. Any ideas?
Thanks and good night.
The maximum number of Waveforms has been exceeded... which 2,048 per Bank.
Again, as in the other thread, only you know what’s in that file — we’ve asked several times but have not received an answer. The MONTAGE cannot load more Waveforms than it has slots for... 2048 per User Bank.
How many Waveforms are in that file?
Previously you showed us a screenshot of your custom Drum data already loaded to User: screenshot #3
Good morning. How can I check the number of files? I know on the Motif I can browse and audition files on the flash memory cards but is there a software where I can see inside of an .X3A file? If I could just capture those two drumkits, I would be okay but I don't believe there is a way to save just samples in a file which can later be read by Montage.
If I could audition the samples already in Montage at least that would give me an idea of what to delete.
I wish there were a more complete way to move songs to Montage-it's extremely convoluted as it is and I think Yamaha really dropped the ball for transitioning from Motif to Montage- it really is a messy way to move professional work from one platform to another.
Well as you can see by the pics, I have none of my own wave-forms in the Montage- deleted them all and guess what- same message 'Waveform Full' when trying to load my .X3A file. And as you can also see, the number of files on the flash memory (within the .X3A file) falls short of 2048.
So, the amount of waveforms is not the problem according to your information you've given.
Am I the only one who's experiencing this lol?
Next I'm going to save just the sample files in an .X7U file containing only the samples.
I'm gonna initialize the Montage. Clearly it's not processing data as it should, which I have proven. I haven't exceeded 2048 waveforms and trying to load the .X3A file results in the same error every time. Anyone?
We’re still here trying to help you...
We’re still here trying to help you...
I've moved on BM, not paying 90+ dollars CAD for a waveform editor that I'll use once.
I have another problem-posted.
Just FYI,
There is nothing preventing you from working out this issue with just the MONTAGE. You do have to follow the correct method to prepare the data (XF File) and you must use the proper method to load the data. You can manipulate the data in the MONTAGE without any external Editor. You are under a misconception if you think you are required to use it, you are not. You can accomplish what you need with the hardware alone.
Files made in the XF can be converted. The User Waveforms will be available and appear on the Waveform List.
If those Waveforms are used in a USER VOICE or USER Drum Kit, they will each be converted as Single Part MONTAGE Performances when you select to convert the .X3A as “Voice”. If you created any other Voices specifically with a Song/Pattern, namely “Mixing Voices“, and “User Sample Voices“ recorded to the Integrated Sampling Sequencer, those Voices will not be converted. But those Waveforms will be added to the MONTAGE Waveform List. You can build a new Element and assign it to a MONTAGE Part.
Melas Tools is for the serious power user... no doubt.
Does having a computer with tons of RAM to work with, make things quicker and therefore, easier? Well, that’s true. The Melas Editor is recommended for those who work extensively with User Waveforms, User Arpeggios, and wish to manage multiple sets of data — reconfiguring them for use in the MONTAGE. Those who are going to use it once, not so much, well, that’s your decision, but if you intend to get the most out of the User expansion of the Wave ROM, then it is highly recommended... simply because it is well thought out and it makes those things you will need to do more efficient