Hello dear Masters.
I'm wondering whether it is possible to increase the length of previously recorded part.
For instance I recorded drums for scene 1, 4 measures length and then added bass on another part - 8 measures.
Later a realise that I actually want the drums part to be 8 measures as well, because the first measure should start with crash cymbal.
If I simply overdub I get the cymbal on measures 1 and 5, but I want to have it only on measure one.
Couldn't find any way to do that rather then record 8 measures again.
I'm wondering whether it is possible to increase the length of previously recorded part.
For instance I recorded drums for scene 1, 4 measures length and then added bass on another part - 8 measures.
Later a realise that I actually want the drums part to be 8 measures as well, because the first measure should start with crash cymbal.
If I simply overdub I get the cymbal on measures 1 and 5, but I want to have it only on measure one.
Here’s how:
Part 1, Drums, 4 measures —Scene 1, Track 1
Part 2, Bass, 8 measures — Scene 1, Track 2
__What you want to do “Copy” the Drums from Scene 1/Track 1 to Scene 2/Track 1
Tap “Edit/Job” > “Track” > “Copy”
__Then you can use the “Append” Job to append Scene 2/Track 1 onto the end of Scene 1/Track 1
Tap “Append”
This will create an 8 measure Drum Phrase in Scene 1, Track 1.
It will also increase the current Scene Length to 12 measures... as follows:
The Drums now play 8 measures, at the same time the Bass plays its 8 measures.
The Drums will be tacit (rest) for measures 9-12, while the Bass will repeat measures 1-4 _ Then the whole thing will repeat
Set the LENGTH = 8 Measures...
now both the Drums and Bass are 8 measures.
Overdub your Crash Cymbal on the Drum Track 1
Extra Credit:
If Scene 2 is occupied, please realize you can COPY the 4 Drum measures to any blank Scene... (even in another Pattern) then you can APPEND that data onto the end of your original 4 measures.
The SPLIT job allows you to shorten the length of any Scene Track - By sending the data after the Split measure to "OFF"
Thanks a lot, BM!
Indeed, once you realise that patterns/scenes can be used for temporary stuff and are completely disposable, it opens up a wide range of options.