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Hello, im happing to join this forum. I have some issues im dealing with my montage 8. I watched Phil's badmisters video and i was able to setup my montage as a vst and use the inbuilt sounds for recording. The issue i have right now is, how do i save my projects on my DAW such that when i open my DAW the next time, i will still have those sounds setup and called back during playback? Its been an issue. Kindly assist guys. Thanks

Posted : 22/02/2019 11:05 pm
Posts: 7912
Illustrious Member

... not that there's a lot of variance - but it may be good to document the DAW you're using here. Since eventually we may learn the "setup" you want saved is not something Montage Connect handles - but something your DAW needs to manage.

The first message splinters off to the second. Shows the progression of support for the same general question for someone with Cubase. Eventually with resolution.

Posted : 23/02/2019 12:01 am
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

having some issues with Montage Connect too. It only remembers one performance (in Cubase). If I add another performance to a project then it will only remember that new sound and the first one will be gone...thow it might not do this in every project, I think I did get it to remember several performances before, but go figure. not gonna waste any more time trying to figure out what the hell is wrong again.
so, really, for me the old notebook and pen work better to document the sounds I'm using in a song.

Posted : 25/02/2019 10:04 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 191
Member Admin

Montage Connect remembers multiple Performances. You can store and recall them as needed. Are you wondering about having more than one Performance happening at the same time in a single project? I'm unclear what you are wondering about.

Posted : 25/02/2019 10:24 pm
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Estimable Member

HI Blake, I start a project with performance A. Then, after bouncing this to audio, I add another track with performance B and I set up a second Montage connect track to save performance B. Now both Montage connect tracks have performance B stored in them. Performance A has vanished.

Posted : 25/02/2019 11:42 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 191
Member Admin

I only use a single instance of Connect when using multiple performances and change performances within the connect app itself (after capturing the Performances in question). I save the Performances in Cubase in the same way I would a virtual instrument. So my work flow is similar to yours:

1. Start with Performance A
2. Do my MIDI sequencing with that Performance
3. Create a MIDI Folder Track and move the MIDI sequences related to Performance A into that folder. I find this helps with organizing things...
4. Bounce to Audio then MUTE the MIDI folder track containing those tracks.
5. Go to connect and either; A) select a new Performance directly in MONTAGE and capture then save in the Connect app or; B) recall a previously saved Performance.
6. Repeat, but playing to the rendered audio tracks from he previous Performance.

If I need to fix something in the previous performance I recall that one, re do the midi track and re bounce.

Again, I only use a single instance of connect all the time and capture/save/recall from there. Are you using more than one Montage?

Posted : 01/03/2019 5:07 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

no, just one Monatge πŸ˜‰ this is somewhat confusing, what do you mean by single instance of connect? I am using more than one instrument track with connect as the instrument. how would you even possibly save several sounds on one single connect instrument track? if that works then I donΒ΄t know anything about it.
but even several instrument tracks donΒ΄t work in my case. all the instrument tracks end up only saving one Montage performance.

Posted : 04/03/2019 9:33 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 191
Member Admin

Okay, here you go: This is how I work in pictures!

Connect1.jpg shows MONTAGE Connect and the preset save/load.
Connect2.jpg shows my presets. I just got a new computer so I don't have a whole lot but you see captured Performances that I can freely load and recall once I have them captured. (and I've been using MODX and CP a whole lot lately...MONTAGE is getting more love now so there will be MORE!)
Project1.jpg is just a bit about how I work with some dialog in the jpg.

Does this make sense Gabi?

Attached files

Posted : 07/03/2019 11:28 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

Hi Blake, thanks for the screenshots. So, I guess, you have to save the performances to Media Bay folders and then search for them there. Montage Connect does not automatically recall more than one performance within a project then. I thought that it could do that. I thought that, since as soon as a project is opened, the Montage switches to the perfomance that was last used in that project - without having to store that one to any folder or do anyhting at all - that if you have several Montage Connect instrument tracks, it could automatically recall one performance per track. I guess I was wrong. Guess I didnΒ΄t study the instructions well enough...

Posted : 08/03/2019 9:36 am
Blake Angelos
Posts: 191
Member Admin

You can have a single Performance--with 16 Parts--active in a Project. Remember that a single Part is powerful entity with 8 elements, each with a selection of 18 different filter types, FEG, AEG, LFO, two simultaneous insertion effects, etc. So having up to 16 simultaneously is pretty powerful. I do my basic structural sequencing with drums (1 part), bass (1 part), guitar maybe (1 part), electric piano (1 part)...etc. That is a single Performance. In fact the majority of my music I can do with a single Performance...but when I want to add a HUGE string section or a cool multi part FM arp thing I can bring that in by recalling in Connect. We put that audio interface in MONTAGE for a reason: it's part of the workflow when creating huge orchestrations with MONTAGE. It encourages you to render audio, which I think is really an important feature.

You underestimate the power of a single PART! (spoken in my best Vader voice).

And I actually really like Media Bay for storing Performances. You can use the Cubase tagging system and customize it to your hearts content. It's a pretty good solution.

Posted : 08/03/2019 8:50 pm
Posts: 7912
Illustrious Member

Note that the current system may be great once you know how to work it. That said - it's not bad to articulate a pie-in-the-sky workflow that would improve efficiency say in Cubase projects where multiple Performances may be required under one Cubase project. Since Yamaha has influence over this eco-system (Keyboard, Drivers, Plugin - at least Connect, DAW) - there is some chance of the "long game" improving how easy it is to manage a multi-performance project. This doesn't preclude tips on how to mange the project with what's available today - just that there should be space to discuss areas where things may be improved for the distant future.

Simplifying complexity is a big part of what helps differentiate. It also can place more features in the higher bin products (Cubase Pro vs Artist and below).

Posted : 09/03/2019 10:04 pm

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