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Multi sampling using Sample Robot

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I have a question in multi sampling. In montage there are only 8 elements. So it means we can use only 8 samples ?? Is that right;
I think the factory pianos have many samples and velocity layers.. So how we could do the same. If I want to have few velocity layers and may be 3-4 notes per octave;
Sample robot gives the option to sample multi velocity layers and any number of notes. So as an example if I use the setting of 3 velocity layers and 4 as the note interval , how does the montage handle this. Please advise

Posted : 14/09/2023 3:26 am
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New Member Guest

I have a question in multi sampling. In montage there are only 8 elements. So it means we can use only 8 samples ?? Is that right;

No - that isn't quite the way things are laid out.

You have to be careful not to confuse 'sample' with 'waveform'. And I mean Yamaha's definition of waveform.

Yes - each AWM2 part can have/use 8 elements. But you assign a 'waveform', not a sample, to an element.

A waveform can consist of over 100 individual 'samples'. I know how people sometimes hate being referred to documentation but it is necesssary here. See pages 96 and 97 of the Montage Reference doc. Those pages explain how a 'waveform' is structured into 'key banks'. Each key bank can contain an audio sample and be designed for a user-specified note range and velocity.

I think the factory pianos have many samples and velocity layers.. So how we could do the same. If I want to have few velocity layers and may be 3-4 notes per octave;

Correct - as those doc pages show you can specify the note range and velocity for each key bank. When you play a note Montage will access the assigned 'waveform' and use the note value and velocity value to select a keybank from the waveform. It will then use the audio sample stored for that key bank.

Sample robot gives the option to sample multi velocity layers and any number of notes. So as an example if I use the setting of 3 velocity layers and 4 as the note interval , how does the montage handle this. Please advise

I am not familiar with Sample Robot so you should wait for a reply from someone who is.

But those multi-velocity layers and notes will be used to create the key banks for the waveform.

For example you might have five audio sample of Middle C at five different velocities. You could then create 5 keybanks, one for each velocity sample. The note range might be C3 - B3 for each of them but each bank would be for a different velocity.

You would create additional key banks (max of 256) for other note range and velocity combinations.

This is how the reference doc describes it

Key Bank and Waveform
Key Banks are assigned and stored to Waveforms on the MONTAGE.
Each of the Waveforms can contain multiple Key Banks. To assign these Key Banks to a different
space or container, you can set the note limit and velocity limit for each Key Bank. With this

I suggest that you try this example and use the 'Edit Waveform' screen and doc material so you can actually get a feel for what you do.

1. INIT NORMAL (AWM2) - create a new performance
2. Edit part 1 - element 1
3. On the Osc / Tune you can see the waveform name 'CF3 Stretch Sw St'
4. Press the 'New Waveform' button and you can load your own WAV file
5. Now press the 'Edit Waveform' button that has appeared - it wasn't there before because you can't
edit a preset waveform. The button is there now because this is now a user waveform.
6. At the bottom of the 'Edit User Waveform' screen you can see all of the parameters you can specify
for: velocity limit, note limit, center note, volume, Pan, etc just as shown in the manual.

You loaded ONE wav file and it became ONE key bank that you can specify those parameters for.

7. press the 'Add Keybank' button. Now you are ask to load another WAV file. When you do it will become a new key bank and you can specify the parameter for it. If you specify the same note range but a different velocity. that is how
you layer the samples so Montage can use a different physical sample for a different velocity.

Hopefull the above gives you a sense of how a waveform is created and consists of multiple keybanks.

While you wait for someone with Sample Robot experience to respond you might find this article by Paul Drongowski interesting. It describes in detail how to create a waveform for the Modx. It is the same process for Montage.

Posted : 14/09/2023 3:53 am
Posts: 12
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation.. I will follow your instructions. I have never thought about the difference between samples and waveforms. Thank you again

Posted : 14/09/2023 4:10 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Sorry I couldn't be more help but I have always created waveforms manually as I described above.

I know that Sample Robot can take samples for you but I don't know if it can actually create the waveform banks for you or if you have to create the banks yourself. It may also be that the John Melas tools can create waveforms and banks using the samples that Sample Robot creates.

I do think you will find it useful to actually play around in the edit waveform area to get a feel for what is going on. You can't do any damage since anything you do will be restricted to the User Wavefor you created and you can always delete it when you are done.

Posted : 14/09/2023 4:36 am
Posts: 12
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Topic starter

You are more than helpful.. I know how it works now.. I totally forgot about the waveforms. I will do with sample robot and and check it montage whether it has multiple waveforms and keybanks, If not I will try the John melas editor which I have.. Thank you very much for your great help

Posted : 14/09/2023 5:37 am
Posts: 818
Prominent Member

Hi @Deminda,
With SampleRobot Montage Edition you can export the waveforms (all the layers of a piano) to a .X7L library or .X7U User file.
Then load into the Montage as a Library or User memory (loading the User memory file will wipe your existing User memory, so best to do a User memory backup first! 😉

When I sampled 8 layers of a VST piano, I think I saved my User memory on the Montage, then loaded the SampleRobot .X7U file, created a new piano Performance from one of the CFX presets, but repointed the Element waveforms to the VST piano waveforms, then tweaked it quite a bit. Once done, I saved User memory as a Library.

I think I added more details about the setup and process on this forum somewhere, but can't remember what the topic name was. Maybe search this forum for more detailed info..!?

Posted : 14/09/2023 5:55 pm
Posts: 818
Prominent Member

I found it. Here is the link:

Posted : 14/09/2023 5:59 pm

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